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It's Ham Vs.Ham As Radio Amateurs Are In Conflict At ARRL

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by KX4OM, Oct 7, 2018.

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  1. KX4OM

    KX4OM Ham Member QRZ Page

    That is the headline from for October 6, 2018. Here is the text, in quotes (all information in quotes is from the Slashdot article) which contains a link to Bruce Perens, K6BP blog. He is calling for action on voting for new directors of Central, Hudson, New England, Northwestern and Roanoke. I provided a link, as it did not appear correctly in this post.

    "Bruce Perens co-founded the Open Source Initiative with Eric Raymond -- and he's also Slashdot reader #3872. But this week he wrote in with some news from the world of amateur (or "ham") radio:
    "ARRL has been the USA's representative organization for Amateur Radio for over a century. More recently, the organization has replaced transparency and democratic representation of its membership with confidentiality, policies to stifle dissent, and punishment of their own leadership when they get out of line. A vote happening this month offers members a chance to get back in control."

    "The open letter at that link -- signed by several AARL (sic) life members (including Perens), argues that "The members are not currently represented as they should be, due to the continued application of a policy meant for a for-profit corporate board," adding that "The only whistle-blower on the board was publicly castigated for informing us."

    "The currently-suspended rules that go against the member's interest are temporarily suspended, and could be restored."

    The link is

    Ted, KX4OM
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2018
    W0BTU and N2AMM like this.
  2. N1SCA

    N1SCA Ham Member QRZ Page

    wow :eek:
  3. N1SCA

    N1SCA Ham Member QRZ Page

    that's why I never renewed my membership at aarl its sad its all about money. ive been a member for years and they jacked up the membership. its great org. but seems like they don't care far less . this is a hobby not a money maker, me as a ham I stand tall like iam do what I love is ham radio don't put politics in this. do what we all enjoy is ham radio. I have the right to say about what I had to say.:mad: no wise crack remarks please.
    NR1R, R9OY, KI4ZUQ and 3 others like this.
  4. WG7X

    WG7X Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    You do remember where you posted this, right?
    N4AWP, K4RKY, N1VAU and 4 others like this.
  5. AE1N

    AE1N Ham Member QRZ Page

    All this TRAUMA in our wonderful hobby. I'm sure many members are rethinking if their membership is worth renewing! After all there are tons of great websites supporting the hobby. And QST is just a collection of ads. Try cutting out any Non-Article page from any QST and it will to about 60 percent of its size! Just food for thought ....
    R9OY, N4AWP, N7TZZ and 6 others like this.
  6. N1SCA

    N1SCA Ham Member QRZ Page

    lol more like firestarter paper for your out door fire pit all them ads:eek: don't get me wrong its a great org. but don't like how things been. they helped me in the past but a lot of politics and it should not be in ham radio its a passion not a marketing org. I met to say. and wg7x yes I know thank you have a nice day.;)
    R9OY, NE1LL and K5VZD like this.
  7. KM1H

    KM1H Ham Member QRZ Page

    I urge all ARRL members in Divisions that are having elections next month to vote for a Board of Directors overhaul, I already mailed my ballot.

    AE8EM, N8OA, NE1LL and 2 others like this.
  8. KM4KGN

    KM4KGN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I kicked the ARRL to the curb a few months ago...right after they refused to step in when it was discovered that KY Section Leadership appointed a convicted child molester to serve in an ARES Leadership position.

    That situation pretty much proved to me that the entire organization is a joke.
    R9OY, KK3Q, N7TZZ and 6 others like this.
  9. KN4GEX

    KN4GEX Ham Member QRZ Page

    I looked into joining when I first became a ham and it just seemed like I would be paying for almost nothing, and it looked like a lot of work for no representation.
    KC1DR, KJ7BQI and NE1LL like this.
  10. N2RJ

    N2RJ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    It’s one of the reasons I am running for director. I want to help put an end to this infighting, maximize transparency to members and bring about real change and progress. If you are a member, vote. If you’ve dropped your membership, I’m hoping that we can win you back when we are elected. Membership numbers are a real concern and ARRL has to do better at attracting and retaining members.

    We are getting encouraging signs of support and many are coming out of the woodwork to support us. This crop of challengers has experts in the fields of business, finance, IT, engineering and law. We have graduates from top universities including MIT and Harvard and two published authors. Most importantly we have active, dedicated hams. All of these challengers are life members, and some even beyond including maxim and diamond club.Trust me when I say that if we win, things are going to be very different in Newington.
    R9OY, VK3KFK, W3LES and 18 others like this.
  11. KG5THG

    KG5THG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Even though I'm not in your region, I wish you the best of luck! We don't seem to be able to vote for anyone but an incumbent in this country anymore (it actually has been that way for a few decades now. Money talks). I hope the tides are turning.
    N1SCA, WQ4G and N2RJ like this.
  12. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    ARRL - all about 90s tech - 1890s.

    Which is to say the organization has outlived both its original purpose and any usefulness.

    As I read these unending posts about the ARRL - I am struck that it is more about a battle of monumental egos that 'serving the hobby'

    I was a member back in the late 1970s. Never again.

    Good luck with 'your club'
    NA1S and ND6M like this.
  13. KM4NYI

    KM4NYI Ham Member QRZ Page

    The ARRL (or any other group that may come along in an attempt to take its place) will never be able to please everyone in the amateur radio realm. No matter what they do, there's going to be people who aren't happy. Getting the ham community to band together would be like trying to herd cats.
    WU8Y and KG5THG like this.
  14. ND6M

    ND6M Ham Member QRZ Page

    We are not talking about "everyone", the fact is only about 1 of 5 U.S.Amateurs are members.

    There just might be a REASON for that number;).
    WB5THT and KK5JY like this.
  15. KM4NYI

    KM4NYI Ham Member QRZ Page

    1 out of 5 isn't bad, really. Out of the active amateur radio licensees in my county, I'd guess the 1-in-5 ratio applies to membership in our local club (and we're one of the larger clubs in the region). Heck, I'd bet 2 out of every 5 licensees in my area are rarely (if ever) even on the air. It would be interesting if there was a way to ascertain how many active ham operators are ARRL members.

    As for me, I'm an ARRL member because that's the best (actually, the only) option out there. Could they make improvements? Certainly. Of course, that won't happen until the members start taking an active role in the nomination and election process. Nothing's going to change until the majority of members stand up and push for change. I may not like everything they do, but at least they have influence with the FCC and in my opinion, the good outweighs the bad.

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