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Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by KC8FCW, Jan 24, 2007.

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  1. KC4MYV

    KC4MYV Ham Member QRZ Page

    great job mike and when i get my ft 101e back from a friend who is fixing it for me i hope we can meet on the air
  2. KC4MYV

    KC4MYV Ham Member QRZ Page

    saturday the 24 feb 07 gonna be a long day
  3. KC8YXA

    KC8YXA Ham Member QRZ Page

    You Can Say That again
  4. N1BHH

    N1BHH Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think it comes fron the Corn Flakes box, or maybe Fruit Loops. And I wish people would at least use the proper grammar. It sure would be nice to keep the conversation simple, too. It don't take much effort.
  5. KB9YFI

    KB9YFI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Best orphan Annie voice:

    Tomorrow, tomorrow -is only a day Ahhhhhh-WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

  6. KC8YXA

    KC8YXA Ham Member QRZ Page

    11 hours and counting:p
  7. K8PG

    K8PG QRZ Lifetime Member #333 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    no more whinning about I cant I cant -HERE COME THE NEW CBERS

  8. K4ML

    K4ML Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Mike, I hope to hear you on HF soon, voice or CW, and would then consider it an honor to receive your QSL card, as I would frame it in my shack.

    Nice goin'!
    Ron, K4ML
  9. KC0KBC

    KC0KBC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks, Ron and Ron! One correction, however - it is I who would be honored to work either of you on the air. I look forward to it! [​IMG]
  10. N1JBS

    N1JBS Ham Member QRZ Page

    where? tell me the frequency.....
  11. KI4JCE

    KI4JCE Ham Member QRZ Page

    There are more sour apples in here then at a produce stand! Lemons can't hold a candle to some of you.

    Yes I turned in the element 3 CSCE on the 24th and am now a proud NC General/AG. Studying for the Extra as we speak. (I can hear the blood boiling in some of you already) I can see by some comments on here that I am not a welcome HAM by many of those that I would hope to have Elmer me as my hobby expanded. [​IMG] Tis a true shame to say the least. Talk about advancing our hobby.

    I have purchased around fifty dollars worth of code software that I can now, at my leisure, learn the code with. The black (gotta get it done) cloud is not there anymore. I just hope it doesn't take as long as it has to learn playing a guitar. $1000 dollars worth of musical equipment and 20 years of practice and I can still only play five chords. [​IMG]

    The question is if I do pass the 5wpm CW test will I have anymore respect from those that passed the 20 or 13WPM test? Doubt it!

    I have to admit that the VECs at my test session were awesome. Each one of them congratulated me and wished me well in the hobby. Even as a NC General, to me it is a sense of accomplishment, no matter what the "code no go crowd" has to say.

    I know 11 "code" hams in my area and only one called to see if I got my General ticket. I can feel the love already! Can you?? If you don't want to QSO with me they put a OFF button on your radio for a reason. Do me a favor and use it. Some of your piss poor attitudes really make this an inviting hobby. NOT!!!

    Just because you had to learn to drive a stick shift doesn't mean I did. Some of you must have been really pissed when the automatic transmission came out! [​IMG]

    73 KI4JCE
  12. KB9YFI

    KB9YFI Ham Member QRZ Page



    AS for the rest of the lemon-heads. Chew on this sour-ball:

  13. K3NEP

    K3NEP Ham Member QRZ Page

    CONGRATS to you KI4JCE !
    I to went on sat. the 24th & upgraded to gen.I got my nct in jan. when i first came on here & made a post,I almost had my head taken off by one of those sour apples !,Dont let it bother you,I dont.I have had a GREAT time ragchewin with MANY OT,& have been welcomed with open arms by most all,there have been a few sour apples tryin to cause [harmful interference] ,but dont let any of that kiddy, cb mentality bother you !!It is strange though,that that is what they where afraid of from us new comers [​IMG] go figuire [​IMG] [​IMG] ..Well enjoy your new hf freqs. I know i will.......3,s........KB3OKP//AG
  14. WB8YUE

    WB8YUE Ham Member QRZ Page

    I to went on Saturday and upgraded from tech to nc general. To those of that that this offends I hope I don't run into you on the air when I finally get a rig and get on HF. For the rest of you it will be an honor to have a qso with you.
  15. N1JBS

    N1JBS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great work- congrats!!

    Since I live about 8 miles from the ARRL, I decided to visit this weekend. The place was very busy with new hams and I enjoyed it so much that I went back on Sunday and brought my son, who is now showing much more interest than ever before.

    So for the guys that wont talk to me, that attitude is NOT present in Newington, Conn, where everyone is encouraged- not put down! (take a HINT!)
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