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Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by KU2US, May 13, 2017.

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  1. WG7X

    WG7X Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    OK... Well it's not a bad thing to generate activity on the ham bands whether it is the WARC bands or the "regular" bands. Despite protests to the contrary, an event like the 13 colonies is not a contest, point gathering or WAS activity. It was simply an activity that was supposed to generate activity on the bands and to give the goal oriented folks something to shoot for.

    I am sometimes not a huge fan of this stuff, but I'm not going to disparage anyone's desire to do it. Conditions being what they are, most any activity is better than none. The WARC bands can stand a bit of action too, even if it does fill the band(s).

    My opinion only of course. During this particular event, I had some time off, so I was listening to some of the action during times that I was in the shack. Only worked a couple of them but what the heck, most of the other folks seemed to be having fun, and isn't that the point?
    KQ4MM likes this.
  2. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    KF5RRF, N8SAN and W4DAF like this.
  3. N8SAN

    N8SAN Ham Member QRZ Page

    K2HAT likes this.
  4. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    Several people have gotten them already. I mailed my log sheet and extra $$ on 6th July, 2017.
    N8SAN likes this.
  5. KG5JNT

    KG5JNT Ham Member QRZ Page

    ^This and operators using 1kW amps when conditions are good enough to make contact with 100w or less..... I swear, I think the lights in my house got brighter a couple times when some of these keyed up 5 states away.....
    W6NYA and N3AB like this.
  6. WA6MHZ

    WA6MHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Mine arrived yesterday!!!
    LIGHTNING FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks SO MUCH KEN, and all the valiant ops as well!!!! Wonderful event!!!
  7. WJ4U

    WJ4U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Guess I need to send my form in to get the cert. ;)
  8. W6VMX

    W6VMX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Mine just came in (7-20-17) today. Fun event.......
    13 Colony Cert.jpg
  9. WB2MJG

    WB2MJG Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Are all these special event stations planning on uploading to QRZ and/or LOTW? It appears that most have not yet, though both bonus stations have. And thanks for all the effort put into this event, it was a blast to work you all!!
  10. KA2FIR

    KA2FIR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm planning to upload to LOTW. I've already done on clublog. I understand I need request another certificate for K2I from TQSL.

  11. WB2MJG

    WB2MJG Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


    First: thanks again for the entire effort! I know you folks put a LOT of time and effort in.

    Maybe I'm just not on enough logging sites, I mainly use QRZ and LOTW, and keep them in sync. But as of today it appears to me that 9 other 4th of July stations haven't uploaded data to either of them: K2 A, B, D, F, G, H, J, L and M. Some of these I had multiple contacts with as well, so I am sure I was in their logs. Would it help if I was on clublog as well? I am not familiar with that site.

    All the Best
  12. KA2FIR

    KA2FIR Ham Member QRZ Page

    You can search any log that is uploaded to clublog. I just searched you call in the K2I log and found 2 contacts on 40 and 20 ssb.
    WB2MJG likes this.
  13. AA0CW

    AA0CW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Got my clean sweep certificate in the mail today! Never had a clean sweep before in anything. Thanks for the effort and time yall put in this.
    K2HAT likes this.
  14. N8SAN

    N8SAN Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's great! I'm patiently waiting for mine. When did you mails yours in? I didn't until the 10th. Wanted all the time to try to get the overseas contact.
  15. N8SAN

    N8SAN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hello everyone, been almost a month since I've submitted mine.
    I'm SURE they received a lot, just wondering how long I should wait before re-submitting?
    If a couple months is normal than I'll go back into hibernation. :D

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