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Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by KU2US, May 13, 2017.

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  1. N6MRS

    N6MRS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I have not been able to get into the website today. Anyone know if site is up and operational?
  2. KC9OSX

    KC9OSX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Site is still down.
    All I need, is K2H, preferably 40 or 10
  3. N6QIC

    N6QIC Ham Member QRZ Page

    The site is down, explained on the KU2US page.
    Also info on the KA2FIR page.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2017
  4. K9ASE

    K9ASE XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    K2H is on 14.231 right now
    N6QIC likes this.
  5. K3DW

    K3DW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Got the clean sweep and 1 bonus station. :)
    KF5RRF likes this.
  6. KF5RRF

    KF5RRF Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Same here. First year to do either!
    K3DW likes this.
  7. KK4PUX

    KK4PUX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    W1G was special event for Gettysburg not 13 colonies
  8. WA5NTF

    WA5NTF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Had a great time working the 13 Colonies stations. Band conditions weren't the best, but stayed with it until I got all 13 stations and worked a few a second time near the end to thank them for their efforts. I am curious about WM3PEN because I could never hear it. I was watching DX Summit and saw it listed many times, but was either unable to hear at all or was too weak to pull in. I know a lot of people worked him because I could hear stations calling in, but just never came out of the noise for me. Does any one know if they were QRP or were beaming Europe or some other reason they weren't making it south to Texas. As I said all the 13 colony stations came in fine, so just wonder why I couldn't hear him. I guess the band gods were not favoring Pa to Tx when I was listening! LOL

    Thanks again to all ops that were manning the special event stations and looking forward to next year. 73 de WA5NTF
  9. KD5RC

    KD5RC Ham Member QRZ Page

    I was able to work that station on 20m SSB in Southeast Texas last night. I was operating from our clubhouse right down the road from my house. It is equipped with a tri-band yagi about 50 ft in the air. I was running 100w. I don't know if that perspective helps but there you go.
    WA5NTF likes this.
  10. NN4F

    NN4F Ham Member QRZ Page

    K2L WILL be sending cards, it's a long story as to why we originally decided NOT to QSL only via LOTW/EQSL, but we will NOW be sending CARDS if you send a SASE

    Paul - NN4F/K2L Manager
    W6NYA and WJ4U like this.
  11. AA0CW

    AA0CW Ham Member QRZ Page

  12. W4DAF

    W4DAF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Clean sweep plus WM3PEN Bonus Station - all done mobile on SSB !!! I'm stoked, this was my 1st year at doing this and now I can't wait til next year !
    K9ASE, KQ4MM, KF5RRF and 1 other person like this.
  13. KQ4MM

    KQ4MM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Same here, first time doing this event as well .. Been gone a long time (25 years) and getting back on now and this was the first event I worked since back.. It was a blast..

    And special thanks to Paul - NN4F/K2L Manager, So sorry that some folks were rude, People need to remember that this is a volunteer effort by these people and that the work load is incredible after the event is over. Big thanks Paul and the other clubs and folks for taking the time to make this event so successful...


    W4DAF and KF5RRF like this.
  14. WA5NTF

    WA5NTF Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm sure the beam helped on 20m, I was using a vertical, but still heard all the colony stations easily. Worked several on 40m as well, but never heard WM3PEN on any band. Thanks for your response!
  15. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    At one time 17 meter was coverup with stations I heard numerous DX stations making a comment about contest operation, this was an activity event but it appears to be almost a contest because of collection points or States. Under the WARC Bands IARU agreement which has been codified in the official records states: "Contest activity and point collections shall not take place on the 10, 18 and 24 MHz bands". Many USA stations are violating the spirit of these rules, with all the Special Event Stations, or QSO parties, which are just forms of "Point Collections". It just makes it harder for us DX stations to use these smaller bands (So think about it, and tell the ARRL, that all of these QSO parties and Special Events on the WARC Bands are sending a bad massage to the rest of the world, about USA Hams.

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