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Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by KU2US, May 13, 2017.

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  1. KU2US

    KU2US Ham Member QRZ Page

    Join us July 1st to the 6th for the 9th annual 13 Colonies Special event, celebrating our nation's independence and honoring our Vets and active military. Start time is 0900 July 1st and ends 0400 July 7th. Please visit our new website at
    KV4VO, N9PWM, W3TPL and 1 other person like this.
  2. KD2NOM

    KD2NOM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Looking forward to working this event this year!
  3. AE1N

    AE1N Ham Member QRZ Page

    If want to visit a true sampling of the TOP operators from the 13 Colonies, then listen to them on the air! They participate via invitation only!
  4. W3TPL

    W3TPL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Looking forward to the event... finally the kick in the pants I need to get my 40m antenna hung!
  5. WA6MHZ

    WA6MHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Most anxious for this event!!!
    SE OPS!!!: West Coast Calling!!!
  6. WA6MHZ

    WA6MHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Kind of a slow start for this!! Only W1G on this evening and he was on 40M with no West Coast Prop. Maybe it will heat up tomorrow. Meanwhile 6M was open to the East Coast. I worked a couple VA stations. Wish the W1* was on 6!!
  7. N8SAN

    N8SAN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Is it just me or are the stations hard to hear? I've tried both my mobile and base stations. I can hear everyone else calling, but not the station itself.
    I'm only at I the only one?
  8. WR2E

    WR2E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Pat,. W1? The 13 colonies are all. K2 callsigns.

    Not too bad here, at least on CW anyway. Haven't listened for SSB. Ithink I got 7 today.

  9. N8QDR/SK2024

    N8QDR/SK2024 Ham Member QRZ Page

  10. AD8AB

    AD8AB Ham Member QRZ Page

    still looking for K2M on 40meters to fininsh my list
  11. KJ3N

    KJ3N Ham Member QRZ Page

    What bands are you trying?

    I got beaten up pretty good last night on 80m SSB. Put 290 contacts into the K2E coffer in about 2.25 hours. Broke 1,000 total contacts some time this morning while on 40m.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2017
  12. KJ4YQK

    KJ4YQK Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Are they allow to operate on 17 Meters? A little confuse here.
  13. KJ4YQK

    KJ4YQK Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Did a little research, I guess Special Event station is not consider a contest. Learn something new.
  14. N8SAN

    N8SAN Ham Member QRZ Page

    20m mainly.
    But I cannot hear anything on 17.
    40 I heard K2K 30min ago like he was next door. But I already had that state.
    I could hear K2G ok.... 5/3 maybe, but had that state as well.

    I have a Mosley tri bander, BUT it's a really low 18-20' temporary mount, but I figured I SHOULD be able to hear them.
    When I've heard stations I'm able to make the qso quickly.
    Good thing this event goes on for another 6 days! This will be my first Special Event Certificate and I really want it! :)
  15. N5TWB

    N5TWB Ham Member QRZ Page

    If you don't have it, K2M (PA) is strong here and working a bunch on 14303. I can't find another station on any of the spotted frequencies. I need A, F, H, I, and the two bonus stations.

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