CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest: Feb 12, 0000Z to Feb 13, 2359Z Rules: http://www.cqwpxrtty.com/rules.htm Logs: https://www.cqwpxrtty.com/logcheck/
2022-01-22 1800Z to 2022-01-23 0600Z "This is an opportunity for your College Club station to compete with any college and university in North...
Jan 8, 1800Z to Jan 9, 2400Z Rules: http://www.arrl.org/rtty-roundup Logs: http://contest-log-submission.arrl.org/
Back in 1967, RTTY Journal published the code to play "Jingle Bells" on a teletypewriter. In this video Duncan Brown, K2OEQ, gives a virtuoso...
The North American QSO Party on RTTY will be on Saturday July 17. Our friendly exchange is a Name and State (or Province or Country). Five...
Dear YL, OM , SWL The PACCdigi contest team invites you to take part in the first Dutch PACCdigi contest. The contest will take place April 17,...
Dear YL, OM , SWL We would like to invite you to take part in the first Dutch PACCdigi contest. The contest will take place April 17, 2021 from...
RTTY Fans Feb 27, 1800Z to Feb 28, 0559Z (Worldwide) Rules: http://www.ncjweb.com/NAQP-Rules.pdf
Does anyone know what the RTTY activity was this morning 20M RTTY? Were they running 45 Baud? I couldn't decode. Thanks & 73 Rory, K5CKS
The results of the 6th international Contest R3A-CUP-DIGI - RTTY Cup of «MSK TIME» 2020 are published. The Contest took place on March, 27th. To...
«MSK TIME» Cup in digital mode on shortwave R3A-CUP-DIGI is organized by the Russian Digital Radio Club and will be held annually on the last...
Tired from FT8 monotony? Concerned about the activity restrictions due to new COVID 19 pandemic? How about interesting and easy contest? Where...
New Years Day, Starts at 0000Z, 1 Jan 2020.. for 24 hours. Most activity should be during the day time hours. Turn you radio on and make some...
On October 30th the results of the 6th international competition Russian WW Digital Contest 2019 for the radio on HF digital modes BPSK63 and RTTY...
Dear Fellow Radio Amateurs, The Russian Digital Radio Club has the honour to invite the radio amateurs all over the world to: 6th Russian WW...
You are invited to join a live stream from a presentation given by Lee KD4RE about history of SSB. The discussion will include a little history...
The first, of I hope regular, Green Keys Nights was January 1st to coincide with Straight Key Night. The purpose of the event as per the ARRL was...
[IMG] Makrothen is coming! The Makrothen RTTY Contest is less than 2 weeks away! Originally conceived by Waldemar Kebsch, DK3VN and now...
Tomorrow (03 may 2018) at 11:00 UTC will be lunched Ham Radio Balloon from Wrocław (Poland). expected burst: 30 km. expected transmissions:...
In recent years there has been an explosion in the number of digital modes available to use on the amateur radio bands. Originally there was just...