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Welcome to R3A-CUP-DIGI : RTTY Cup of «MSK TIME» 27 March 2020

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by RK3DSW, Mar 25, 2020.

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  1. RK3DSW

    RK3DSW Ham Member QRZ Page

    «MSK TIME» Cup in digital mode on shortwave R3A-CUP-DIGI is organized by the Russian Digital Radio Club and will be held annually on the last Friday of March. In 2020, the contest will be held on March, 27 from 17:00-19:59 UTC on 80 and 40 meters band. Type of modulation: RTTY45. The Contests are conducted in three tours, length by one hour each: 17:00-17:59 UTC, 18:00-18:59 UTC, 19:00-19:59 UTC. Recommended frequencies: 3.582-3.600; 7.042-7.050. Dupe contacts are permitted in different tours but in one tour on different bands. QSO's by a principle ALL TO ALL. The output power should not exceed the resolved power according to the radioamateur license of the participant.

    One subgroup - SOAB - SINGLE-OP ALL - Single-Operator, All Bands:
    - World - all the countries except for Russia,
    - European Russia (except Moscow),
    - Asiatic Russia
    - Moscow;
    Participants can work on one band but there will only be the overall standing.
    If the foreign radio amateur works from territory of Russia (for example, RA/EW0AA) he will be transfered to foreign participants.

    Number Exchange: Participants from Moscow send RST plus 2-letters abbreviation of Moscow Area Code, example for Lefortovo - 599 LF. Participants from Russia, as well as foreign radio amateurs on the territory of Russia (expect for Moscow) send RST plus 4-letters abbreviation of Russian Area RDA Code, example for Elektrostal - 599 MO54. Participants from other countries and territories (except Russia) will send RST and serial number beginning with 001, for example, 599 001. The numeration on bands is current. General call - "CQ MSK-CUP".

    Certificates to all participants (except for CheckLog) under condition of carrying out not less than 70% confirmed QSOs. Certificates in electronic form will be made for loading on a site AWARDS.RDRCLUB.RU


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