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DigiFest 2020

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by UX3UU, Mar 23, 2020.

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  1. UX3UU

    UX3UU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Tired from FT8 monotony? Concerned about the activity restrictions due to new COVID 19 pandemic?

    How about interesting and easy contest? Where you can enjoy rare modes, new prefixes and real prizes?

    Rig Expert Antenna Analyzers
    AA-55 zoom
    Stick 230
    titles T- shirts and fun from our hobby

    Hint: the distance is the key factor of this competition! Meaning that all amateurs from outside of Europe, e.g. America continents, Australia, Asia have great chances to win.

    Remember, the further you are from Ukraine, the closer you are to winning the prize! We will be happy to answer your questions here.

    Read more:
    UR5GAW and UT2UM like this.
  2. UT2UM

    UT2UM Ham Member QRZ Page


    In 2018, I won a t-shirt in the All Bands category, Single Mode Hellschreiber 8 Hours.

    UR5GAW likes this.
  3. UX3UU

    UX3UU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Friends, we are redy to fly ! May propagation be with us =)

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