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Ham Radio is "faintly embarrasing?"

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KV9Y, Dec 28, 2004.

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  1. KV9Y

    KV9Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    While TIME magazine has previously held rather high literary stature, a recent article demands its position be re-evaluated.

    In TIME's honoring of their Blog Of The Year, Lev Grossman writes "Before this year, blogs were a curiosity, a cult phenomenon, a faintly embarrassing hobby on the order of ham radio and stamp collecting." Ham, or amateur radio has never been "embarrasing" and the people who are members of this world-wide fraternity should be proud of thier hobby, not embarrased.

    The above excerpt is from the TIME website:,8599,1009842,00.html There is a full press release about "Blog Of The Year" but only TIME subsribers are allowed to view it on-line.

    If this is indeed Mr. Grossman's view, then the editors at TIME need to be informed that while ham radio is in no way embarrasing, a publication such as TIME should not allow such a statement to be published. Their e-mail address is

    Ken Linder - KC7RAD
  2. KI4BBL

    KI4BBL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    You can view the section of the article that mentions ham radio. click on the previous link, go to "edit" on the menu bar, click find, and look up "radio" It will take you right to it. The comment is, however, ignorance, sheer ignorance.
  3. N0OV

    N0OV Guest

    Welcome to the world.

    I agree that having Ham Radio has a hobby is not embarrasing in the least.

    However, in the world of mobile phones, internet, plastic cards and liberal credit the "I want it now" crowd views what we do for fun as a little odd.

    Why would anyone anyone want to purchase radios, string wire, place antennas and call for hours with no guarantee someone on the other end will reply when all you have to do is push a button.

    "chirp chirp - can you hear me now"

    On a more positive note, the few who are joining the ranks often don't have electronics background. This means in order to get the license they actually had to pick up a few books and learn about something they never been exposed to.
  4. KC7JTY

    KC7JTY Banned QRZ Page

    Speak for yourself. I'm sure there are many that disagree with you.
  5. KC8VJD

    KC8VJD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I find the comment totally apalling to be honest. How many times have phone lines and other communications mediums been down during disasters and we have been there to help out? Whoever wrote this article needs to learn more about ham radio before making such comments!
  6. N0OV

    N0OV Guest

    Ok, we're embarrasing geeks until we're needed.

    Then we are classified has helpful embarrasing geeks [​IMG]
  7. K9GKZ

    K9GKZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, of course we are "embarrassing".  Think about it.....

    Our mode of communication (analog radio) predates 8-track tape, television and the popularity of automobiles.

    Our method of communication involves miles of wire and cable in our backyards, noisey heat-producing equipment, interfering with other devices in our neighborhood.

    Our "look" includes many members that smell bad and drive personal scooters.....just visit the local swapmeet.

    Our demographic is built upon the White Male...not in concert with today's Diverse Culture.

    Our spouses and offspring shun us while we sit in dimly-lit rooms talking to strange voices or beeps.

    I personally embrace all that is amateur radio (as stated above).....I am proud to be "embarrassing".
  8. W5LE/SK2024

    W5LE/SK2024 XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I did send Time an email:
    I haven't a clue where Lev Grossman acquired enough stupidity to make such a ridiculous statement about ham radio and stamp collecting being "faintly embarrassing". Who does
    this person think rises to the occasion when natural disasters take their toll, establishing
    emergency communications and such? The ham radio operator...
    I'll not labor the issue, I just want to say that, as a ham radio operator, and as a member of the human race, we've more reason to be "faintly embarrassed" by personages such as Lev Grossman than we do of Ham Radio Operators.
    Gene Lewis
    Mounds, OK
  9. VE3XEM

    VE3XEM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Attached is a copy of the e-mail I sent to Time. Hopefully it says it all . . .

    "I'm sure I join members of the philatelic community, as well as those of us who are amateur radio operators, in finding myself somewhat insulted by having my avocation described as "faintly embarrassing."

    The contributions made by amateur radio operators around the world in times of disaster are well known and recognized.

    Now, hanging all your private thoughts out in a blog, for all to see on the Internet . . . that really is embarrassing.

    I think an apology from Mr. Grossman would be in order.

    Peter Carss VE3XEM
    Ottawa Canada"
  10. K2WH

    K2WH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Just sent my displeasure to Time. Threatened to cancel my subscription unless they retract or apologize for their uninformed statement. Told them they just angered about 600,000 hams in the US and millions around the world.

    Yes sirree. I'll not spend another $ 25.00 with them. That will make them listen. Yes siree.

  11. KG7VG

    KG7VG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Most likely, the author is not a ham and has no idea what the heck he's talking about. Hams are generally cut from different stock by weight of comparison with the rest of the world, but I for one am far from embarrased at my choice of hobby. Hams have to work VERY hard to get licensed and those who were licensed early on had to work even harder than those of us who are fairly new. Why would we want to work so hard for an (even slightly) embarassing hobby??

    We'll see how "embarassing" ham radio is when everyone else calls on us to provide communications in an emergency!

    That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

  12. AD6G

    AD6G Ham Member QRZ Page

    I rate the offending quote merely "faintly embarrassing".

    You think you're put out? Picture Grossman getting up one morning to find his BMW windshield completely plastered with stamps... You don't wanna get those guys mad at ya!

  13. KF4NI

    KF4NI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Apparently Mr. Grossman has not had any knowledge of Ham Radio and the operators who enjoy using it. Ham Radio is a hobby and it has many facets. If he was ever in a situation where he needed the services of ham radio he would retract his assumption of it being a 'blog'!!!
    Ham radio is a great hobby. It also serves as a backup communications for many other services when needed. Hams are the first to help in a crisis and the last to get any recognition for their effort.
    Before he makes such a statement he should get the facts.
    yes. we do have fun and talk all over the world but we do it in the spirit of friendship and understanding. Not hate and discontent.
    Also, the technical side is a benefit to the world as the experiments with antennas and radio also helped put communication in space and the ISS uses it as backup. If it is good enough for NASA and the US Government to use Ham Radio then Mr. Grossman should at least apologize to the hams for his ignorance.

    Ruby Byrd KF4NI
    Ham Radio Operator and proud of it. [​IMG] [​IMG]
  14. N9LYA

    N9LYA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'll never read their magazine again.. Be it a store bought copy or one in a Doctors office... In fact as I see them lying around they will become so much fire place fodder.

    73 Jerry N9LYA
  15. W7DME

    W7DME Ham Member QRZ Page

    I believe that KC7RAD was speaking for himself. That is why the comment had his call sign on it.

    But, as and adult with at least average intelligence, when I do embarrassing things, I try not to repeat them. If being a ham is embarrassing to you, then I suggest you stop doing it. To continue embarrassing yourself is a sign of lower than usual entelligence. Perhaps, we have finally set our standards to qualify for this hobby too low!


    Mike - K7OV
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