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What It's Going to take...

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KY5U, Aug 11, 2005.

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  1. N2MMM

    N2MMM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am in total agreement with you  Reread my post -- You state "The OO system is a a joke" I say STRENGTHEN IT. You said "document the violators. Don’t just make a one recording, recorded them over several days or weeks to demonstrate a pattern of behavior and violations." I said record sounds like the same thing to me, legal casebuilding is based on a pattern of abuse over a long period, look at  K1MAN and Jerk Gerritson. it took years, but they are finally being cleansed from the bands. we are going to have to fight to keep our bands, the enemy is not the no coder but the moron who thinks he can come up on our bands and use them for a toilet. Slam the blocks to those who are bad operators and the FCC will have to acknowledge that the Amateur Radio Service is worth having around.
  2. N2MMM

    N2MMM Ham Member QRZ Page

    N2NH, I LOVE those FL9s
  3. K4JF

    K4JF Ham Member QRZ Page

    As it stands now, that is going to take a heckuvva lot of convincing!
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Perhaps a moment of reflection to consider what wer'e all about :


    Lord, thou knowest better than I know myself that I am growing older and will someday be old. Keep me from the fatal habit of thinking I must say something on every subject and on every occasion.

    Release me from craving to straighten out everybody's affairs.

    Make me thoughtful but not moody; helpful but not bossy. with my vast store of wisdom it seems a pity not to use it all, but Thou knowest Lord that I want a few friends at the end.

    Keep my mind free from the recital of endless details; give me the wings to get to the point. Seal my lips on my aches and pains. They are increasing and love of rehearsing them is becoming sweeter as the years go by. I dare not ask for grace enough to enjoy the tales of other's pains, but help me to endure them with patience.

    I dare not ask for improved memory, but for a growing humility and a lessing of cocksuredness when my memory seems to clash with the memories of others.
    Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be mistaken.

    Keep me reasonably sweet; I do not want to be a Saint - some of them are so hard to live with - but a sour old person is one of the crowning works of the Devil.

    Give me the ability to see good things in unexpected places and talents in unexpected people. And, give me, O Lord, the grace to tell them so.


    73, Howard
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