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What happened to the "List" version of QRZ home page?

Discussion in 'QRZ Site Community Help Center' started by K7IN, Mar 13, 2024.

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  1. KD5BVX

    KD5BVX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    That would be nice but they seemed to indicate that ship has sailed. Seems they felt it was too difficult to maintain the two versions (and, maybe it was a lot of extra work). Instead of going with the more logical list view as the one they kept, they killed it off and gave us all the messy grid view "because more people used the grid view". As WD4IGX mentions above, he wasn't aware of the list view option (though the button was right there at the top of the page). It wasn't really promoted, people didn't know they could use it (and love it), so they had a skewed measurement when they looked at the numbers. Anyway, short's gone, unfortunately...unless they decide to give the customer what they want and can bring it back. But it doesn't seem so.
    K2DFC likes this.
  2. WD4IGX

    WD4IGX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm sure the button was there. I just didn't look for it. I typically go directly to the forums, though I scan the grid for anything of interest. I don't spend much time at all on the entry page.
  3. KD5BVX

    KD5BVX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    The only thing I look at now on the homepage is the swapmeet items. Since it shows a picture preview, sometimes things jump out. Otherwise it's a mess. I also have direct links to some other areas of interest on the site and forums.
    K2DFC and WD4IGX like this.
  4. NK2U

    NK2U XML Subscriber QRZ Page



    It has been quite a few months now since the list view disappeared. Can you give us an update on this "new" QRZ website that you're working on? The front page is still a big mess with a mish-mash of stuff not sorted.


    73, de NK2U
    K4SAX, K7IN and KD5BVX like this.
  5. K7IN

    K7IN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Here we are, six months down the road, and all Jamie offers is to link directly to the forums page. The "completely new version of QRZ" doesn't give me much confidence it will be an improvement of the big 'salad' of grid squares that used to be a choice. For what this site contains, creating something new shouldn't take six months unless it's being done for free, or by some high school kids. If QRZ were a business, they would be in sad shape by now having alienated much of the customer base. I have little faith that this 'new' QRZ will happen before Christmas. Even then, it may turn out to be worse than what we are tolerating now.
    NK2U likes this.
  6. WD4IGX

    WD4IGX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Pretty sure QRZ IS a business, and one that’s apparently doing pretty well.
    NK2U likes this.
  7. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Folks it just takes TIME. Of course we ALL would like to have the "new QRZ" online by now. I've seen it - it's beautiful!

    Please just remember that QRZ is a small company - there are just five of us as paid staff (and I can assure you I have NOTHING to do with the heavy lifting of coding the new site! That's Fred, Steve, and Stephen and their plates are full!).

    Once the big switch gets thrown, there's no going back. So LOTS of "sandbox time" is essential to make sure everything works as it should.

    So - please just continue to have patience and know that EVERYONE "on the inside" wants the new site to launch just as much as you - probably even more!

    NZ4X, WD4IGX and K4SAX like this.
  8. NK2U

    NK2U XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Can you give us a more precise timeline for the "new" QRZ page?

    de NK2U
  9. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Unfortunately I can't tell you - we don't have a firm date set.

  10. KD5BVX

    KD5BVX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Can we get a preview (or partial preview) of the new QRZ?

    As frustrating as it is to deal with the current version, I know it takes a lot of time to rebuild something like this. Perhaps a screenshot of the new homepage, or part of it, would appease some as they see that progress is being made and will be released when ready.
    NK2U likes this.
  11. N3HFS

    N3HFS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I look forward to seeing the new & improved site when it comes.
    I can tell you this: I am never on QRZ's front page...I don't land on it or use it for anything. I don't really know what's there. All I can say is that I avoid it, and I'm not even sure anymore why...but my brain's autopilot generally functions quite well for issues like this on the Web.
    NK2U and KP4SX like this.
  12. NK2U

    NK2U XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Are you allowing people to beta test the new site? If so, I'd like to.

    de NK2U
  13. NK2U

    NK2U XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    I'd like to beta test it if possible!

    de NK2U
  14. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    At this time, there are no beta testing plans but if that becomes an option, one of us will certainly let you know

  15. W2NC

    W2NC Ham Member QRZ Page

    So, you know what to expect, right?

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