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What happened to the "List" version of QRZ home page?

Discussion in 'QRZ Site Community Help Center' started by K7IN, Mar 13, 2024.

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  1. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    It's not my job or place to "expect" things. I'm simply relaying information.

    Simply: "at this time there are no beta testing plans"

    Tomorrow? The 4th of November? January 9th?

    I would have no idea... other than "at this time"

  2. KK4RXC

    KK4RXC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    For the record.
    Still disappointed no list view.
    But Found it helps to not look at the home page.
    NK2U and NB3R like this.
  3. NF6E

    NF6E Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yeah. I think it's time we conclude that there won't be a new home page, at least not until the entire platform is upgraded. Still love and will continue to be a paid member to support the site where I can, but my QRZ home will continue to be this > because I just can't stomach the "McDonalds cash register" version.
    K2DFC likes this.
  4. KK4RXC

    KK4RXC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Same here. Used to look at the propagation block but McLoggerDx gives me the info. I don't like clutter. Blah is better that clutter.
  5. W5RD

    W5RD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    You never miss it until it's gone
  6. K7IN

    K7IN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well, Jamie, we're now coming up on NINE MONTHS since the list view was deleted. NINE MONTHS! Your upcoming "exciting" improvements have failed to materialize. That is shameful! Any webmaster worth any kind of respect could/would have this done months ago. Those improvements are no longer exciting me to be patient. I doubt that my complaint will result in anything at all, and it does appear that we're stuck with this horrible 'salad' of a web page that more than a "few" of us dislike. So, we will just get to suffer because of leadership's knee-jerk decision to make their change permanent while they figure out how to make something that works, that we're supposed to be excited to anticipate its coming. To say I believed what you wrote, is proving true.

    Paul Cavnar, K7IN
    Disgruntled Subscriber
  7. NK2U

    NK2U XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    OK, it's time to revive this thread! It's the 15th of January, 2025... How far along are we with the "new QRZ" website? Any progress reports?

    de NK2U
  8. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    When progress is made, HQ will advise. There's really nothing to add at this time.

  9. K7IN

    K7IN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Wow! Here we are 10 months down the road and ZERO progress, according to Dave, W7UUU, on their "new and exciting" change that we were promised was forthcoming.

    This so-called progress isn't even 'amateur' quality. I have serious doubts anything is going to become of the site, even this year. This used to be my 'home' page but, I had to go to something else because it gives me a headache to have to see anymore. :(
    NK2U likes this.
  10. N3HFS

    N3HFS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    While I look forward to improvements to the home page, I've always set my bookmark straight to the forums.
    I hardly think that publicly berating the management and/or staff will further any progress. I'd generally express my dissatisfaction by privately discussing the matter when possible, and pulling my tangible support when necessary.

    Note that I've been publicly critical of the ARRL as of late, as it is a member organization. QRZ is not.
    NF6E likes this.

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