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Upcoming Roswell Delirium Movie featuring Ham Radio Equipment

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W8AOR, Aug 5, 2023.

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  1. W8AOR

    W8AOR Ham Member QRZ Page

    An upcoming SCI-FI movie called Roswell Delirium will feature Amateur Radio (and some CB) which is seen in the newly released trailer.

    The producer had reached out to me directly from one of my ebay listings (restored SB-610) for some advice and learned they were going to feature Anthony Michael Hall, Sam Jones, and Lisa Whelchel to mention a few 80's stars.
    There is even a Kenwood 520 in there.......
    KA2CZU, W7EDC, TA1TRJ and 55 others like this.
  2. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for the heads-up and the trailer link.

    I doubt I'll pay to see it in a movie house - all but 1 have closed here, but it should wind up on a movie channel at some time. They all do.

    It's with these things I really miss Art Bell.
    TA1TRJ, N6AQ, KK4RHZ and 5 others like this.
  3. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    looks like fun! thanks for posting the trailer.
    TA1TRJ, WJ2L, K3CRM and 1 other person like this.
  4. K8XG

    K8XG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    TA1TRJ, K0UO and KA4DPO like this.
  5. WS9K

    WS9K Ham Member QRZ Page

    TA1TRJ, WI5TX, K7STU and 4 others like this.
  6. K4PPZ

    K4PPZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hit's theaters September 9th.
    TA1TRJ, WC4R and KD4ULD like this.
  7. W8CGR

    W8CGR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for posting this heads-up, Scooter! I'll be waiting...!
    TA1TRJ and AJ6KZ like this.
  8. N5OT

    N5OT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Fabulous! Thanks for the heads-up. I'd see it for the radio stuff alone, but I am a fan of Roswell too. And Art Bell.
    K0UO, K4AJP, AJ6KZ and 1 other person like this.
  9. K1RFD

    K1RFD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Did my TS-520 just double in value? I was unaware of its Alien Mode.
    WB2YMU, KD9VGV, W7XLR and 16 others like this.
  10. KA1BSZ

    KA1BSZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I gotta see this one!
    N4GST likes this.
  11. KA1BSZ

    KA1BSZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    OOOPS! poor bird. I remember this movie and I thought it was plain stupid.
    NJ1S and AK5B like this.
  12. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    One hopes that ham radio is not portrayed as antiquated....
    KO4CES and K2XT like this.
  13. WG7X

    WG7X Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    They kept calling "Ship rock" Space rock. I wonder if they ever talked to the Navajo nation about that? Ship rock is located in New Mexico and is a major spiritual site of the Navajo...
    K0UO, N3AZB, K8PG and 3 others like this.
  14. K7CB

    K7CB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    It looks interesting and I'd probably watch it. I laughed when I saw the black faced export CB/10M radio sitting upside down in one scene while a President radio showed channel 15 but a frequency of 27.6037 MHz.
    WB2YMU, KB5ITJ, AD4PZ and 1 other person like this.
  15. WB2YMU

    WB2YMU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hmmm...Jodie Foster in "Contact"....W9BFO...????
    K0UO, CU2YK, KB9T and 2 others like this.

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