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The Solar Eclipse Is One Month Away!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WX2R, Mar 8, 2024.

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  1. WX2R

    WX2R Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    The last total solar eclipse across North America for twenty years will occur on Monday, April 8th. Hams across North America are asked to participate in learning more about how the ionosphere functions by getting on the air to help scientists in a series of ionospheric experiments.

    Connect with HamSCI members and curious hams on Wednesday, March 27 at 8PM (Eastern) / 5PM (Pacific)*, or that same day at 10PM (Eastern) / 7PM (Pacific)* for a Zoom presentation on HamSCI's Festivals of Eclipse Ionospheric Science (FoEIS). The presenters will take your questions during the 30-minute presentations.

    The link to these presentations is here:

    The program will start by covering HamSCI's basis and purpose, quickly moving into why we are conducting experiments, how hams and SWLS can participate, and what we hope to learn from the event. Along the way, we will discuss why the science behind the events is important to users of the high frequency radio spectrum - including amateur radio operators!

    Learn about the HamSCI’s eclipse-focused operating events:

    There is no need to pre-register, create an account or log into any site. Simply follow this link at the date and times above to be taken to a Zoom meeting room, hosted by HamSCI.

    Join us on March 27th!! Get on the air April 8th!!

    HamSCI serves as a means for fostering collaboration between professional researchers and amateur radio operators. It assists in developing and maintaining standards and agreements between all people and organizations involved. Its goals are to advance scientific research and understanding through amateur radio activities and encourage the development of new technologies to support this research.

    For more information about HamSCI, to join our mailing list, or participate in our work, please visit us at


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    K8LJM, W6KJB, N4FZ and 4 others like this.
  2. KQ1V

    KQ1V Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm excited. :cool:
    N4FZ likes this.
  3. N8SBN

    N8SBN Ham Member QRZ Page

    we are lucky .we live about 9 miles from the center .we'll sit in our back yard and burn some hot dogs . While watching.
    N8SA, WB9YPA, N4FZ and 6 others like this.
  4. W2JLD

    W2JLD Ham Member QRZ Page

    The ROC HAM RADIO NETWORK will be doing a sppecial event on april 8th ....w2e..........we will be on hf and voip platform.
    more info check out the website

    we in rochester ny will be in direct path and be doing propagation reports for NASA and gather data on how the eclipse changes propagation or does not change it.
    the data we will gather will be used to gage NASA and how it affects communications.
  5. KA1BSZ

    KA1BSZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just our luck here in the northeast and Vermont, it will be CLOUDY, MAYBE RAINY.. The last visible one was back in 2017, and it was a sunny day until the afternoon when it was almost dusk.I've seen other eclipses in 1996 and 1964. Never a total.
  6. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, according to those same multi year averaged 'forecasts', it should be CLOUDY AND RAINY in Sugar Hill, NH--right now (about 25 miles from the umbral path).

    And, yet, the sky is intensely blue and I had to come inside from the deck, so I wouldn't get SUNBURNED.

    Sure, you can go to a place with 80% likelihood of clear skies, but there will be 100% likelihood of traffic; lack of food; exhorbitant hotel costs; and one porto-san per 100 people...

    215 million people...

    Remember the traffic scene from THE DAY AFTER.... well, keep that image in mind.

    You lays yer bets and takes yer chances...
    KE4WE, KE8YSJ, AK5B and 4 others like this.
  7. VA2SS

    VA2SS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Same here.... dead center! Sherbrooke, QC I'm ready to shoot with my cam and a solar filter. :D
  8. KB1FGC

    KB1FGC Ham Member QRZ Page

    we are going to Uvalde,TX.That is suppose to one of the best places forecasted for April but still not optimal for this time of the year.Hope it works out across the path.
    KA1BSZ likes this.
  9. N3ZKI

    N3ZKI Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    My backyard is in the totality. My work has already decided to close routine operations that day. Only emergencies will be responded to.
    N4FZ, KA1BSZ and N3GY like this.
  10. KC2PMM

    KC2PMM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I will stay right here, in my backyard, in Lockport, NY, right in the path of totality. Went to Pauly's Island, South Carolina for the last one, it was fantastic, if you've never seen a total eclipse, you are in for a treat.
    As always, these events are weather dependent, so I hope we have clear skies.
    KA1BSZ likes this.
  11. KA1BSZ

    KA1BSZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I won't be going far, staying here at the hotel where I live and work.
  12. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    The most fun I had with a partial was to punch out holes in a cardboard sheet and project the weird shadows on flowers, and so on. :)

    Hope you get a chance to have some radio fun.

    Monitoring WWV and CHU during the eclipse should be very interesting: quick changes in propagation:)

    Chip W1YW
    NL7W likes this.
  13. KA1BSZ

    KA1BSZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I saw one prediction of that day and the meteorologist said there is a 80% chance it will be cloudy and rain that day. That was last week. I never have any luck, lol! bingo,lotteries,scratch off tickets,weather, dating, trying to work the tx dx. Only thing I've had luck at is golf. I am a +1 hdc.
    W1YW likes this.
  14. KA1BSZ

    KA1BSZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I don't plan on going anywhere, maybe up to st Johnsbury. I live in Fairlee, VT at the lake morey resort where it will be 99.99% total. From mile marker 123.6 on I-91 north,I may go up to my nieces place in ST.JAY.
    W1YW likes this.
  15. KA1BSZ

    KA1BSZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Our town and other towns in Vermont are planning on an influx of people. The town of St. Albans, VT is a town of 18,000, and they are expecting 60,000. So our little town of Fairlee, VT of 990 is expecting maybe 10,000. We will have extra, extra police on I-91,route 5 and NH ROUTE 10. The merchants all over Vermont are prepared to sell items such as shirts, coffee mugs, etc. hotels are all mostly booked, campgrounds are full. There are going to be more people around here than 20 heavy metal rock concerts ever thinking of having!
    AK5B and W1YW like this.

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