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Product Review - The ICOM IC-7000

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Dec 7, 2005.

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  1. WA2ZDY

    WA2ZDY Guest

    I never called them useless. To me however many of them are unnecessary. When it comes to the difference between many rigs, the differences in function and price are bells and whistles. There aren't too many rigs out there that are junk. Yes a few but not most.

    My point was that I wouldn't spend that money just for the sake of the bells and whistles. I don't need them. My TS480 is a fine rig and the features the 7000 has don't make it worth that expenditure, not to me anyway.

    My HQ120 comment was in reference to a receiver I had and adored nearly 30 years ago. It was vintage 1938 and yes, modern rigs DO run rings around such rigs now. But I operated even then without the bells and whistles and could do so again without spending a grand and a half.

    Again, the IC7000 sounds like a very sweet rig.
  2. W5AOX

    W5AOX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Fred, I appreciate the early bird review as well.
    I'm curious about the "Kenwood is behind the times" comment...
    So far as I know, Kenwood is the only mfr currently making rigs (at least 2) that display (AND decode and transmit) packet/APRS data on the front display.  They have been the sole contenders in this category for a few years now.  I blew $400+ at Dayton this year for a TMD700 for that one reason only.
    Don't get me wrong, I currently own Two 706MKIIg's.....
    Like you, I wonder why, on a high-dollar multifunction rig, relatively small things are left out, such as DTMF, APRS, RTTY transmit, PSK and other  digital mode on-screen decoding and transmit, etc, etc.... none of which requires a lot of extra engineering.
    If all the other stuff like filters etc are "included" then why leave out DTMF?  This, of course, is seldom used for autopatches any more (new hams may ask "What's That?") but for remote base controlling, Echolink, IRLP, and other multifunction linking systems requiring DTMF commands, it's a must-have.
    Jim W5AOX
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    To echo others' questions: How does the receiver actually perform? Does it have a good front end on it (the MKIIG doesn't). Can it stand up under crowded band conditions, or does the receiver just fall apart with IMD product?
  4. W5LDA

    W5LDA Ham Member QRZ Page

    i think Fred has never owned a TS2000 or he wouldn't make that remark about Kenwood. I have 1 and wouldn't trade it for any new rig that hasn't even got the bugs worked out yet.
  5. AA7BQ

    AA7BQ QRZ Founder QRZ HQ Staff QRZ Page

    That's true about the TS-2000, I haven't owned one. That doesn't mean I think they're bad as I'm just pointing out that they're not as popular as Kenwood would like them to be. I'm sure they're fun and have many fine points.

    Also, everyone please take note that I've added a couple of paragraphs to the end of the main article. Check it out.

  6. KK0DJ

    KK0DJ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    All I can say is WOW. I have been waiting for a report on this new rig. How cool. Twenty years ago I used to dream about being able to have all these bands and general coverage in one small box in my car... and it's here even with TV! Now, how do I figure out the budget to pay for it! BTW, IMHO, regarding the lack of some features.. shoot, if some company made the ultimate rig with no feature left wanting, we'd find something to gripe about anyway. We're just a bunch of cranky old spoiled hams ain't we? <hi hi>
    73 from Iowa
  7. K0KES

    K0KES Guest

  8. N2NH

    N2NH Ham Member QRZ Page

    At least they give you a mike with this one. [​IMG]
  9. N5EAT

    N5EAT Ham Member QRZ Page

    I sold a TS-2000 a week or so ago. I have to admit, the TS-2000 is one of the nicest, most advanced rigs I've ever used, and was an absolute pleasure to operate. The
    thought that went into the design and function of the rig is second to none. I was not about to put that rig in my's just a bit too big for me to mobile about with. Other than was outstanding. Thank heaven that the IC-7000 is good enough that i'm not sick I sold my Kenwood....but I was prepared to be...
  10. AI7R

    AI7R XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    HI Fred,

    Great review. I picked mine up only a couple days after you did at HRO. I haven't had a LOT of time to play but I am super impressed with it.

    It's certainly going to take some time to get used to all of the filtering options in real time but it all works as advertised.

    You mentioned some things that I didn't know about and was wondering.

    Anyone looking for a 706MkIIG in great condition? [​IMG]


    AI7R (ex-AA7TQ)
  11. N5RLR

    N5RLR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I seem to recall seeing a construction article in QST for an interface that allows a '706's tuner port to communicate with SGC Smartuners. This should work with the '7000 [maybe a lot of trouble to go to, just to use the Tune button on the rig, but hey... [​IMG]]

    As good as the '7000 sounds first crack out of the box, I personally would have to let a few batches run through the assembly line and have any bugs worked out, before I'd buy one. But, this is just me, with any radio [or even automobile, for that matter]. [​IMG]
  12. AA7BQ

    AA7BQ QRZ Founder QRZ HQ Staff QRZ Page

    Well, they've already had quite a few run through the production line - in the Japanese version. It's a safe bet now.

  13. K1LWI

    K1LWI Ham Member QRZ Page

    great review on the ic 7000 fred. i want one hi  [​IMG] keep up the good work.
    73 wendell
  14. NA6B

    NA6B Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Fred, Thanks for taking time in writing and posting this reveiw.
    I am just slightly dissappointed in the spectrum scope sharing the same receiving circuit, and causing that ever-so-little irritating audio "chop".
    However if this is the only thing I can complain about so far and in the future, GREAT!
    I've also done the same things you did...the video screen, speaker enhancements, all the little things to try and make it's appearance as large as it's capabilities. These things just made my exploration of the 7000 more fun! On another note...sold my TS-870 to purchase this guy. WELL WORTH THE TRADE in my opinion. (Kept my 756 PRO)

    Thanks again for the good reading.

  15. KC2ESD

    KC2ESD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for the review, But I was wondering if the screen background color can be changed, I don't like the black background to much, I like amber better.

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