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News Release December 20, 2017: Greene County Fairgrounds/Expo Center Building Expansion

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K8KSU, Dec 20, 2017.

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  1. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    The only animal I saw at Hamvention was a delicious slice of cow in a ribeye sandwich. Man, my mouth is already waterin' for another one!
    KY5U and NK9Y like this.
  2. NK9Y

    NK9Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's the corn fed beef from up north which gives that taste. You won't find quality beef down south.
  3. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    MMMmmmmmMM! Yet another reason to put Hamvention on the calendar:)!
    NK9Y likes this.
  4. W4JF

    W4JF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    What a bunch of school girls. Oh it's too hot, Oh it's too wet, Oh I have to walk a little, Oh it's raining, Oh I had to sit in my comfortable environmentally controlled automobile longer than I wanted, Oh I'm so weak and tired. Geeze, stay home if you can't handle the environment and logistics. That means more flea market deals for me...mud or no mud.
    KB8SKK and ND6M like this.
  5. WW1I

    WW1I Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    The lack AC is no minor issue. I grew up in Indianapolis. I've attended Indy 500s since 1969. I've worn a winter parka and I've worn shorts and a T-shirt. Buildings without AC in that area are not appropriate. Each year, it will be a roll of the dice. One of these years, it will be well north of 100 degrees inside the buildings and they'll need to call "knock-it-off" and shut it down. This venue, no matter how much work the team puts into it, is simply not close to appropriate for the mission. Not in the world of close.
  6. N7XGR

    N7XGR Ham Member QRZ Page

    K2HAT and KC8VWM like this.
  7. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    Can't see the drawings all that great, but it looks like there should be indoor bathrooms. :)
    IF they can get the building up in time, at least it should be better than a tent.

    Being May in the Northeast, there could be any type of weather, from 35f to 100f.

    I suggest wear hiking boots at any Hamfest, or at least Bring some, and as I learned in the boy Scouts, Be Prepared. ;)
  8. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    I wonder what the plan is for the muddy roads.

    Looks like the New Bldg plan might happen in time. :)
  9. K3GM

    K3GM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've run through all of the pages, and a recurring complaint is that the buildings at Greene County Fairgrounds are not air conditioned. While the Hara complex did indeed have A/C, it was never used there. The doors were always open and they didn't want to turn it on unless they were kept closed. I don’t think air conditioning was ever used at all — at least in the last 10 years. The weather was just plain hot last year with a lot of humidity. Given the unpredictable weather in that region in May, the post-2018 Hamvention complaints could be that the buildings were unheated. One thing for sure: This year I'm bringing over the calf muck boots just in case.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2018
  10. K7DMK

    K7DMK Ham Member QRZ Page

    The Yuma Hamfest was essentially rained out last year. I was there. The outdoor flea market was a complete washout. It doesn't rain often in Yuma, but it sure did last Feb.
    Dave, K7DMK
  11. AF8JC

    AF8JC Ham Member QRZ Page

    My wife and I are members of DARA and we both volunteered in the flea market area last year (and have agreed to do so again). I can tell you that as a volunteer, we only see a small slice of what is going on - we do hear some stories from others, but basically we operate in a tunnel. Xenia, Greene County, & the Fair Board have, and are continuing, to bend over backwards to help make Hamvention as good as it can be. That is actually everyone's goal! The excessive and abnormal rains caused lots of problems, no doubt about it, but we all survived and learned a few things along the way. In my years attending Hamvention at Hara, I never heard of Dayton, the city of Trotwood, or Montgomery County doing anything financially to improve the Hamvention experience. After only one year, the civic community of Xenia has taken major financial steps to make the upcoming Hamvention a better experience. Note that I said better, not perfect, not excellent. We will get better year by year, but we will always have constraints with roads, grounds, and weather. Last year, Friday traffic was a nightmare. Saturday however, was a cakewalk. Those that followed the strongly recommended suggestion to "Park & Ride" had a much more positive experience than those that chose to drive-in and park in the fields/mud. Those that were bused in, were dropped right at the entrance and the buses had priority routes that autos weren't allowed to access. If you go there with the intention of buying 50 pound boat-anchors, maybe you should drive onto the grounds, but for most of us, park&ride is the way to go.

    By the way, I taught many of the classes in which the Greene County Sheriff and his wife attended - they both passed! She used to have a Novice ticket and had let it lapse, this was his first time getting licensed.

    I attend around a dozen hamfests each year, and each one seems to have its own personality. I enjoy them all or I wouldn't go. I feel fortunate to live in an area that allows me to participate in so many ways, with ham radio. I even feel blessed to have R&L, Universal Radio, and DX Engineering all within reasonable driving distance; and I patronize all three. So, no matter the weather or hardship, let's have a great time wherever we happen to be. If it's not fun, then that's not the place for you.

    Jim Caudill
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2018
    NK9Y likes this.
  12. NK9Y

    NK9Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    I rolled in Friday morning, saw the mile long line, noticed my diesel was near empty. Entered the address of the school parking lot into my favorite real time map app. Was at the school in about 5 minutes. Jumped onto a shuttle bus with a friendly driver, who announced we would be at the fairgrounds in 10 minutes, and we were there in about 5. Really enjoyed the hay rack ride to the entrance gate. My one complaint? The school bus shuttle was not meant to be used by those of us who are, shall we say, rather portly.

    Will be ordering my tickets today, and can not wait for the trip to Xenia again!
    K8JTD and AF8JC like this.
  13. VE3ES

    VE3ES Ham Member QRZ Page


    The above sums up what it is about the Dayton Hamvention. I think we'd all like the event to be held in a top notch facility such as the convention center in Ft. Wayne Indiana. Top notch, modern, huge indoor and large parking lot for thousands of cars. Problem with that facility is that it is in the wrong city and state. The Ft. Wayne Hamfest is big but not that big.

    So with that said, what puts "Hamvention" above the rest is that it is a "destination".
  14. KC8VWM

    KC8VWM Ham Member QRZ Page

    We know it.

    I think everyone involved is doing a great job. :)
    WU8Y likes this.
  15. W4KVW

    W4KVW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Monster Trucks,Mud Bogging,Female Mud Wrestling,& Snatching the bumpers off of your vehicles for FREE.What more could anyone want? I went to Dayton in 2013 & it was large but not so great that I'd ever consider going back.I have just as much fun at HAMCATION & have since 1993. This will be 24 straight years at Orlando & every year has been great & some greater than others. Sure beats that drive to Ohio hands down.There want be any Mud Bogging or Mud Wrestling but there will be some great gear in that Bone Yard just like every year & some of it will come home with me just like it has the last 23 years in a row.I wish it would Snow at HAMCATION this year.I love cold weather & snow so bring it on. {:>)


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