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NEW QRZ Forum: QRZ Stickers Around The World

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KF7WIS, Oct 23, 2013.

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  1. KC9ZED

    KC9ZED Ham Member QRZ Page

    id take 1 !!!!
  2. N8TUW

    N8TUW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'd like one ! maybe two. wife is a ham to..
  3. KD8JKR

    KD8JKR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Add me to the list!! I will take as many as you want to send me!! LOL
  4. KC1MAC

    KC1MAC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ditto :) Thats a great Idea

  5. BG7YH

    BG7YH Ham Member QRZ Page

    I want put in the page and photo
  6. G1WEX

    G1WEX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Would love two if thats OK?
  7. VK5IR

    VK5IR Ham Member QRZ Page

    How do we get a sticker to VK?

    Just send a SAE with a couple of green stamps?
  8. VK5IR

    VK5IR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Can anyone help me with the above post?

    Many thanks.
  9. W5LMM

    W5LMM Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    HEre's mine.. Thanks Fred!
    KI7BPW likes this.
  10. K4LJP

    K4LJP Ham Member QRZ Page

    QRZ Stickers

    I'm not clear on the ordering procedure, but please send me two......73.:cool:
    de Lee
  11. MM6DDX

    MM6DDX Ham Member QRZ Page

    I would like 1 please !!!
  12. K6KGO

    K6KGO Ham Member QRZ Page

    It sounds like a wonderful idea. I would like to know if the "Good on QRZ" stickers come with an adhesive backing suitable for adhering to automobile glass without coming loose or being destroyed after few runs through a full service car wash. If so, I would be interested in 5 or even more for display in various locations. Is there a fine ham on this thread that can answer this question for me? Also, if your time allows, I would appreciate it if you would look-up and perhaps read my biography which I have written on the QRZ web page under my call sign K6KGO. Thanks and 73 to all. -Steven, K6KGO
  13. SV7LYG

    SV7LYG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    How do I get a QRZ sticker?

  14. N5NSN

    N5NSN Ham Member QRZ Page

    yes please
  15. KC2TA

    KC2TA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes, please!

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