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NEW QRZ Forum: QRZ Stickers Around The World

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KF7WIS, Oct 23, 2013.

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  1. VE6GPT

    VE6GPT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you. I will be doing this shortly. 73 Ve6gpt Gord
  2. EB1BSV

    EB1BSV QRZ Lifetime Member #59 Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    My pleasure

    73, Julio
  3. VK5IR

    VK5IR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi there

    How do I get stickers sent to Australia? Also, is the old blue and white sticker still available?

  4. EB1BSV

    EB1BSV QRZ Lifetime Member #59 Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Hello Theo, nice to meet you :)
    Yes, I can send you the stickers
    The first stickers is free, additional stickers are $1. You only pay for shipping cost $1.
    Here you can see the models
    Confirm how many, models and address

    73, Julio. EB1BSV/KI7HPQ

    Attached Files:

  5. PT7ZT

    PT7ZT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Manny TNX,
    73 MOR, PT7ZT
  6. YC4BYW

    YC4BYW Ham Member QRZ Page

    IMG-20191005-WA0011.jpeg Thanks for say to me
  7. 9Z4CI

    9Z4CI Ham Member QRZ Page

    I would a sticker. Much appreciated in advance.
  8. EB1BSV

    EB1BSV QRZ Lifetime Member #59 Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Hello Ian S.P. Cockburn, 9Z4CI, nice to meet you,

    First sticker is free, you only pay $1 for shipping cost.
    For additional stickers, you pay $1.

    You can pay via PayPal

    Please, confirm what type of sticker you wish, black-white, USA flag...and your address.

    73, Julio César. EB1BSV/KI7HPQ
    MW7OFS likes this.
  9. CE4SFT

    CE4SFT Ham Member QRZ Page

    la pegatina si en colore con bandera EE.UU Mi direccion es : Pasaje Los Corraleros 756 villa Santa Teresita , ciudad de San Fernando Chile
    VI Region Chile --------------------------------CE4SFT____________________________Alejandro Spröhnle F.
    mil dinero $1.- donde lo dejo ese dinero
  10. M0IEQ

    M0IEQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for all your help. I work my way around this QRZ slowly its am amazing tool

    73 DE M0IEQ ( Nice collection of morse keys, I am learning myself, and have been for a few years , however, still struggle with any reasonable speeds, however, I am not giving up )
  11. OE6EBF

    OE6EBF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hello Julio,

    would you send me 10 QRZ stickers please ? Will send you 10 US$ via Paypal to and thanks in advance !

    vy 73 de Erwin, OE6EBF
  12. KE0GXN

    KE0GXN XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Are these three different varieties still available for USA orders?
    OK8QC likes this.
  13. OK8QC

    OK8QC Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I'm interested as well, black background 25th aniversary
  14. IW0HAM

    IW0HAM Ham Member QRZ Page


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