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NEW QRZ Forum: QRZ Stickers Around The World

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KF7WIS, Oct 23, 2013.

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  1. KF7WIS

    KF7WIS QRZ CEO QRZ HQ Staff Volunteer Moderator Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Last week, Fred Lloyd was interviewed on Ham Nation with Bob Heil. Fred shared the news that QRZ is now producing "Good on QRZ" stickers. QRZ stickers are available to anyone who sends us a business sized, self addressed, stamped envelope here at QRZ. Your first sticker is free and if you would like us to send additional stickers we'd be happy to do so for $1 per additional sticker. The stickers are 3.5x4 inches in size. Most business envelopes are OK. We prefer the self-sealing kind - HI.

    QRZ Stickers
    24 W. Camelback #A488
    Phoenix, AZ 85013

    UPDATE - 27 May 2014
    We now have a distributor for stickers in the E.U. Rather than pay overseas postage from the E.U., please send your SASE for a free sticker to Julio, EB1BSV The as above, the first sticker is FREE. Please send $1 for each extra sticker. Payment can be made by PayPal to:

    Julio Cesar Garcia Mahillo, EB1BSV
    Avenida de Cortijos 14 Portal 2-1ºF
    47270 Cigales (Valladolid) 47270
    Spain - España

    Once you have received your sticker we'd love to see the creative places you use it. We've opened a brand new forum called QRZ Stickers Around The World where you can post pictures of your "Good On QRZ" sticker in interesting and exciting locations. We'd love to see the places you travel or even the inside of your shack.. The possibilities are endless and we can't wait to see what you come up with! Check out the forum here:

    -73 and Thanks for being "Good on QRZ"

    Jaime Jeffries,
    General Manager,

    QRZXmas.jpg qrz.png Picture of me 4 copy.png

    If you missed Episode 118 of Ham Nation, you can find Bob Heil's interview with Fred, here:
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2017
    KA0USE, BH1WVM, IS0HYY and 12 others like this.
  2. G8ADD

    G8ADD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'd be happy to join the fun, but how would I get a sticker over here?


    Brian G8ADD
    KC8HXR, YB6SC, YB7LGA and 3 others like this.
  3. WA4HBK

    WA4HBK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Brian have I got a deal for you. I used to be G0EHB back in the 80's so what I will do is stick enough US stamps in an envelope and send them to you so you can paste them on an SASE and send it off to Arizona. I am a stamp collector so no problem have a few stamps just lying around that I can put to good use. If you address is correct and you say ok they will go out in tomorrows post. Ed/WA4HBK
    AK4TL likes this.
  4. KC9UDX

    KC9UDX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I'd pay to have a sticker that says "KC9UDX good on"

    And I already said this once, so this may be a duplicate post. But I don't see the first one.
    KK5R, YC8NYJ and YB7LGA like this.
  5. G8ADD

    G8ADD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great, Ed, thanks, my address is OK, do you want any of the current crop of GB stamps?


    Brian G8ADD
    M0SWV and YB7LGA like this.
  6. M0HQW

    M0HQW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'll have one of those. I hope there will be enough, though I only want one!
    YB7LGA likes this.
  7. AG7LB

    AG7LB Ham Member QRZ Page

    It will look good behind my 5th wheel trailer, All I need to do is add my call sign. Envelope goes out tomorrow.
    2E0YHW and YB7LGA like this.
  8. WA4HBK

    WA4HBK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for the offer Brian but my area of collecting is quite specialized in postal history starts in 1581 and generally stops around 1900. Got the envelope ready and it will go out airmail tomorrow. Us overseas rate is $1.10 and the stamps' will total just over that. wrapped them in a piece of paper inside the envelope. Used to check into a couple of the UK nets from my DX locations in Africa and Eastern Europe, I don't miss the commute from Luton to London on the M1 one bit. 73's Ed
    YC2TWR, 2E0YHW, YB7LGA and 2 others like this.
  9. W0IW

    W0IW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I bought two from Giga parts last month i put them on my truck and in my shack..
    Really like em...
    A61FJ and YB7LGA like this.
  10. N9COP

    N9COP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Why use "I'm good on"?
  11. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    It's an expression... you know, ham to ham? "Hey I need to ship you that manual we
    talked about last week... what's your address?" Reply: "I'm good on QRZ"


    [just ordered a couple - I travel a LOT for business so will hopefully add photos over time]
  12. N9COP

    N9COP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    This makes perfect sense! For some reason, I stared at it for like 5 minutes trying to put it together but couldn't! Surely, I wasn't the only one lol!!
    N6QIC and W7HBP like this.
  13. WJ4U

    WJ4U Ham Member QRZ Page

    My wife says I'm good on anything. :eek:
    NY7H, W7HBP, N6QIC and 2 others like this.
  14. KC9EE

    KC9EE Ham Member QRZ Page

    No she doesn't, hi!
    2E0YHW and K3RW like this.
  15. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Yes she does! I have VIDEO!!!


    KK4VRE and 2E0YHW like this.

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