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MFJ closing down manufacturing facilities effective May 17th 2024

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W4LKO, Apr 25, 2024.

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  1. W4LKO

    W4LKO Ham Member QRZ Page

    MFJ Closing-fotor-20240426124912.png Yesterday, MFJ Enterprises announced that they would be closing down their manufacturing facilities in Starkville, Mississippi effective May 17th, but would continue selling their wide selection of imported products including portable/mobile antennas, power supplies, clocks, and antenna switches. This closure also impacts all of their sub-brands: Ameritron, Hy-Gain, Cushcraft, Mirage and Vectronics. MFJ intends to continue to service and warranty these product lines for the foreseeable future. GigaParts customers may bring their warranty claims to either MFJ or GigaParts.

    Love them or hate them, after 52 years of business, MFJ has been an iconic part of the ham radio industry and brought several innovative products to market including antenna analyzers and a variety of unique antenna solutions. They are also the world’s primary source for manual antenna tuners and tube-type amplifiers.

    If you’ve been thinking about getting one of MFJ’s more unique products (available here), don’t put it off much longer.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2024
    N3GY, KA4VNM, K9SS and 3 others like this.
  2. W5TXR

    W5TXR XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    As I chronicled in November 2023 about MFJ being for sale, Recently DX Engineering made a offer to purchase but it was declined by MFJ.
    Subsequently MFJ will close their doors effective 17 MAY 24 EOP
    Sales will continue until product is depleted.
    Warranty repairs for 1 year (For what that's worth).
    This includes Ameritron, Mirage, Hy-Gain.......
    MFJ will NOT be at Dayton 2024.
    This is reliable and verified information.

    de W5TXR
    VK3SQ, 2E0EUG, VE3XXB and 13 others like this.
  3. KD2QQF

    KD2QQF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Didn't see this anywhere else here so I'll

    VK3SQ, N3GY and K9SS like this.
  4. N6NLX

    N6NLX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I’m surprised I’m not seeing any discussion.

    now I see a lot of discussion…never mind
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2024
    K9SS likes this.
  5. KB1FGC

    KB1FGC Ham Member QRZ Page

    I just found out that MFJ is going out of business.I was thinking about getting a new Ameritron amp.I was told that they will still offer warranties for there products.I was wondering where to go for repairs if needed several years down the line.Do you know if some of the other outlets offer out of warrenty repairs?Just curious.I would consider another manufacture but they offer a price range that I like for their AMPs.
  6. K8CPA

    K8CPA Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is from Martin Jue's personal Facebook Page:

    April 25, 2024

    Dear Fellow hams and Friends,

    It is with a sad heart as I write this letter.

    As many of you have heard by now, MFJ is ceasing its on-site production in Starkville, Mississippi on May 17, 2024. This is also the same for our sister companies: Ameritron, Hygain, Cushcraft, Mirage and Vectronics.

    Times have changed since I started this business 52 years ago. Our product line grew and grew and prospered. Covid changed everything in businesses including ours. It was the hardest hit that we have ever had and we never fully recovered.

    I turned 80 this year. I had never really considered retirement but life is so short and my time with my family is so precious.

    I want to thank all of our employees who have helped build this company with me over the years. We have many employees who have made MFJ their career for 10, 20, 30, 40 and more years.

    We are going to continue to sell MFJ products past May 17, 2024. We have a lot of stock on hand. We will continue to offer repair service work for out-of-warranty and in-warranty units for the foreseeable future.

    Finally, a special thanks to all of our customers and our dealers who have made MFJ a worldwide name and a profitable business for so many years. You all are so much appreciated.

    Sincerely Yours, 73s

    Martin F. Jue, K5flu
    K4VW, HK3VIO, WB7QDQ and 23 others like this.
  7. WI3U

    WI3U Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    More info on eham
  8. G0KSC

    G0KSC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    As Martin Jue of MFJ Enterprises decides to retire and close the doors of his company after an impactful 52 years, the amateur radio community reflects on the legacy of a true pioneer. From its inception in a small room in the now-defunct Stark Hotel, MFJ Enterprises grew under Martin's leadership to become the largest manufacturer of amateur radio products in the world.

    Martin, a visionary from Starkville, Mississippi, initially made waves in the ham radio world with his first commercial product, the CWF-2 CW filter. This device, a breakthrough at the time, helped operators isolate single CW signals from a cacophony of others, proving indispensable in the ham radio operator's toolkit (MFJ Enterprises Inc). It's with a fond smile that I remember standing beside Martin in his office, with a photo of us together serving as a treasured memento of the countless innovations and moments we shared. Another cherished memory captured in photographs is of Martin at Dayton with that very first CWF-2 CW filter, a testament to where it all began.

    Martin's journey wasn't just about growing MFJ Enterprises; it was about nurturing the amateur radio community itself. His commitment to quality and affordability made MFJ's products a mainstay in almost every ham's shack, not just in the United States but around the world. Under his stewardship, MFJ expanded to include brands like Hy-Gain, Cushcraft, Ameritron, and Vectronics, each contributing to the diverse needs of the ham radio enthusiast.

    Beyond his business acumen, Martin's personal qualities of generosity, mentorship, and friendship profoundly impacted those lucky enough to know him. As a friend and collaborator, Martin's warmth and wisdom were as influential as his technological innovations. He taught us not only about the intricacies of radio waves but also about the importance of community and support among fellow enthusiasts.

    As we say goodbye to Martin and MFJ Enterprises, we also celebrate the enduring contributions they have made to the world of amateur radio. Martin's legacy will resonate across the airwaves for generations to come, reminding us of the impact one person can have on a global community. Thank you, Martin, for your friendship, your mentorship, and your immense contribution to our shared passion. You've truly tuned into the heart of the ham radio spirit, and for that, we are all grateful.

    Justin G0KSC

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    HK3VIO, N6DW, W6EM and 40 others like this.
  9. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Your on your own, Good night. We are going to be hearing a lot of that in the days ahead.

    Old man is holding on for big bucks and skipped a DXE deal over that so in the days ahead I expect a fire sale. If that happens I doubt anyone buying on the cheap will accept liability. Just look at the brand to start with.
    You buy a Yugo expect Yugo service.

    KE0GXN, N5PZJ, VE3XXB and 1 other person like this.
  10. K2WH

    K2WH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I have their AL-800H amp going on 20+ years now, still puts out 2kw, same tubes.
    W4ISZ and WA3LKT like this.
  11. K4XJ

    K4XJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Too bad someone wouldn't take over the company.
    WA3LKT, N3GY, WB9HDH and 26 others like this.
  12. N9AMI

    N9AMI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Is actually a big hit to the ham community. Most hams have something from them no matter your opinons of the company over the years. I have had and still do have some things from them ie antenna switches auto tuners etc etc. And years past Ameritron amps, many different antennas. Whenever I had a problem with somethng a phone call was always answered by a friendly person on the other end and was solved one way or another. Best of luck to you Martin.
    K5MO, N9IGD, HK3VIO and 25 others like this.
  13. NT1A

    NT1A Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well said Justin. I feel for the great folks that built these products (like some of the gear in my shack....)over the past few years that will have to seek new employment.
    N9IGD, KF7PCL, N4FZ and 6 others like this.
  14. NT1A

    NT1A Ham Member QRZ Page

    Maybe Joe Walsh WB6ACU will buy it? Like when Neil Young put together an investment group to buy Lionel Trains?
    N9IGD, W6EM, N5PZJ and 18 others like this.
  15. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Finely, No more complaining over MFJ built products. :)
    2E0EUG, KI4RFU, VE3XXB and 16 others like this.

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