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Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K3UD, Dec 21, 2005.

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  1. AC0GT

    AC0GT Ham Member QRZ Page

    I said the ITU recommends that Amateurs have technical knowledge of "radiotelegraphy". Telegraphy, over radio or wire, does not always mean Morse code. Amateurs should be aware of the many means available to them to transmit text, an on/off carrier is one, so is frequency shift keying.

    Isn't that what I said?

    If I'm calling anyone "stupid" it's not the ITU.

    Automated Morse code, I would guess.


    Frequency shift keyed digital data.


    No, those with a designator of A or B are radiotelegraphy. Although in common nomenclature radiotelegraphy tends to refer to text that is intended to be received by ear and radioteletype tends to refer to text that is intended to be received automatically. The words can be used interchangeably.

    You seem to want to split hairs where there are no hairs to be split. If your sending text it's radiotelegraphy or radioteletype, therefore an A or B designation. If your sending data then its telemetry, telecommand, or some non-text, non-image, arbitrary binary data such as a computer program, therefore a D designation. If your sending an image digitally then it is considered an image transmission, therefore a C designation.

    All the above can be sent with an FSK system.
    F1A - manual telegraphy, likely Morse code
    F1B - automated telegraphy, such as acsii
    F1C - image, such as JPEG
    F1D - data, such as telemetry
    F1E - digitized voice

    But I'm getting off track.

    Radiotelegraphy means more than just Morse code.
  2. AB0WR

    AB0WR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I see.

    So your claim is that when the ITU included knowledge of the theory of Radiotelegraphy --- as a separate category from data and image --- that did NOT mean Morse Code over a CW signal?

    If so, then I think there are a lot of people in Region 1 that would disagree from the correspondence that I have seen.

    tim ab0wr
  3. AC0GT

    AC0GT Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm trying to keep up with your convoluted logic. You made the comment that the ITU was contradicting itself by requiring knowledge of radiotelegraphy and not requiring knowledge of Morse code. I pointed out that there is more than one definition of "radiotelegraphy" and more than one way to send text over a radio.

    One does not need to be able to decode Morse code by ear to make use of the mode any more than one needs to be able to decode PSK31 by ear to make use of that mode. Both Morse code over CW and PSK31 would be considered modes of automated telegraphy.

    To make use of either telegraphy mode one would need certain knowledge common to both modes as well as some specific to each mode. Whether you are shifting phase, frequency, or amplitude the intention is to transmit text, they all fall under the term "radiotelegraphy".

    It seems your problem with the ITU requirement is that your definition of "radiotelegraphy" does not match the ITU's definition of "radiotelegraphy". I don't have a problem with the ITU definition, but it appears you have a problem with grasping new information.

    Radiotelegraphy means Morse code over CW, and ASCII on a frequency shifted carrier, and the PSK31 alphabet on a 31.5 hertz wide phase shift keyed carrier.

    Also, just because the ITU does not require knowledge of Morse code does not mean people will not learn and use manual radiotelegraphy. So, even if we use your narrow definition of "radiotelegraphy" it would make sense to require knowledge of a mode that Amateurs are fully authorized to use and are likely to encounter on the frequencies allocated to them. If the Amateur chooses to make use of Morse code then they will have to make use of the technical knowledge required by the license as well as operational knowledge learned after getting that license.

    I have no problem with the wording of the ITU requirements. If my explanations haven't eased your troubled mind then you should take it up with them.
  4. AC0GT

    AC0GT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Could you point out the document you mention? I did a little checking and found articles mentioning the RSGB wanting every reference to "Morse code" be replaced with the more generic and inclusive "telegraphy" since they did not want to have text modes to be inadvertantly excluded from ITU documents concerning Amateur radio. There argument was that there is more to radiotelegraphy than Morse code. It seems the ITU and the RSGB agree with me and my definition of "telegraphy".
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