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HOA antenna Petition to the US Congress

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by W7HU, Dec 21, 2021.

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  1. W7HU

    W7HU XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    this petition is to ask the US Congress to make a law that protects HAMS on an HOA antenna restriction so everyone helps is needed

    73 de W7HU
  2. N7WR

    N7WR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Never going to happen
    N9YB, KA5KMS, AA5BK and 5 others like this.
  3. KI4POT

    KI4POT Ham Member QRZ Page

    only HAMS? What about hams or HamS or hamS or HAms? ;)

    As N7WR said, it'll never go anywhere. There are more pressing things to ignore.

    KA0USE and N2UHC like this.
  4. N3RYB

    N3RYB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    While I can understand the plight of the space restricted ham, (I was off the air for about 10 years when I lived in DC) this is going to be a really hard sell.

    The problem with this petition is that what counts for a reliable antenna is vague. Reliable for which bands? For 160m?
    AA5BK, KC4YDY, KE0GXN and 1 other person like this.
  5. KA2RRK

    KA2RRK Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    This device works wonders on the folks participating in HOA events. I have no idea why the score is not counted.


    It is rumored to generate 29,000,000 Volts, but I can tell you that it definitely prevents curious mice from stealing peanut butter off the traps set about, once you make few modifications. Let me tell you the mice never come back for a second try...

    KD2HAM likes this.
  6. KI4POT

    KI4POT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Handheld stun guns are only impressive to the uninformed.

    As for the HOA question, if this goes anywhere, it'll be agreed that something like a modest vertical (4BTV or similar) is acceptable and all the "copper spiderweb" hams will be up in arms because they can't string up 20 dipoles and have 2 80' towers in their quarter acre suburban lot. Discretion and restraint are not ham/HAM/hAm traits. So, instead of getting something that works and doesn't inflame the neighbor's sensibility, it'll result in restrictions remaining in place.

    KP4SX likes this.
  7. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm sure every politician is going to jump out and do that. That's going to be real popular with most people that vote for them
    .... ..

    73 from,
    The K0UO "Rhombic Antenna Farm" 2 miles of wire, I'm In the Air or On the Air daily
    KA5KMS likes this.
  8. WG7X

    WG7X Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hams and HOA's. A never ending quest for equality that will never happen!

    If you live in an HOA neighborhood or condo, you signed a contract that limits a lot of things; not the least of which is a ham radio antenna. If you were dumb enough to sign the contract, you have no recourse.


    The FCC will tell you the same thing; that is if they ever reply to the petition.
    W4CUB, K0WLO, AA5BK and 4 others like this.
  9. WB2WIK

    WB2WIK Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    FCC has already ruled on this: They won't do anything unless ordered to by Congress. And Congress has heard such petitions three times already, including bills initiated in the House, having co-sponsors.

    They were all bumped to committees and died in committee without a floor vote. Each Congress has a lifetime of just two years and bills need to be re-introduced to be heard again...

    I think if we want to get legislation at least voted on, we'd need more hams in Congress.:p
    WG7X likes this.
  10. WL7PM

    WL7PM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Simple solution: Don't BUY land with covenants that you don't like.
    KA0USE, AE8EM, KN6KDT and 17 others like this.
  11. KS2G

    KS2G Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    You're about three years late to the party.
    See: Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2019 (HR446)
    Introduced: 1/10/19
    Dead/Failed: 12/31/2020

    And, BTW ... it's hams not HAMS.
    It's not an acronym.
    Doesn't call for ALL CAPS.
    KK9W likes this.
  12. W7HU

    W7HU XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  13. W7HU

    W7HU XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    KE7DRT likes this.
  14. PZ2YT

    PZ2YT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hello Mr Biden
  15. PZ2YT

    PZ2YT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not everyone is rich like you, to buy the land or house you want. 73
    N6YWU likes this.

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