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Anatomy of an Internet Scam at QRZ

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Aug 18, 2014.

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  1. K5ADN

    K5ADN Ham Member QRZ Page

  2. K5ADN

    K5ADN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have a old Kenwood twins for sale on Craig's list in Denver Colorado. Last night I received a call from a 3rde party and they said that K4AXE was just searching everywhere for this Item. I looked up K4AXE in the data base and it is an not a real call! I assume that XXXAX now rides as K4AXE. What happened to honesty.
  3. KF4VGX

    KF4VGX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Love the story Fred :)
  4. KA5ROW

    KA5ROW Ham Member QRZ Page

    What are you seeing on the passport that makes it stand out. I never seen a passport. His wife looks fake for sure blurred, but the photo clear I see that.
  5. N1OOQ

    N1OOQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    OMG, I went over to the 419eaters website and read a few stories... hilarious!! :D They keep some of those scammers occupied for months!
  6. K1VV/SK2023

    K1VV/SK2023 Ham Member QRZ Page

    One lesson learned .... Don't buy anything that expensive on the internet .... to much of a chance of a scam
  7. ZS6BV

    ZS6BV Ham Member QRZ Page

    A while back I heard about a scammer being scammed. A guy played the scammer by convincing him that he was also a scammer and they should team up as he has ways to get a lot of money if he has a team. After playing him along for a while they eventually met and the scammer was promptly arrested by the police.
  8. K2EDM

    K2EDM Ham Member QRZ Page

    well done informative also.. poor sentence structure, best regards" & 73 were clews, but.... well done best to cash and carry... these scammers are smarter then we is...GBG
  9. KD9GLB

    KD9GLB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes, scams happen all of the time. I work in tech support, and I see them every day. I am constantly reminding people that none of the big tech companies have the technology to monitor every phone, tablet, computer, etc, for viruses, intrusions, and what have you, and yet folks see that pop up warning while surfing the net, they panic, and call the associated number, and get taken for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars... Great story here, and nice job on the scammer. I spent almost a year researching and trying to find a used rig (finally got an Icom IC-746PRO) and I avoided several scams in the process. I wound up buying it from Ham Radio Outlet just to avoid the Craigslist, Facebook, and other scammers. The simplest way to protect yourself is to be vigilant.
  10. K2EDM

    K2EDM Ham Member QRZ Page

    am moving and tried to sell a lot of stuff, no luck, can see why. BTW the first red flag, stood like a sore thumb, was "best regards. & 73" [both] ,poor grammer is a flag also.. 73's also when used should be looked out for, but cash and carry is the only safe way... Give you an attaboy for the effort..... Ed
  11. WB0MPB

    WB0MPB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good info for us. I will help Steve out with spelling so he can worry about others mistakes. Grammer is really grammar. You are welcomed Steve. I am glad I could be a junior spelling cop for you today. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
    best regards & 73's John, WB0MPB:):)
  12. K2EDM

    K2EDM Ham Member QRZ Page

    yeh,he hasn't been n this country a very long distance.... i didnt even notice my mispelling
  13. BI8DGQ

    BI8DGQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    KD5JBN likes this.
  14. KD5JBN

    KD5JBN Ham Member QRZ Page

  15. KA8DKT

    KA8DKT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Speaking of spelling... If a person does not seem to be disturbed or worried they are not fazed. So your reply did not faze him. It is not that it didn't "phase" him.

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