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A NEW FT8 with QSO and Rag Chew capabilities called FT8CALL

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by NN2X, Aug 12, 2018.

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  1. AA5CT

    AA5CT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Will this run under Xp? It's what I've got at the moment ...
  2. KN4CRD

    KN4CRD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sorry. Likely not. Many ops are running it on Windows 7 successfully, but that's about it.
  3. AA5CT

    AA5CT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Where is the executable "code" anyway? I'm not finding anything that remotely resembles an .exe file ...
  4. AA5CT

    AA5CT Ham Member QRZ Page

    What compile-time switches would I have to change to get it to run under Xp?
  5. KN4CRD

    KN4CRD Ham Member QRZ Page

  6. KN4CRD

    KN4CRD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I don't know, my friend.

    I can personally support Windows 10. Any other versions, you're on your own.
  7. AA5CT

    AA5CT Ham Member QRZ Page

  8. AA5CT

    AA5CT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Okay - I applied for membership - now it shows awaiting approval per below:

    "Your subscription has not yet been approved."
  9. AA5CT

    AA5CT Ham Member QRZ Page

    What tool chain did you use to compile for Win 10? I'll see if I can get this thing working under Xp maybe ...
  10. KB2SMS

    KB2SMS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Me either. I'll wait for a proper web site to get it and try it out. Too many "Groups" and hoops to jump through.
  11. KN4CRD

    KN4CRD Ham Member QRZ Page

    You should be all set my friends.

    Please keep in mind...this app is still in development. This isn't a general release. If you're uncomfortable with pre-release software, please wait for the future general release.
  12. KN4CRD

    KN4CRD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Toolchain is based on CMake. JTSDK would likely get you started.
  13. NN2X

    NN2X Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    LB9YH and KN4CRD like this.
  14. KN4CRD

    KN4CRD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Depends on the time of day, but FT8CALL has been hovering there for a while :)

    Obviously...nowhere near comparable to the behemoth that is FT8 ;)

    I'll take 0.3% though.
  15. AA5CT

    AA5CT Ham Member QRZ Page

    re: " If you're uncomfortable with pre-release software, please wait for the future general release."

    My whole life has been "pre-release" (the road less traveled.) This is not an issue ... and now that I have my sight back, I shall continue (sidelined for the last couple years). Speaking of pre-release, have you worked 630m yet? I have, from a 30x60 ft residential backyard, reference my QRZ page for a WSPR map showing the results.

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