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Which is best, FT8 or CW?

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G4TUT/SK2022, Jan 28, 2020.

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  1. G4TUT/SK2022

    G4TUT/SK2022 Ham Member QRZ Page

    Which is best, FT8 or CW?


    In the latest of his "Radio Adventures" YouTube series, Richard G3CWI of SOTABEAMS takes a lighthearted look at whether FT8 or CW is better during a portable activation.

    Since Richard launched the Radio Adventures series in November it has grown to having over 15 videos covering topics such as magnetic loop antennas and making a portable 80-10m doublet. Also included in the mix are more general videos such as looking at the best seating options for operating in the field. The focus is always on the more adventurous side of amateur radio with new content uploaded weekly.

    WT9X, W7HT and K0UO like this.
  2. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Best for...

    KK4HPY, K3XR, KG7HVR and 3 others like this.
  3. 2E0TWD

    2E0TWD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Oh no!!! Richard is asking for trouble, lol.
    AD7S, PE1KWE, G3CWI and 3 others like this.
  4. WB8VLC

    WB8VLC Ham Member QRZ Page

    FT8, best for helping hams with insomnia get a good nights sleep, even if it's at the radio bench.
    NZ5F, VK5VZ, N3MLB and 12 others like this.
  5. W9RAC

    W9RAC Ham Member QRZ Page

    I cant even believe you're comparing the two. Very skilled vs ZERO skill? uhh ok. RAC
    K0NH, VK6ATS, NX1V and 29 others like this.
  6. SE3X

    SE3X Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Talk about opening a can of worms ..
    AD7S, K2NJO, PE1KWE and 5 others like this.
  7. W5EKG

    W5EKG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Where's my popcorn..
    K9BPS, N3MLB, KB8BMY and 5 others like this.
  8. WJ4U

    WJ4U Ham Member QRZ Page

    CW requires some skill, not quite zero.
    N4CAX, OE3JTB, K7LRC and 12 others like this.
  9. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    FT8 since most of the people don't know CW or have the SKILL.

    K0UO with Commercial telegraphy element 4 (code at 25 wpm) and is still authorized to conduct the FCC commercial GROL radio exams.
    K7GYB, N7KO, KE9OL and 2 others like this.
  10. N9AMI

    N9AMI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Na you can get lots of sleep if you run it fully auto. :)
    N7KO, JA6XZS, F8WBD and 2 others like this.
  11. K6VOX

    K6VOX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

  12. WJ4U

    WJ4U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Automated CW has a long history. Let's not discount it.
    KK4HPY, N7SBU and KG7HVR like this.
  13. K6UJ

    K6UJ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Trying to compare apples to oranges. :D:D
    NZ5F, VK6APZ/SK2022, N0NEV and 3 others like this.
  14. K4XJ

    K4XJ Ham Member QRZ Page

  15. W4SCT

    W4SCT Ham Member QRZ Page

    KG5CMS and KG7HVR like this.

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