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What's Going on at W1AW? Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, Gives us the Scoop

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K5ATA, Jul 15, 2021.

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  1. YO3GFH

    YO3GFH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for the video, very nice content! Don't mind the nit-pickers :)
    K5ATA and M1WML like this.
  2. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    If you think that's the worst audio you've EVER heard I'm guessing you just started watching Youtube videos maybe in the last 3 or 4 days?
    KD2TUD, K5ATA, KD5BVX and 2 others like this.
  3. KA5WHO

    KA5WHO Ham Member QRZ Page

    We Have a Window Cleaning Service and we used to go down to New Haven and clean windows at a inn managed by Yale.On the way back a couple of days later,we would stop at W1aw,I would operate one of the stations,usually the am station.My wife would look for Ham related gifts and save them till xmas or my birthday.I felt like a rare DX station.Hi.Hi.
    N3FAA, K5ATA, WN1MB and 1 other person like this.
  4. DJ0AJ

    DJ0AJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    W1AW --NJ1Q ; HI JOE sincerrely my self i have i nice time joe .all the best vyDJOAJ ekrem
    M1WML and K5ATA like this.
  5. AD5HR

    AD5HR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Means Where's The Fish.
    Something I ask often at the lake.
    WN1MB, KP4SX, M1WML and 2 others like this.
  6. ZL1FTH

    ZL1FTH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Worked W1AW on 40M a couple of weeks ago.
    100 Watts and a piece of wire.Not bad from here.
    K8PG and M1WML like this.
  7. M1WML

    M1WML Ham Member QRZ Page

  8. G0KDT

    G0KDT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Or 'Waste Transfer Facility' as some twonk rebadged a waste companys waste sites over here in their blurb and powerpoints ..inevitably it had to rapidly change when one person actually used the alternative.... don't you just love moments like that.
  9. K7EA

    K7EA Ham Member QRZ Page

    You guys are leaving off the last part of the expression. From early am days, it means your turn, like "k" or "bk"


    The O is for "over"
    WN1MB likes this.
  10. DJ0AJ

    DJ0AJ Ham Member QRZ Page

  11. KW2P

    KW2P XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hello to everyone on the ARRL team. We love your work!

    However, I must say that the audio on this video is absolutely horrendous. Lol. Wow. Embarrassing.
    K0UO and KJ4CC like this.
  12. KJ4CC

    KJ4CC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    It could be your ears
  13. KJ4CC

    KJ4CC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    You might want to get your ears checked it sounds fine
  14. N2NOW

    N2NOW XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    nice video
  15. KA1VF

    KA1VF Ham Member QRZ Page


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