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What to look for in your SOTA Tent

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KG5AHJ, Sep 29, 2021.

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  1. K7GYB

    K7GYB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I agree 100%. The mindset is totally different when you're solo and deep. I try to keep it light as possible but I've found I can take a bit more with a decent pack (using a Mystery Ranch now) which makes 65 lbs. feel more like 45, at least for the first 7 miles. Isolation in the wildlands is almost a spiritual thing for me. I go through terrible depression when I have to return to "civilization". Glad you've bounced back from your fall (actually not trying to be funny with a pun here, just typed it off the top of my head) but sorry to hear you can't pack any more. Anyhow, hope to hear you on-air and good luck with your bushcrafting skills!
  2. KC7JNJ

    KC7JNJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just drink lots of water and mark out your camp. :p

    I just saw a show on Anatolians they had been protecting the flock from wolves. A pack of Anatolians would attack the wolves. Respect for that breed. That and the Great Pyrenees.

    I dont tent anymore but still have an old Sierra Designs stretch dome. It was made for very high winds.
    WD4ELG likes this.
  3. KK9W

    KK9W Ham Member QRZ Page

    No tents or camping for me. It costs too much money to live like I'm homeless.
    WD4ELG and KC7JNJ like this.

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