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What to look for in your SOTA Tent

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KG5AHJ, Sep 29, 2021.

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  1. K6MTS

    K6MTS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Curious as to what tent you ended up getting, where was the trip to, how did it go, etc?? Thanks
    US7IGN likes this.
  2. KG5AHJ

    KG5AHJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I went with REI quarter dome two person. I like having the extra room too pull out and repack my backpack inside the tent.
    WD0BCT and US7IGN like this.
  3. US7IGN

    US7IGN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Has anyone tried using aluminum tent poles as a counterweight for an antenna?
  4. KM1NDY

    KM1NDY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have the old model of the Tarptent Rainshadow 2.
    Two 1/2 pounds, silnylon, and giant! I love this tent.

    Below are from last month's SOTA 20pt overnighter of Mts. Passaconaway & Whiteface. That is 3 complete sleep systems side-by-side (because my dog gets one too!) with room to spare!

    The bags are GIANT Hyperlyte Mountain Gear Porter 5400s. And I did bring the 891 with 15ah bioenno and ldg tuner per routine for nearly a 40 pound pack (yuck).



    KG5AHJ, K7GYB, KC7ZXY and 3 others like this.
  5. WD0BCT

    WD0BCT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Having lived beyond the tenting stage of my life (which covered minimal to maximum tent sizes) I can say that after retiring a tent that allowed me to stand fully upright while inside was appreciated. A cot was also much preferred for sleeping and just sitting upon during inclement weather. Being huddled close to the ground holds no appeal when getting up becomes a challenge!

    I now limit portable operating to day trips to an available picnic table....covered if possible.
    W1YW, KU4X, KC7ZXY and 1 other person like this.
  6. KI5IQE

    KI5IQE Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I’m with you brother.
  7. KI4POT

    KI4POT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Bugs are why I do most (virtually all) of my camping in the winter. They're not a problem when it's 20degF out. :D

    US7IGN likes this.
  8. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Truly a benefit in many ways but prefer a cabin I those conditions.
    K0UO likes this.
  9. K7GYB

    K7GYB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yeah, me too. Even though I haven't yet become tired of roughing it for 2-3 days here in the PNW as I'm still in awe of the magic of our wildlands. I have a 3x3 metre tarp with 18 tie-d0wn points which can create over 20 geometries including a tee-pe configuration that can include the groundsheet when folded correctly... lots of how-to vids on YouTube on how to do this. Tarps can have more uses than just a mono-usage tent.
    KM1NDY likes this.
  10. KM1NDY

    KM1NDY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I too have been edging more and more toward a tarp. I have been taking the REI quarter dome tarp with me routinely for day hikes in case I need shelter or a dry place to set up.

    That said, I can't make the leap to overnighting with only a tarp because I need to be able to contain my dog...and I don't really love the idea of waking up with some random critter next to me.

    K7GYB likes this.
  11. K7GYB

    K7GYB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Cool! Dogs are awesome on trail!!! Understandable. Of the bear encounters I've had on trail they have all rip-snorted off more afraid of me than I was of them since they are hunted here. My concern is an aged/sick cougar which is more likely to stalk but that is very rare but not unheard of. Dogs are a great comfort on trial and just brilliant companions. 73!
    KM1NDY likes this.
  12. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I had a work injury (fall) 23' onto a lower roof at a hospital. Left an impression in the subroof I hit like a crime scene photo. I can walk now but can no long carry a pack or cover much distance. Killed my solo sailing also.
    Tried one of those Razor 4 wheelers as they are very soft suspension but I was dying I after a short while with the bumps. That killed my wilderness adventures along with going to sea.
    I do miss it but had plenty of fun so I am good with it as it stands. Still I was getting tired of roughing it the older I got and saw it more as keeping in practice of my survival skills.

    When it comes to the wilderness there are those who see it as a vacation and pack accordingly. They plan on their survival holding out till rescued. I see it as more an escape and evasion exercise so bushcrafting is my priority.
    When you think no one is coming for you you load out differently. It's much more important to me keep my pack light so I can carry more foodstuffs, medical supplies and ammo. I see tents as a luxury I cannot afford.
    Once you start asking if you could hold out for weeks or longer how you pack becomes much different.

    Not saying vacation hiking is bad but just a different philosophy. Just not mine.
    K7GYB, W7UUU, WD4ELG and 1 other person like this.
  13. K6MTS

    K6MTS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  14. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    What's so funny?
  15. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    A tarp is a great perceived deterrant by some critters. Up here in the NH WHite Mountains of New England, critters are snooping for food driven by the absence of cold weather and a record acorn season. That brings out the bears--who are hungry, goofy, and dangerous, who may seek out tents, but this is presently rare on most trails and campsites, in part because the human traffic has been heavy and sustained.

    The problem is coyotes, who both probe and run away. A tarp is an extra layer to make that more taxing and less inviting.

    Of course, a dog also tends to thwart them. I can't tell you in words the reaction of a coyote to my Anitolian Shepherd's blood curdling growl when being 'coyote probed'.

    Big cowards...:)
    KC7JNJ and K7GYB like this.

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