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What It's Going to take...

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KY5U, Aug 11, 2005.

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  1. K5GHS

    K5GHS Ham Member QRZ Page

    That is definetely my plan, to learn the code ASAP (I don't believe its going to be Dec 31, I think it will be sooner that the requirement goes).

    As for learning in the car, I commute daily in the Tracy area, which last I heard, is the second worst area for traffic and stuff. Thats why I only talk when I can in the car while commuting, and don't try to learn code while driving. I'm getting cut off enough as it is, that I need plenty of attention devoted to that [​IMG]

    I see the point though, and understand where the lazyiness comes from too-there are people who are, and thus the stereotype is there. I just wish that people wouldn't be judged in that vein first of all-find out why before assuming, thats all I'm asking for.

    If I can help it (and my boss can too) I plan on code testing before this becomes law. But, if I can't, I'm still going to code certify somehow, be it via the ARRL or whomever once the FCC stops testing for it. I have set that personal goal for myself. It may just take longer than I have planned to do it, but it will be done, even if I have to start the day after I retire from the workforce. [​IMG] Either way, I will be code certified in some manner, and I do want to try the mode out on HF just like all of the other modes out there also.

    But you're right, and Field day this year told me I need to get off my ass and take some time to do it. You're right. I just don't think I was lazy in not doing so this long. I would say I was 'content' with the hobby until I discovered a large avenue I was not exploring-HF. Now I will do what I need to do to get there, and that includes code. Wether I will get it in time to have to prove it to the FCC remains to be seen, but I will definetely prove it to myself either way.
  2. K5GHS

    K5GHS Ham Member QRZ Page

    And, just to add a little bit:

    I mentioned in another post that I had made a contact with a KI6 ham. Turns out he happens to be the son of one of the members of my club. I was his first contact, and he wants a QSL card to commerate the occasion, etc, and I told him I would be more than glad to oblidge him at the next meeting. His father thanked me for the QSO with his son and was glad that his first contact was with me and was a great conversation that wound up exploring simplex, which the son knew about but never had used.

    Now, what if his first attempted contact would have been with someone who would have saw him as a lazy, no coded person? Would he still be happy with the hobby? Would he try again?

    Thats all I'm asking for here-get the story before laying on the line, is all. Is it really fair to chastise a person who JUST got thier ticket about code already? (This person is studying that next, btw)

    Ok, you can call me lazy, I've had my licence 13 years, so yeah, you know what, I am and I'll accept that, but is it really right to assume because someone is a NCT they haven't tried?

    Thats all I'm asking for really here-can someone at least be given a little benefit of the doubt before the "YOU'RE A NCT, NO SOUP FOR YOU!"

    Just wondering, is all. Is this really a way to promote and help people in the hobby, be it 20 years NCT, 1 month NCT, or 50 years Extra?
    Thats the question, really, and the meat of the point I'm trying to make. I'm sure people have thier reasons, much of which could be attributed to laziness, but why lump people into one group?
  3. W5MJL

    W5MJL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well Joshua, we can't lump people all in the same group. People do have different priorities in their lives. Everything in life is not amateur radio. Sometimes we all lump people into categories that are undeserving of the label.

    My only problem with people are those that want something but are not willing to put forth the effort to acquire it. It is difficult to determine who wants to upgrade, and who was sidetracked by other priorities over the years. There is no question in my mind that anyone that truly wants to upgrade, and anyone with a good attitude could easily pass a 5wpm code test.

    Prior to starting my own business, I worked for a few companies on straight commission. Talk about learning to set priorities. Success is mandatory, or you don't eat. It's truly a great life experience.

    I guess I firmly believe in being goal oriented. Whatever you choose to do in life can be achieved if you lay the groundwork for success. There used to be an old saying that you need to be in the right place at the right time. This is somewhat true, but I like to add something to it that is more important. You have to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right experience and attitude.
  4. N4WGN

    N4WGN Ham Member QRZ Page

    The subject here at hand is. What it's going to take. Not, How can you tell if they passes code or not. By this post i think most of you know that changes are coming. I know there will allways be a few who will never let this go. Who knows i might have been that way too.

    We now have the VE teams who test us. Some of us still have to drive 20 - 30 miles to be tested.

    I think we should be thanking the old timers for what they did for this hobby. To the ones that has open the doors for us... Thank you. They are the ones who will be welcoming the ones who upgrade if and when this happens.

    I dont think it matters to most ham op if we really have to pass the code test or not. What matters is how we act on the air and we have to stay away from the cw part of the band unless we are working cw.
  5. K5GHS

    K5GHS Ham Member QRZ Page

    And with that I agree wholeheartedly. I think you should have to work at least a little to achieve something. You're right in that regard.

    And for the lazy people to hold out until then, well thats not right either, and if I don't learn it, and wind up upgrading afterwards, then I should be part of that group also, because I didn't step up.

    But, should I be chastized to the point that I'm refused QSO? I understand being classified as a NCG in that case, but I just don't agree with being hostile about it also.

    The ones I worry about being affected are not people like myself who don't learn it for whatever reason, or who wait it out to take the easy route. I worry about the ones who, say a year or 2 from now, take an interest in the hobby. Long after the ink has dried on the NPRM. Who don't know, had no idea that morse was even a testing element. They take the test that is required, study, take thier vitamins, earn thier licence. Turn on the radio "NO SOUP FOR YOU!" is the first thing they hear.

    That, to me is what scares me about this whole debate, and what I wouldn't find to be fair.

    As for current people holding out and/or not getting around to it, like myself, flame away definetely [​IMG]

    I just hope once it is said and done, we all go back to doing what we do best-enjoying the hobby and welcoming those in it now-and those who will enter it in the future, whatever the requirements may be. That is what its going to take, to quote the original topic.

    (Side note: I FEAR testing going away, and I have said in other topics that not only that the testing be harder as a 'lid filter' but testing every 10 years for renewal wouldn't be a bad idea. Would at least require, at a minimum, that every operator re-memorise the answers every 10 years. But, with this, I could see the numbers really going down also. Also, I submitted to the FCC that Morse should be kept for the Extra.)
  6. W5MJL

    W5MJL Ham Member QRZ Page

    I doubt very seriously if you or any nc general will be treated differently unless you come into hf with a chip on your shoulder.  Well I shouldn't have said any.  Rick, N1IRL will have some problems for sure should he run into anyone from QRZ on the bands.

    People will judge you based on your operating ability.  

    When we go to no testing whatsoever (5-7 years) it won't matter anymore.  The bands will turn into a free-for-all and there will be no such thing as self-policing the bands unless we all become foxhunters and carry shotguns.
  7. KY5U

    KY5U Ham Member QRZ Page


    As was said, people will judge you by what you do. Show people that you're a learner, and you'll get respect. For every butt head that won't talk to you, there are 10 who will. Remember that being a good Amateur is not about other people, it is about you. What you learn, how you act, the decisions YOU make.
  8. AG4RQ

    AG4RQ Ham Member QRZ Page

  9. K5GHS

    K5GHS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I hope so, for the sake of the hobby [​IMG]

    So far I haven't encountered anyone like this in 13 years, at least on the air, so thats a good sign.

    Have encountered a few of them in real life. It was hard, but I usually just shook my head and walked away. That happens anywhere with anything though, so I don't blame Ham Radio for that, really.
  10. W5MJL

    W5MJL Ham Member QRZ Page

  11. kd4mxe

    kd4mxe QRZ Member QRZ Page

    ag4yo- hey mr charlie I pasted the general test in july and fail the code , and I am going Back to take the code again, are you going to talk to me when I get on Hf ,and thats on a home Brew antenna to, 73 Bill
  12. K1MVP

    K1MVP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sure there will,(be a way to tell a nc ham)--you will never
    see them on cw in the cw band.

                                    73, K1MVP
  13. AB0WR

    AB0WR Ham Member QRZ Page

    You pretty much nailed it.

    tim ab0wr
  14. N5FOG

    N5FOG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not knowing how to manually send/receive CW isn't going to keep them out of the CW part of the band. A computer with the right software can send/receive CW very well, In fact most people on the other end cannot tell. I've made lots of contacts running CW on 6 meters for several years with my PC.
    And I know there are some of you who are going to say well I can pick out weak signals your PC cannot. There have been numerous times the computer could "hear" and "see" a signal when there was nothing audible but static. I look forward to working some good DX down in the CW portions of the band. The no-code people are not fighting to remove the mode from ham radio. I know lots of no-code that enjoy CW with a computer which makes a true digital mode. They just want it to be removed as a test requirement.

    Eric Kc5Fog
  15. KY5U

    KY5U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Any time, any band Mr. Bill.
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