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Web pages on now (?) set initial focus to callsign query, problem for keyboard navigation

Discussion in 'QRZ Site Community Help Center' started by WB0GAZ, Feb 7, 2024.

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  1. WB0GAZ

    WB0GAZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I noticed in the last week or two (7 Feb now) that web pages appear to set initial focus (user input) to the callsign search field. When I enter web pages the callsign search field is automatically active. As I mostly navigate with a keyboard (rather than a mouse), the keyboard navigation keys (such as up/down/right/left arrows) now are trapped by the callsign search field, rather than operating as expected to move within the web page.

    Example of other website that has this behavior (and has had for some time) -

    Example of other website that lacks this behavior - almost any other web site with a search/input field embedded.

    Does this change provide a user experience benefit I'm missing?

    Thanks for any comment.
    N8QQE, WN1MB, K8BB and 1 other person like this.
  2. K8BB

    K8BB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I’ve noticed too, on two different devices. I don’t get this behavior on numerous other XenForo-powered sites, only here.

    It’s become annoying…
  3. N8QQE

    N8QQE XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I've noticed this quirk this evening also. Also, the drop-down menu of previous lookups in the search box (upper left corner top) doesn't work here either. I have the same issue when using QRZ in browser or the app.
    W1LIM likes this.
  4. WN1C

    WN1C Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ah, so it's not just me. I find it convenient that Digikey defaults to the search field, but the automatic drop-down of call lookup history on QRZ plus getting in the way of browsing with the arrow up/down without clicking out is inconvenient.
    N8QQE likes this.
  5. K8VHL

    K8VHL Moderator Emeritus Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Will make some inquiries and report back. In the meantime, please use your mouse for navigation.
    WB0GAZ and N8QQE like this.
  6. AC0GT

    AC0GT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Like we have any option. :Do_O

    I appreciate the effort to investigate, thanks.
  7. K8VHL

    K8VHL Moderator Emeritus Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank you for that voice of support. Perhaps you could offer a better option?
    AC0GT likes this.
  8. AC0GT

    AC0GT Ham Member QRZ Page

    No, I don't have a better option. I'm just being silly. Keep up the good work.
    K8VHL likes this.
  9. K8VHL

    K8VHL Moderator Emeritus Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Silly is good. Sometimes we take ourselves too seriously. Thank you for the kind words.
  10. WB0GAZ

    WB0GAZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    (better option?) - the HTML code that was in use until this change had the more common behavior (must click into field to make use of search input field).

    I believe it's some option in the base website HTML when configuring the input field, and the change could probably be backed out. Could be more involved if is built on a toolkit or framework where that option got changed by the toolkit/framework provider.
  11. K8VHL

    K8VHL Moderator Emeritus Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I have an update from IT and WB0GAZ pretty much nailed the problem. It started with a Chrome update for Win 10 and Win 11 that affects certain QRZ HTML processes having to do with "autofill". The problem is ongoing because Google is still in the process of changing their code which presents IT with a moving target. This also affects the Edge browser as it is built on a Chrome foundation.
    We don't have a workaround (other than using a mouse) or a timeframe yet. We will update as we know more.
    N8QQE, NZ4X and N3RYB like this.
  12. WN1MB

    WN1MB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Google and Microsoft - the gifts that keep on giving.
    W1LIM and N8QQE like this.
  13. K8VHL

    K8VHL Moderator Emeritus Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Some users have reported that updating Chrome partially resolves the problem. Select the three dots at the top right of a Chrome screen, scroll down, and select Settings near the bottom, then scroll down the left side to the bottom and select About Chrome. It should automatically check for and update Chrome on your Win 10 or Win 11 system.
  14. K8BB

    K8BB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Mac user here, and the issue is (or has been recently) present (and persistent) on two iDevices using Safari, not Chrome
    N6YWU likes this.
  15. WB0GAZ

    WB0GAZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    On Firefox 118.0.1 here (Windows 10), appears that Firefox is on a different underlying engine than Chrome/Edge.

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