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The ARRL Letter, Vol 26, No 04

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Jan 27, 2007.

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  1. K0JK

    K0JK XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Oh, btw, you are also a liar. I doubt that the answers to the questions on any test that you have ever taken were not in the public domain. You are a liar that knows no shame so you project your self hatred onto me. Please stop and get help...
  2. KC0ROM

    KC0ROM Ham Member QRZ Page

    KC0WCM Mike don't allow the troll's to annoy you but you picked one of their favorite subjects to start a pissing contest over. The ruling has been made and yes the amateur world is changing once again,hopefully for the better.If you learn the language of morse code and enjoy using it that is wonderful,if others do not,then it is their freedom of choice. But some are just ignorant enough not to know what they missed in the first place.Life is just a bowl of cherries but somebody could leave out the pits and we'd all be happy all the time.Just get on the radio be it with code or phone or digital and enjoy the hell out of it ,for life is short.Nobody knows what the future holds,lets take it one day at a time,GET IN ON THESE POSTS AND GIVE EM HELL,they will appreciate you for it. 73 KC0ROM Scott
  3. AD4MG

    AD4MG Banned QRZ Page

    Thanks for confirming just what type of a person you are.

    A shallow, little fool with a big mouth. Now big boy, shout me down again. You do it so well.

    As you continue to use the term "stupid", you may chance a look in a mirror.

    Why are you so hateful, anyway? I never said anything about the code/nocode debate. I simply pointed out how anal you were acting. Having problems handling the truth?

    Just another keyboard hero. So common these days.
  4. AD4MG

    AD4MG Banned QRZ Page

    Scott - as you wallow in your ignorance, please indicate where I brought the current debate in where I illustrated what a jerk your buddy is.

    Yeah, go for it. I'm in for the long run. Do you actually think you're going to bother me in the least? You and your little name-calling friend? Ha!
  5. KB7DA

    KB7DA Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    So far no one has given any of us any good reason why this is a bad thing. The biggest fear again came up as "A MULTI-BAND CB RADIO" um bullcrap listen to 20M and 75M. Come on there has to be someone out there to explain in easy to understand reasons as to why this is a bad thing. Tell me this, when the NCT came to be everyone worried about it becoming a cb radio. That didn't happen then again when it was dropped to only needing 5wmp, which again it didn't happen. Now they drop the requirement completely and again they say it will become a cb. Wait and see, by the track record it shouldn't.

    There was NO mention to that the FCC could require the VEC's to make the tests harder by the IARU, just the elimination of Morse Code. Besides, all this hoo-haa about the cbers getting a free ride, as for that well so be it, but do you think the cber you fear is smart enough to pass the very difficult extra exam? I admit it, it took me 5 tries and i studied the material, I did NOT memorize the answers. Does this make me any better than any of you? No. I did my 5wpm code test, does this make me any better than the new NCG and NCAE? No. Do I consider those who took the 13 and 20wpm code test any better than me, well they may think so but no they are not any better or worse than me. Now what I don't understand is, tell me, tell us all, HOW DOES PASSING A MORSE CODE TEST MAKE ANYONE BETTER THAN THOSE WHO DON'T? There is a number of those who did pass their 13 and 20wpm code tests and do things on the air that should belong on 11 meters.

    You pro-code fundamentalists have only said that "knowing code is what makes you better since you had to pass a hard test, proves that you are worthy of being on HF and having the code test in place keeps our bands free of cbers." and has proven that this is this boils down to a elitist brotherhood of over-achievers. I say again and again and again CODE DOES NOT MAKE THE AMATEUR RADIO OPERATOR IT IS THE PERSON BEHIND THE RADIO WHO MAKES THE OPERATOR. KNOWING CODE DOES NOT MAKE YOU THE ABSOLUTE BEST OPERATOR OUT THERE!

    Come on now a late 19th early 20th century mode is outdated, we now have computers which we use to complain and argue over a moot point, mayhap we could add this to the testing, prove that you can use a packet device, or other various modes. Make the tests harder. Many ideas by the elitists to keep their precious HF free of their worst enemy (this all stems back to the hams loss of 11 meters to who they concider the poor lower classed people) the cbers... Um hello there is a much bigger threat than the loss of code. And the true enemy of all including the cbers, and that is BPL people if we are not careful we can lose our bands entirely. DO YOU WANT THIS?

    Apparently yes, because CODE is indefinably more important to keep the evil cbers off. Um how about something that will KEEP EVERYONE OFF? [​IMG] Gosh darn it BPL PEOPLE BPL IS GOING TO TAKE IT ALL AWAY FROM EVERYONE INCLUDING THOSE EVIL CBERS!!!! Geez wake up and smell the 60 over S9 of digital noise and the pitch forks and torches of the neighbors wanting you off the ham radio because you are interfering with their high speed internet connection and they cant download the latest CSI MIAMI Episode.
  6. AH2I

    AH2I Ham Member QRZ Page

    R.I.P.-Rest in Pieces Amateur Radio hobby. It was like a virus, in that it infested our precious 2 meter repeaters & now, become an internal cancer with no cure.

    I don't think those Godless No-Code Techies will be utilizing much of there mostly HF privileges, do you?!... It is just fitting though, the FCC dropped the bomb on CB radio decades ago, now they've decided to expand it in the 10 meter ham band.

    I still wonder how the FCC is going to integrate those good old fashioned "10 codes" into the HF band (Esp. when the rest of the international world doesn't know what any of them are). I hearby officially propose that the FCC require HF rig manufacturers to enclose a copy of the complete "10 code" system from 10-0 to 10-100 in every box.

    Now it's time for all those redneck, hillbillies to get up on du' air, put du' hammer down & get out 'der in the sticks. Mercy sakes good ol' buddy, I gots' tu' get me u' 1,500 watt amplifier to get out der' in the weeds. Cuz' othe'wise, I aint' goin' tu' get out der' in du' weeds & be u' weedeatur'. 10-fou' fo' sho'. This hea' be the Boogieman, we gone, bye-bye!!!

    Sing it: "Who let the dogs out? Who!-Who!-Who!!-Who!!! Who let the dogs out?" [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  7. K1LWI

    K1LWI Ham Member QRZ Page

  8. K7JEM

    K7JEM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Indeed, up until about 20 years ago, the test questions were not in the public domain. Anyone that took a test prior to that time had no way of knowing what questions would be on the test. The pool from which the questions were selected was not a public document.

    Of course there were study guides that taught you all you needed to know to pass the test, and if you knew the info, you would more than likely pass.

    I think you owe the other gentleman an apology. You are acting like a jerk, so get over it. There are plenty of people on the other side acting like jerks, too. That doesn't mean you have to.

  9. W9WHE

    W9WHE Ham Member QRZ Page

    As the founder and president of  NO TESTING INTERNATIONAL (NTI) I invite all hams to join me and support the efforts to:

    1) end all testing for ham licenses; and

    2) merge the Amateur, CB, GMRS and FRS services into a single, NO test service called........... "11 Meters".

    10-4? Roger that..........beep!
  10. WD8BIL

    WD8BIL Ham Member QRZ Page

    From discussions here,there and on the air I've concluded the main reason some feel we need to keep the code is :

    "I had to learn it.... so should they !"

    Then there's the; "if they want a license bad enough they'd learn it. Geez.... 5WPM is slow.... those lazy idiots."

    Reality is, the FCC says it's no longer required. No more P&Ming is gonna change that.

    So...... if you REALLY wanna keep the LIDS out of ham radio perhaps the written tests could actually be hard.

    Getting the REAL answers off the web might help too.

    THEN.... those "lazy idiots" would be motivated to actually learn and earn something !!

    ps.... One listen on 75 meters any given night proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the code requirement DID NOT KEEP THE LIDS out of amateur radio.
    Can you say Glenn Baxter [​IMG] He passed the code test too !!!!
  11. K0JK

    K0JK XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The old gaurd of Ham radio... Good riddance... The current state of Ham radio is the fault of operators like you. I am new to this great hobby. What is your excuse for the state of the bands? The cw requirement has not dropped yet, so you can't use that... Maybe you should look in the mirror, jerk.
  12. K0JK

    K0JK XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Listen to me carefully. The answers to any question that is known can be found in books that are in the public domain. Even cw characters!!!!!!!!!!!!GASP!!!! That is a true statement. I am not saying that there are questions to which there are no known answers (DUH), but the assertions that somehow you old guys learned all on your own is absurd.

    I respect the old timers, but I do not like it when the idiots of the bunch crap on me and spread lies to make their achievements seem greater than they were. They can trash me and other (evil) Techs all day long, but cry foul when they get a dose of their same treatment back. Isn't it funny how that works.

    I am getting flamed for calling out someone that was acting stupid. I will not apologize to him because he is far from a gentleman and is nothing more than a braggart. You know what they say about people that brag about their credentials. The guy has no class and until he shows some he will be a Lid in my eyes. I can't imagine he is any better on the radio and if I ever come across him and he is breaking the rules I will be there to help the FCC show him the door. This is a hobby and little Napoleons like him have to accept that it is not just theirs.
  13. AD4MG

    AD4MG Banned QRZ Page

    No, don't try to lie your way out of this.  Plain and simple, you called a fellow whom you have never met, and who you know nothing about, "stupid".

    Had you simply called this gentleman out, you wouldn't be whining and crying like a 5 year old school girl with a bug in her hair.

    A shame you attempt to catagorize me.  I'm not all that old, started as a no code technician (one of the first), and am always willing to help anyone, anytime.

    You can almost dish it out (but not very well, you're way too emotional), but you certainly cannot take it very well.

    Grow up son, and come back soon.  Maybe one day you can hang with the big boys.

  14. NC5S

    NC5S Ham Member QRZ Page

    And here, you have the beginnings of the next, predicted, movement.  Removal of the written test as a requirement.
  15. KI4MSA

    KI4MSA Ham Member QRZ Page

    When you doom and gloom Extras & Generals that stated you were selling out because the code has been dropped, actually get around to doing so. I'm needing a Kenwood SM-220 station Monitor, SP-230 Speaker, and Kenwood HC-10 Clock to finish off the fine TS-530s station I'm building.

    ... . .   -.-- .-   --- -.   .... ..-.   [​IMG]
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