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SK Glen Zook K9STH

Discussion in 'Silent Keys / Friends Remembered' started by WC5P, Aug 14, 2020.

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  1. KC1BMD

    KC1BMD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I just learned about this sad news. Glen was always so helpful to answer any questions I had when I was working on my old boat-anchor Heathkit rig. What a terrible loss for his family and the ham community. RIP Glen.
  2. WB4IVG

    WB4IVG Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am sorry to hear of Glen's passing. I always enjoyed talking with him, over the years he and I shared many interests mostly radio related. We also often delved into Civil War stuff, and Metal Detectors. He and I spent many hours on Motorola and Collins equipment. He will be sorely missed in the Amateur Community. He loved to experiment and modify radio equipment. The last time we spoke he was spending time restoring some old radio equipment, which was another thing that he and many amateurs shared. 73 old friend. Laurin Cavender WB4IVG
  3. DJ0AJ

    DJ0AJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    h HI GLEN respect fully K9STH --vy73 djoaj ekrem
  4. WB5YUZ

    WB5YUZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just learned of this. Glen and I corresponded many times on these pages and he was always able to answer my questions. I regret that I don't have a card from him, but I don't think we ever worked on the air. He will truly be missed.
  5. W5NNX

    W5NNX Guest

    Sure miss seeing Glen's posts and wisdom on my friend...nice to have met you and been in your home....will miss my old TX-1 that you helped me with.....God Bless
  6. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    Gone but not forgotten. :(
    N1WVQ, K1LKP, W2JKT and 1 other person like this.
  7. W2JKT

    W2JKT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Has it been a year already? :(
    N1WVQ likes this.
  8. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Glen was great. One of the best. :)

    He is working Cloud Wave now. Using Collins Gold Dust Twins.
  9. AI1G

    AI1G XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm sorry to hear the news. Take time to read and archive his work.
    N1WVQ likes this.
  10. KM1H

    KM1H Ham Member QRZ Page

    And still fussing about 6146's:D:eek:

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