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QRZ Logbook Status Update

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Feb 2, 2019.

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  1. K7CCL

    K7CCL Ham Member QRZ Page

    no log book here yet. Must be out taking a walk getting a little exercise.. Kind of what I should be doing.:cool:
  2. K8XG

    K8XG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    One day, your bank or retirement account website/database is going to go blank. If you don't have definitive proof of what you have deposited there from month to month; one day you might found out your retirement just went Pooff ;-O

    K8BJC likes this.
  3. WJ1MK

    WJ1MK XML Subscriber QRZ Page what now?
  4. K8BJC

    K8BJC Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    All it takes is one EMP or a massive solar storm like the Carringon Event...or a 5/9 type event (Mr. Robot) poof!
    K8XG likes this.
  5. KE0SIS

    KE0SIS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Still no logbook
  6. K8BJC

    K8BJC Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


  7. KE0LLH

    KE0LLH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Logbook is still missing here also. cant even open the page, hope it comes back soon. My favorite logbook of the 3 that I use.
  8. KF1P

    KF1P Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sit Back, Relax and pray nuttin happens....An act of extreme Patience.....worse than watching paint dry in a humid climate.....With paint it is just poaint.....with little thing and ya get to start over....Thank you for keeping "stuff" working during this....
  9. KE0SIS

    KE0SIS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I dont know, When they post that it is restored and it still doesnt work.
  10. KM4LZM

    KM4LZM Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Still NO " My Logbook " ! What up??????????????????
  11. N1RJK

    N1RJK Ham Member QRZ Page

    I can't upload to LOTW now ?
  12. K5WY

    K5WY Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Mine's back.
  13. K5WY

    K5WY Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Download request processed very quickly.
  14. N4XU

    N4XU Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Logs seem to be back. I won't tempt fate, and defer any LoTW downloads until tomorrow.
  15. KN4EWI

    KN4EWI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Mine is back too. Cool. I don't use QRZ for my master logbook. I use DXKeeper, but could just as easily use several other awesome logging programs. QRZ is flat out the world master at QRZ, who is calling me. One click and it sorts my real logbook. That never stopped working. It is nonetheless not where you want to start logging loads of contacts, assuming you do any substantial logging, if you're serious about logging. It's a place to upload. Get a real logbook and enjoy the super speedy XML data population from here along with the pretty gold stars and countries turning yellow and green. Fun watching the drama over this upgrade, and hope the relatively new folks heed this.
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