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QRZ Callsign Database Policy Change

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Jun 17, 2011.

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  1. N0WYO

    N0WYO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm interested in this too.

    I haven't checked it recently, as the logging computer is down at the moment. I need to fix it this weekend.
    No matter...HRD will most likely adapt at some point.
  2. AB3FL

    AB3FL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Now I am glad that I subscribe to the XML service as the logging program I use "Commcat" has used that since it became available. HRD is one of the biggest offenders of using the "stealth" mode. Maybe hrd will have to be rewritten to use the xml service........

    Tom - AB3FL
  3. N8DZR

    N8DZR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yeah! I 100% support this change!

    1) subscribe to the XML service
    2) In the HRD logbook, click on the tools menu, then Configure -> Callsign Lookup.
    3) When the window opens, click on the Lookup Options tab, and then choose the radio button for Subscription Interface.
    4) Make sure your username and password are filled in.
  4. W0VYE

    W0VYE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Fred, I think what you do here at has a huge positive effect on ham radio. Do whatever you need to do. I and many others are behind you all the way.

    Personally, I don't much give a damn if I have internet access in my shack or not, or any kind of electronic logging. Shut down all access to everyone except registered users actually logged in, and I'm with you. 73
  5. KF6ABU

    KF6ABU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Why would you? Likewise I wouldnt care if the price of TV Guide , or Geritol went up 400%, I dont use it.
  6. W4ABC

    W4ABC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Spoken like a true non-XML subscriber!

    I've got two computers running with four monitors and they're both in the shack. I like my logging program and I like to be able to instantly pull up another ham's information while directing the antenna in the proper direction. QRZ fills in all the blanks allowing me to automate much of the drudgery out of the hobby.


    Jon Pearl - W4ABC
  7. G1PIE

    G1PIE Ham Member QRZ Page

    fred and the team.
    keep up the good work.
  8. DH2DAM

    DH2DAM Guest

    Same Problem with my HAM Office logging program. 73 DH2DAM
  9. KG4RRN

    KG4RRN Ham Member QRZ Page

    QRZ Database

    Dear Fred,
    I am now writing this from another state...
    This is still free, and reasonable, and Fred, I thank you.
    It's much easier than filling out a change of address card online at
    because now they charge you $1.00 to do that...Fred is Free....
    They also lost their chance to charge money for an e-mail message...
    oh well....have a nice day, and don't forget to use the large air can next time
    you clean the servers...
    I can see it now: USPS e-mail-- when it costs money, to send it over night....
    We deliver.
    Bob, KG4RRN
    President, Jefferson Co. WV. A.R.C.
  10. G4POP

    G4POP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Very wise move Fred

    Terry G4POP
  11. KK2DOG

    KK2DOG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Nice way to keep the BOTS away, but it's kinda' a drag to have to log-in simply to see if my last contact was in Reno or Sparks,
  12. W9JAM

    W9JAM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    "The XML service is an extremely lightweight and flexible system that places less than 1/10 of the load on our database that a "stealth" callsign lookup does on our regular pages."

    I am a fairly new Ham, and I for one am disappointed. Us fairly new hams, don't have tons of money, and I'm sorry but I think the XML look-up should be a free service. After all, you did say that the XML version is lite and doesn't require a lot of resources. Just my two cents.

    Jeremiah Mulford, W9JAM
  13. KB9HGI

    KB9HGI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    So does this mean HRD logbook and DM780 will not look up callsigns for you? I just tried it in the HRD logbook and it does nothing now:(
  14. GW3WSU

    GW3WSU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am very happy with QRZ.COM & would like to record my thanks to the chap who's made all this possible. Long may he carry on helping us (Hams) in this way.
    Again many thanks. Colin GW3WSU.
  15. W9JAM

    W9JAM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    That is exactly what it means. If you don't fork over the 59.99 a year for the XML subscription to, it won't work.
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