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QRZ Callsign Database Policy Change

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Jun 17, 2011.

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  1. M5SSB

    M5SSB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Absolutely impossible to reach my look up limit as i have been in bed illover most of the last 48 hours and have only been on qrz about max 6 times today! m5ssb
  2. KB0OXD

    KB0OXD Guest

    Too bad the BAD APPLES out there have made it just that much HARDER on those of us who are trying to use QRZ to lookup POTENTIAL AVAILABLE VANITY CALLSIGNS which we might be able to use to submit to the FCC for consideration

    Then too, if the bot/spider isn't from a Ham, they're not gonna give a RATS-YOU-KNOW-WHAT things like that which happen to mean an awful lot to many of us Hams to begin with :mad:

    Cheers ( ?? ) & 73.....
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