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News about the results of 15th Russian WW PSK Contest 2017

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by RK3DSW, Mar 17, 2017.

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  1. RK3DSW

    RK3DSW Ham Member QRZ Page

    On the eve of RDRC birthday and Activity Day devoted to 3rd Anniversary of RDRC (was founded on March 21st, 2014) the results of Russian WW PSK Contest 2017 are published - the international competition in a radio communication on HF in BPSK31,63,125 modes which were held on February, 18-19. During the five days period of receiving the reports by the Contest Committee of RUS-WW-PSK 787 reports have been received from members of 69 regions of Russia and 61 countries of DXCC, among them - 175 RDRC club members. 30 young radio amateurs from Spain, Serbia and Russia have taken part in teams of subgroup MULTI-ONE. We congratulate the winners and prize-winners of the well-deserved achievements and wish all the participants the following success in our next competitions. 15 prizes founded by RDRC and were raffled. In result of a separate set-off between Russian and foreign participants, the winners in Asiatic and European Russia and the rest of the world were determined. Together with the results of subgroups, continents, countries and Federal districts and UBN-files, we publish for each participant a List of confirmed areas CFM OBLAST which can be used in the form of applications for Award "Russia".

    The prizes of the fifteenth Russian World Wide PSK Contest in MULTI-ONE were won by six teams:
    • Croatian contest club 9A5Y team are among the participants of MULTI-ONE World и MULTI-ONE European Russia & Asiatic Russia subgroups for the best result by quantity of multipliers - 255 countries of the world and oblasts of Russia;
    • The youth team of the Rostov City center of youth and sports R3MAI are among participants of the additional MULTI-ONE Junior for the best result by quantity of multipliers - 69 countries of the world and oblasts of Russia;
    Championship among family teams took place for the first time in the additional tests of MULTI-ONE Family. Prizes are awarded to:
    • The team of the Vodenicharov's family LZ9Z for 1 place in MULTI-ONE Family World - 745 QSO and 754.005 points;
    • The team of the Kharitonov's family RA9CHS for 1 place in MULTI-ONE Asiatic Russia - 193 QSO and 73.200 points;
    • The team of the Mukhin's family RA3DAD for 1 place in MULTI-ONE European Russia - 591 QSO and 454.112 points;
    • Contestmen of one of the best family teams Muzafarov's UA9TK won the prize, which was played in the lottery, and receive it in memory of participation in the 15th RUS-WW-PSK - 386 QSO and 443.784 points;
    In individual standings of SINGLE-OP the prizes were won by nine participants from Russia, Ukraine and Kuwait. Prizes are awarded to:
    • Yakovenko Nikolay Aleksandrovich UT5EPP for 1 place in the world in subgroup SINGLE-OP ALL World - 798 QSO and 875.595 points;
    • Abdallah AL-Muzayan 9K2GS for 1 place in Asia in subgroup SINGLE-OP ALL World - 437 QSO and 452.016 points;
    • Uvatenkov Igor Gennadevich R9JD for 1 place in the Asiatic Russia in subgroup SINGLE-OP ALL - 795 QSO and 1.028.583 points;
    • Shcherbakov Vladimir Vladimirovich RA3Y for 1 place in the European Russia in subgroup SINGLE-OP ALL - 772 QSO and 808.520 points;
    • Trophimov Alexander Sergeevich R9AAL has won a prize which was raffled between the participants who have borrowed 15 places in SINGLE-OP ALL, and is handed over to it for 15 place in the Asiatic Russia in 15-th RUS-WW-PSK;
    • Dobrovolsky Sergey Valentinovich UT2GA for the best result in the world among participants one-band SOSB-World subgroups SO160, SO80, SO40, SO20 и SO15 - 91 country of the world and oblasts of Russia;
    • Dmitrienko Victor Mihajlovich UC0A for the best result in the Asiatic Russia among participants one-band SOSB-Russia subgroups SO160, SO80, SO40, SO20 и SO15 - 81 country of the world and oblasts of Russia;
    • Myaus Alexander Ivanovich RV3ZN for the best result in the European Russia in subgroups SOSB-Russia - 88 countries of the world and oblasts of Russia;
    • Borisov Gennady Petrovich R1A-12 for the best result in the world among DMS in subgroups SINGLE-OP SWL - 191 two-way SWL.

    Primorye amateur Radioclub has established awards for participants RUS-WW-PSK 2017 from the Far Eastern Federal District in the personal F.E.F.D.-SOUTH and the F.E.F.D.-NORTH Championship. Only the subgroup FEFD-South (10 participants) was credited. Unfortunately, the "set-off" in FEFD-North did not work out. However, the only participant Sergey Khairulin R0QA showed the best result in the Far Eastern Federal District and he will be awarded the RUS-WW-PSK certificate. Congratulations to the winner and the prize-winners of FEFD-South subgroup. The staff of the Primorye amateur Radioclub rewards plaque, medal and diploma for the first place Belyaev Sergey Viktorovich RA0JBL, medals and diplomas for the 2nd and 3rd places of Victor Dvoryaninov UA0LEP and Victor Evdokimenko UA0JGI.

    The participants from 68 administrative regions of Russia have competed in RUS-WW-PSK 2016. The results of all Russian participants in their distribution by regions can be found in ALL-RUSSIA-OBL summary table. The greatest number of contestmen is presented the following regions of Russia: Moscow region R3D - 25 callsigns; Krasnodar region R6A - 20; Voronezh region R3Q and Chelyabinsk region R9A - on 12.
    Certificates are already sent to all teams and their young operators. We shall continue to send a large number of contest Certificates of three kinds: for the winners, for the prize-winners and for the rest of the participants, according to the Regulations on awarding. Please note when viewing your mail - check not only incoming messages but also spam folders. Cups and prizes will be sent during December-January in postal parcels to the addresses indicated in the reports. See Info about the sending of certificates and prizes published in the theme of Club Forum
    We thank the Club's Activ for active assistance and will be glad to see you in good health in all following Contests organized by our club!

    73! - Contest Committee of RUS-WW-PSK

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