Perhaps this would be something best organised through one of the web based printing service providers with international distribution capabilities. You pay them and get a portion of the money. These companies can sometimes provide customised options like different colours, having your call sign on the sticker etc. This would need to be set up by someone from qrz to allow the use of their domain name and for the percentage of the price to be routed back to them. 73 Ed. vistaprint stickermule staples zazzle etc.
I called into the local P.O which is a 100 k round trip and asked for a Global stamp . I told him what its used for and he rolled on the floor and said , there is no such thing ho ho ho. Can i put in the envelope like you do with QSL cards those one dollar notes for return postage. Thank you Peter VK6APZ .
Went to that webpage and got this message: Something went wrong here... You have requested a page or publication that does not exist. I also like White's Radio Log that was available at one time in Radio & TV Experimenter. Apparently no longer, though. Hope it's not my computer that balked on me.
Here's an idea... Put the sticker message on baseball caps and charge about $5-$10 for them. I also suggest you make it larger and leave some space for a callsign to be added on the label, even if with a magic marker. (Better would be to put the ham's callsign on a piece of masking tape and stuck to the sticker so it can be ripped off and not mar permanently the message on the cap. Would still be better to make the cap-sticker combination so the addition of the ham's callsign would be a natural). Doing this would be a good way for hams to suggest that their callsign, name and address can be looked up on Another option is for TWO caps: one with space for the callsign and one with the standard sticker, no callsign space. could make some money from this. There are baseball cap message companies that could do this with no problem. What would be next? A label with the "Good on QRZ" message that could be sewed onto a T-Shirt or, at least, printed on the shirt (or jacket?). At this point, my imagination hits a stop.
The proper webaddress for White's Log is here:
I had similar suggestions in a previous comment for "QRZ.COM Marketing" and I'm satisfied to see that others have the same ideas.