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N1MM Logger+ is Ready for the NEW Icom 7610 - RTTY (FSK) and Spectrum Monitor

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K0PIR, Dec 18, 2017.

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  1. K0PIR

    K0PIR Ham Member QRZ Page

    It doesn't take long configuring N1MM Logger+ for the new Icom 7610.


    The new Icom 7610 isn't listed in many Ham Radio software programs, but it is in N1MM Logger+ and MacloggerDX.

    With the two virtual COM ports in the Icom 7160, N1MM Logger+ can be configured easily to operate RTTY (FSK).

    Ham Radio Deluxe, WSJT-X and JTAlert can be configured with a little workaround.

    See the complete articles on both at

    73 and Merry Christmas!

    Rich, K0PIR

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    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
  2. K0PIR

    K0PIR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you and Merry Christmas!

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    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
  3. K3FHP

    K3FHP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Does anyone use FSK any more...or RTTY for that matter except when forced to in a RTTY only event?
  4. K0PIR

    K0PIR Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's a good question. I hear Hams on RTTY, especially in the 20 Meter RTTY section. If I call CQ I almost always get someone.

    It's a fun mode and especially so with the new Icom radios, the Icom 7300 and 7610. I am sure there are other newer transceivers that will do RTTY (FSK) too. Yaesu maybe??

    HRD and DM780 support RTTY (FSK) nowadays.

    RTTY contests are my favorite contests. Running an amp in a RTTY DX contest is especially challenging and exciting.

    There are some RTTY contests coming up pretty soon. This is a great time of year for them.

  5. KG5THG

    KG5THG Ham Member QRZ Page

    As a new ham, I've only been in two rtty contests, the Makrothen and CQ WW, but they were a lot of fun. A lot of folks join in on those. I only operate barefoot and it can be challenging.
    K0PIR likes this.
  6. KB1NXE

    KB1NXE Ham Member QRZ Page

    The IC-7610 uses virtually the same commands as the IC-7600 v2. Infact, the Icom command set is virtually the same from radio to radio with commands left out for features not available on the radio. So, programmatically, this is not a major issue.

    In HRD, I set the radio to the 7600 v2, and have full functionality. There may be several settings not available that are unique to the 7610. However, I haven't missed them yet. But have only had the radio a week, so I'm still learning where to find the bells and blow the whistles.
    K0PIR likes this.
  7. K0PIR

    K0PIR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Using N1MM Logger+ made RTTY contests a lot of fun for me. Of course I have to mention MMTTY! Great program.

  8. K0PIR

    K0PIR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good to know. I could not get the 7600 to work for mine. I hear others are having success with it.

    Glad to know it's working.

    Waiting for HRD update ;-)

  9. KB1NXE

    KB1NXE Ham Member QRZ Page


    I also needed to change the default address on the 7610 from 89 to 7A. Which is the default of the 7600. Depending on the software, there may be a table or other restriction not recognizing the 89 hex address. Also it must use the v2 settings as this setting has the commands enabled for the second VFO.

    K0PIR likes this.
  10. K0PIR

    K0PIR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I see.
  11. AC7GL

    AC7GL Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for the info. Have one or order and hope to have by Christmas.
    K0PIR likes this.
  12. K0PIR

    K0PIR Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's great. You're going to love it!

    NB, NR, AN, etc. are all top shelf. I love the RX on this rig.

    Last edited: Dec 20, 2017
  13. K2EDM

    K2EDM Ham Member QRZ Page

    audio into a ssb xmtr yields FSK...
  14. K0PIR

    K0PIR Ham Member QRZ Page

    The Icom radios, 7300 and 7610 are capable of FSK. The filtering (TPF) is available in RTTY mode too.

    Icom 7300 FSK, N1MM, MMTTY


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