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Lab599 Discovery TX-500 Deep Dive & My Review

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KI6NAZ, Aug 13, 2020.

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  1. KC5HWB

    KC5HWB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    1. No, I read what I wrote when I wrote it, and it is accurate. Being paid for do a review, and having a product donated to review, aren't the same thing. I've been offered cash money to do reviews (although it is quite rare) and I have always declined. But equipment being given to me for the purpose of review isn't a cash donation, and usually I give these items away in some form after my review is done.

    2. I think it IS different, as stated above. Disclosing it...? Yes, I think that is likely a very good idea. My issue comes into play when I DO disclose it, and then I am told I am still being dishonest. So if I am going to get called dishonest either way, why then would it be important to disclose how I received the product? (This situation is not the norm - most of my viewers and commenters on YT are positive and thank me for doing the video. It is the select few that have to stir the pot)
    OLDARCHER likes this.
  2. KC5HWB

    KC5HWB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    That is one perspective. Also realize that there is more to the story than just the small paragraph that I typed here. It really depends on what the product is, who made it, how I got it, etc. I have indeed done negative reviews on items in the past - you can plainly see that in a few of my videos. And even in my positive reviews, I will often point out 1 or 2 flaws with a piece of equipment that I personally didn't like or I thought was lacking.

    As I stated in another reply, if I am going to get called "dishonest" no matter what/how I review a product, then why does it matter?

    Also I am not the only one reviewing products online. In ALL instances, whether it is a good or bad review, you should always get more than 1 opinion. If 10 YouTubers review a product and all love it, then 1 guy hates it, that should tell you something. If the opposite happens, that should also be a clue.

    There is far, far too much negativity in Ham Radio, on THIS website, on YouTube, etc, these days. Doing a review that totally bashes a product, especially if that product has already been reviewed by someone else with the same thing I would say, does nothing. There is no point in making such a review.

    Plus, I will say this again - I HAVE DONE what you are saying I should do. I have done it in the past. And still, I get labeled as "dishonest" and "you're just getting paid to say that" by a select few. Again, I get many, many more positive comments than negative ones, but some people just can't be pleased, so why should I try to appease those folks who always want to complain, no matter what?
    OLDARCHER likes this.
  3. W5CJA

    W5CJA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    It doesn't matter to me whether people think you're dishonest or not. If you're doing the best you can, you shouldn't care either. What you SHOULD care about is whether or not your content meets FTC legal requirements.

    Undisclosed discounts in a video that can be construed as a review may just violate these guidelines.
    AJ6KZ likes this.
  4. KA9JAC

    KA9JAC Ham Member QRZ Page

  5. W6AKA

    W6AKA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Curious about this, too. I use a G90 (freq stability of +/-2.0) extensively for JS8Call, and have done lots of FT8 and FT4 with it, and I haven’t experienced issues I’d chalk up to frequency stability. Would love to understand if/how this is an issue. Where are the major performance thresholds? I note that the IC-705 is +/-0.5.
  6. N6SPP

    N6SPP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yep....And when is that " FT-867" (100w PA, all mode, hf/6/2/432) coming out? I think many of us non-vanity callsign ops don't need a waterfall to operate either. We're just looking for a decent rig to operate.
    W7SJP, G3SEA, US7IGN and 1 other person like this.
  7. KC9WUV

    KC9WUV Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Or just build a resonant antenna and take a little Bioenno battery, and all set. Right ?
    W7SJP, N4MMI and PA0MHS like this.
  8. N2RIC

    N2RIC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ten and a half pages before we got an example of Godwin’s Law.
    AJ6KZ likes this.
  9. WZ2P

    WZ2P Ham Member QRZ Page

    Why are people quick to call one piece of equipment junk when they don't own or have never used that product? What's the point, other than to be a jerk providing absolutely useless feedback on a subject they clearly lack knowledge in. Amplifying your own ignorance and by posting such useless comments waist the time of people who are actually trying to learn from the person who took the time to provide helpful content.
    OLDARCHER likes this.
  10. K9UR

    K9UR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    You're making grand assumptions about other people's comments -- of course not knowing their backgrounds nor their experience. Calling anyone ignorant due to your ignorance is no excuse. I lived in China for a decade and worked with some of these manufacturers and suppliers in the industry. I saw first hand how / what / where / many of these products that are hitting our shores when they were being developed, and I know first hand the (lack of) quality and the (inability to get) service and the difficult user interface for these one-off products. Yes, they are cheap. Very attractive to the new ham who doesn't know better, the FT8-only guy who doesn't need a proper tuning knob and so forth. They are designed for cost and cost alone. Performance is not a consideration. UX is not a major consideration. Warranty and service is non existent even inside China where they are produced. Eventually things will improve, but, until then... you're throwing away good money and for a few bucks more can have a world-class rig.

    Good radio not cheap. Cheap radio not good.
    W7SJP and OLDARCHER like this.


    Jason, I watch every video of yours that I can. I’ve never seen nor heard you show partiality, in any way…. Those who attack are usually those who can’t do what you do…. They may well be diseased, tainted by a culture on the verge of destruction. Please keep-up your great work, Sir. You, and your efforts, are needed….

    I can’t list all of those whom I have learned from. You, Julian, Thomas, and so many others. To me, you all represent what’s “right’ with the world….

    Again, Thank-You, Sir…
    W7SJP likes this.


    Josh, you’re always informative, going the extra mile…. Please never stop…
    W7SJP likes this.

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