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FCC May Revise Rules Concerning Disruption to Comms During Disasters

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by N1FM, Sep 27, 2021.

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  1. KD7YVV

    KD7YVV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Agreed, such as during the Nisqually earthquake, the 800 mhz trunked system overloaded and went into failsafe mode.
    It's not just wild terrain that some radios have trouble with, it's cellular service too.
    In fact, the building I am at this moment, the cellular service signal isn't quite up to snuff, and I do drop calls sometimes.
    As I said, while these systems may be useful, simple analog radio to radio comms will always be needed without all the
    felgercarb. It is also my belief that hams as a matter of principle should know Morse code.
    I know it's not required anymore, but everything has a use and it's my opinion that hams that don't know code aren't
    lesser hams because of it, but I believe they're missing out on a fun form of communication.
    I don't practice as much as I should and I make no excuses, but when I took my test, 5WPM was a requirement.
    Besides, it's fun to learn and keeps my one brain cell sharp.

  2. WQ2H

    WQ2H QRZ Lifetime Member #214 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Once again Rodney, the epitome of "brass tacks".

    You left out a reference to MARS. :)

    W4NNF likes this.
  3. W1GCF

    W1GCF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    You are subjecting others to to what you imagine and claim without given reason you "can almost guarantee". There is nothing in your comment that really responds to the issue or what the FCC proposes. Perhaps you have a useful point for others to consider but you really didn't articulate anything.
  4. W1GCF

    W1GCF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The comments here are so disappointing. If you don't want to take the issue seriously, that's up to you. If you don't have adult thoughts, don't interfere with emergency comms and don't babble about what you don't care about. If you would interfere - then that's what the rule would actually be for and why it's needed. You also might consider that they are needed, do matter and you could learn about that - but jejune thoughts only show you didn't bother.
  5. N1EN

    N1EN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    ...or it's a sign that local authorities need to allocate more resource to contingency planning.

    It's great that amateur radio operators are willing to help out in times of need. However, when resource permits, authorities should work to make arrangements to minimize the chances that outside help will be needed.
  6. K0IDT

    K0IDT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Two comments and nothing of value to the discussion? It's the Zed, what did you expect?

    My earlier comment about "i can almost guarantee" is based on past experience with the self-important emcomm crowd and their antics. Hams can be useful in a disaster situation, just not to the extent some would have you believe..
    Ham emcomm is over-hyped as a cash cow for the ARRL and other than some anecdotal PR material there's scant evidence to prove otherwise. Show me the hard data and I'll consider a retraction.
  7. KV6O

    KV6O Ham Member QRZ Page

    Where is interference with emergency comms being discussed? That is NOT what the NPRM is about, unless network outages and lack of resiliency is "interference". This entire proposed FCC action has NOTHING to do with ham radio - Part 97 is never mentioned. It's about the commercial wire and wireless carriers, and their ability to provide services in the face of a hurricane (or similar).

    That's what the NPRM is about - making sure the existing infrastructure stays up and is available.
    KB9MWR, N0TZU and K0IDT like this.
  8. KB8VUL

    KB8VUL Ham Member QRZ Page

    NO.... It's NOT their responsibility to provide 'routine' communications at all. They are communicating about the situation, their efforts and being dispatched to other calls after they clear whatever they are currently working on. No one can walk up to a fireman or a cop and ask them to call their wife and tell her they are OK. That don't happen. They don't even go to the Red Cross evacuation centers and shelters unless there is a problem that requires their attention. When there is a communications failure for the general public, you are on your own. And the truth is that unless the communications outage disrupts the 911 services so they can be contacted in the event of a specific need, they don't care that you can't call your wife, babysitter or anyone else. They have their own stuff to worry about.

    And we as hams could fill SOME of that gap, but there is NO way that the powers that be are going to let hams go door to door advising people of their families situation and condition.

    Something else I keep reading on here. WE PROVIDE HF COMMS. SO???? Just exactly who are you communicating with on HF? Because a local flood or whatever predicates the need to talk to people 3 states away? For what purpose?
  9. KC5FWS

    KC5FWS Ham Member QRZ Page

    well once upon a time when hams worked threw there own organizations instead of being the puppets for redcross and salvation army we were proud and needed but now these charities have got all they can cash in using the amatuer radio service and now dont need us anymore oh did i mention wee have been used alot as scapgoats tho so we are still needed i guess lol thank you redcross lol
  10. KF5JMD

    KF5JMD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I don't get into Emcomm stuff much, so personally I don't keep up with it. Was a member of ARES locally years ago and the only thing we ever really did was help with the MS-150 bike ride, not an Emergency Comm situation by far LOL.

    Something interesting that I have seen locally, ONCE, was during and after Hurricane Harvey (I am in the Houston, TX area). The local Sheriff Office uses the 700Mhz TX-WARN radio system, this system during Hurricane Harvey was so busy to the point of being overloaded that a bulletin was issued to asking everyone on the system to reduce radio traffic. Years ago when the new tower was built and equipment was being installed here locally for the P25 TX-WARN system, the SO/OEM got the tower climber/installer guys to put their old 155MHz VHF repeater gear in/on the tower/building. I am not sure how they talked them into that. Well, during that Emergency, the old 155MHz VHF repeater became invaluable, because their radios already had the capability programmed in to use it, and they were able to make their own comms there, instead of relying on that overloaded expensive P25 digital system (TXWARN).

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