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Everything Ham Radio Podcast - ETH032 - What Is Going on Lately?!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K5CLM, Aug 23, 2016.

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  1. K5CLM

    K5CLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    In this episode of the Everything Ham Radio Podcast we talk about what in the world has been going on lately in the US lately.

    Major flooding and a call out for volunteers to help in Louisiana where over 6.9 trillion gallons of rain fell in a week!! Volunteers from LA, MS, and AR answered the call and hams in the STX section were on standby.

    RACES and CERT members pair up to assist a couple retirement homes lost all power.

    Founders day for the National Park is in two day and there is ALOT of NPOTA activations this week

    We talk a little bit about what the Amateur Radio Emergency Services(ARES) is and a few more things!

    In the Amateur Radio Club spotlight we talk about the Hellgate Amateur Radio Club in Montana.

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