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ARRL Bulletin on Morse Code Elimination

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Dec 16, 2006.

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  1. KG4FQF

    KG4FQF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Droping the code is OK with me. I do have my General class license. I think there should be a line drawn in the HF bands though. For example, the Technician would get a 1/3 part, the General would get a 2/3 part ( Tech and General), and the Extra would get all 3 parts (Tech, General and Extra) of each of the HF bands.
  2. WC5B

    WC5B Ham Member QRZ Page

    That does not even make since! They are on opposing views on the issue.
  3. KG4FQF

    KG4FQF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Droping the code is OK with me. I do have my General class license. I think there should be a line drawn in the HF bands though. For example, the Technician would get a 1/3 part, the General would get a 2/3 part ( Tech and General), and the Extra would get all 3 parts (Tech, General and Extra) of each of the HF bands.
  4. WB0M

    WB0M Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's hard to say what will happen now, or at least when this takes affect. Going no-code was inevitable, with the way the rest of the world has moved, but I was really hoping that at least code would be required for the extra class license. I definitely feel part of the ham radio "charm" has been taken away.
  5. WC5B

    WC5B Ham Member QRZ Page

    That has way to much common sense for this group. HIHI Expect to be flamed in the near future. HA
  6. N0PHX

    N0PHX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Whats done is done. Im new to ham (july of 06) I thought I was going to have to learn code in order to enjoy the wonderfull world of HF. Apparently now im not going to have to. I can understand people who have been in ham for 40+ years being very angry and upset about this move by the FCC. All that can be done by those people is to mentor new hams and educate them and eventually teach them CW. I for one will probably end up learning it anyways...despite the dropping of it. I just dont see what all the anger and arguing is going to accomplish. Ham radio is a wonderfull hobby and way of life and I fear that the people reading these boards that don't yet have thier ticket and might be studying to get thiers will be hesitant or will just decide that its not worth it. These are just my thoughts...hopefully i wont be persecuted for them
  7. N0PHX

    N0PHX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Whats done is done. Im new to ham (july of 06) I thought I was going to have to learn code in order to enjoy the wonderfull world of HF. Apparently now im not going to have to. I can understand people who have been in ham for 40+ years being very angry and upset about this move by the FCC. All that can be done by those people is to mentor new hams and educate them and eventually teach them CW. I for one will probably end up learning it anyways...despite the dropping of it. I just dont see what all the anger and arguing is going to accomplish. Ham radio is a wonderfull hobby and way of life and I fear that the people reading these boards that don't yet have thier ticket and might be studying to get thiers will be hesitant or will just decide that its not worth it. These are just my thoughts...hopefully i wont be persecuted for them
  8. W0FS

    W0FS Ham Member QRZ Page

    When you say "nobody lost" i beg to differ. The 80 meter general class CW operator lost 150 khz, from 3600 to 3750. When the cw ops are jammed into 100 khz with the digital signals and 25 khz of that is extra only, it will be a real zoo, especially during cw contests. A lot of contesters have no regard for a frequency being in use.
    It would seem if we have spectrum to throw away to make more room for signals that hog 10 khz of the phone band each, there should have been a little more left for the cw and digital ops.
    73, Clay WØFS
  9. AD6QD

    AD6QD Guest

    breaker breaker good buddies, 10/4
    good luck...:p
  10. K3ZOR

    K3ZOR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Welcome aboard Techs! It'll be nice to get some more activity on the 10M band. 10M has plenty of space and is an excellent band for DX when the band is open and it's also makes a nice 'local' ragchew band as well. I look forward to hearing a few new voices on soon!

    Also, by all means look into upgrading to get on the other HF bands so you can enjoy this hobby to it's fullest. I am sure that the written tests will become much harder since CW is being removed, but I am certain you will find that it is worth it.

    73 and Enjoy! [​IMG]
    Jim - K3ZOR
  11. KA1SDR

    KA1SDR Ham Member QRZ Page

    you say that very well a former cber maybe?[​IMG]
  12. W4CNG

    W4CNG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Now is the time to get in touch with these new folks when they get licensed and Elmer them.  Some will be wanting to join your or my club.  Let them read some, answer their questions, help them build up a functional station (yes it does take some $$$ in varying amounts) and show them how to operate in a proper manner. If you don't, we will hear garbage on the air, Mr Ruffy RF Issues, and all sorts of the issues we hear now and then on the air now.  There isn't any excuse for a bad sounding station (CW or Phone), but there are many excuses not to get it right.

    It is time to step up to the plate and help the new Crowd that we all know is coming, just like those who helped us way back when we were wet behind the ears...

    Shovel all the negative issues out the door and go forward.  If you don;t, you are likely to get run over by those of us running toward you.

    Good Luck to All
    Steve W4CNG (operates CW, Phone, and digital modes except Win-Link Pactor)
  13. KI5F

    KI5F Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    My gosh! Everyone thinks that this is the end of amateur radio. It is not the end of amateur radio. Just because they are no longer going to test cw doesn't mean that cw is banned! I believe that cw will be around for many,many years to come. I also do not believe that the bands will start to sound like the chicken band. We must teach them by example, and even teach them directly if we must on how to operate properly. We don't comdemn kids when they can't do algebra. We teach them to do it (or at least try to!). What I am trying to say is, we will be having a whole new crowd on the hf bands coming soon. Welcome them and do not alienate them all because they did not take a cw test.

    Don't be chicken little because the sky is not falling!!

    -73 and have a wonderful Christmas.
  14. N0OV

    N0OV Guest

    Well that should boost HF Radio sales over the holidays.

    Personally, this is not the end of amateur radio. If they eliminate the license requirement, that will be the end of amateur radio.

    Is that the next thing everyone is going to wine about -- taking a written test?
  15. KD7YMR

    KD7YMR Ham Member QRZ Page

    So, I guess you totally forgot about the Satellite Cells Phone that have been with us for the last 8 years or so? All governmental officials, news agency's, corporate big-wigs and other techno-geeks with a few $$ own one or two.

    As I have tried to communicate in Words, (Not CW, and maybe that was my mistake. . .) The world does turn and new ages come to pass as old ones fade away. You are now seeing a new age. HAM Radio is simply an old-time fad, which was once the main stream of communications. It simply isn't that today anymore. Not in the least. No body has the NEED of a high maintenance or high level of technology which HAM systems require. Or the space, Or the expense. . . When something else is available and for a lot less hassles or $$ involved. And now that the CODE requirement is banished, I still strongly believe that you will see little to no immediate adverse results. Instead you will see the slow decay of the past 20 years, slowed still a little bit more by this new ruling, to lengthen out the life left in the art of HAM Radio Communication.

    HAM is NOT in Any Way, the only answer as it was in years gone by. It's only an "Arcane Hobby" of Great Expense nowadays. Like collecting old cars. You still can use them, but there are Much better things out there nowadays. Don't misunderstand me, I love my radio too. I simply refuse to be brain-washed with zealots hype of how indispensable and un-replaceable these devices are. HAM is a CHALLENGE. Not the "Standard" or "Accepted" was of doing business any more. Ham operators, once revered, are nowadays looked upon as curiosities or misguided souls, and even in some instances, geeks. Society as well as technology has changed. Period! You can Not argue that.

    And finally; Anybody who is still gryping about loosing the CW requirement is, well, out of touch with the real world. Not only that, but if they were going on and on about it over the CB band, like folk do here, they'd be referred to as a "Ratchet-Jaw"! Hawhahahaha! [​IMG]
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