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Al Quaida wins over Ham Radio?

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KA0TP, Apr 25, 2006.

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  1. W5HTW

    W5HTW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I agree!
  2. N2NH

    N2NH Ham Member QRZ Page

    After 9/11 we were told, do everything the way you normally would or the terrorists win. Of course, there were those who spent months and years in secret secure underground bunkers (I suppose they were part groundhog), and ID checkpoints went up everywhere. But as someone who manned one of these checkpoints for awhile, it seems more than a little hypocritical to tell people to do what they'd normally do and then start probing their rumps with metal detectors and demanding they put radios away. Yep, that's real normal.
  3. KI4HYT

    KI4HYT Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm shaking my head at this whole situation.

    I disagree that the "safety" of the American people are at stake, because the original author of this post couldn't take an HT into the KSC.

    Cellphone are obviously known to be trigger devices and if the security of the KSC were a real issue, then cellphones should be left in the car, so people could get an education on the Space program.

    There's no real difference between any "wireless" device, such as PDAs, cellphones, FRS walkie-talkies, and ham radios, except range and frequency. The only beef these security-types might have had was that he "might" have used it to monitor KSC security's freq. That's the ONLY reason that they could really have an excuse to ask him to put it back in the car.

    I decided to call the Space Center and talked with a wonderful lady who actually called security, after she read the policy from the web site and it didn't list amateur radios. After a brief moment, she came back on with the answer that they are not allowed. I asked if there was a specific reason and she stated that no, they didn't specify one.

    But my best guess, would be that security uses a frequency that could be monitored and they're concerned someone may use it to track security, which is understandable. Or on launch day, you might interfere with communications. I'm sure you wouldn't want to say "We have a go" when the astronauts are not aboard, much like the tv commercial running now.

    Frankly, I'm glad I called, that way I won't have to return to the car. But it is a shame that you can't carry an HT there to show other guests, as that would get them possibly more interested in the Space program and even ham radio.

    Oh well. here's the link to their security policy.
  4. KD7ZOS

    KD7ZOS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Howdy from KD&ZOS: Yup, I'd suggest kicking some political butt. call for a news conference, call your senator and congressman as well to file a complaint. Go after the guys's job and company too (deep Pocket theory), a greedy pro radio attorney will understand! Also Wally World, I hear, is looking for a few good greeters! :-( Your civil rights have been violated, this sets a ugly precedent for all hams! Our soldiers are dying to abroad to protect, these precious freedoms! After what Hams have done in times of a emergency, this is beyond comprehension. contact ARRL to see if they can help, and let me know too please! I'd also contact a attorney to explore the option of a law suit.(pain and suffering for more radio gear!:)...just a notice of a pending legal threat, will cause them to offer you some bucks! use for gasoline and gear!) Yea I know I may get flamed for this, but after carrying a gun and a badge for over 40 years, this is the height of stupidity. One of Americas problems now is everyone is being taught to just roll over and get taken advantage of. We are a nation of laws, so use them to fight for your rights. Stand up and fight for your freedoms, you worked hard to get your FCC licenses, now protect them please. 73's and God Bless, Tom KD7ZOS p.s. never be afraid to ask for a guards supervisor, if not helped, ask for the head of the park, to explain your situation. Guards have been over-ruled, then written up for this kind of bad PR! [​IMG]
  5. AA5TE

    AA5TE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Something that hasn't been mentioned yet is that NASA employees most likely have some type of special background security check and active security clearances. Now all of you who are whining probably don't work for NASA and most likely don't have a clearance with NASA, so they can't fully trust you, now can they?

    I've worked at various nuclear facilities where I couldn't even bring a cell phone on site, but there were security transmitters and land line phones, but I didn't whine about it. You also can't expect a large organization to change its policies, written or not, right or wrong, on YOUR whim.

    Here's a good idea: let's let these organizations waste even more tax payer funds on getting your wish fulfilled. Let's spend a week in meetings, teleconferences, calls, legal proceedings, etc., all so you can bring your projection of your radioliness with you everywhere. Does your wife want you wearing your HT in to bed with her? Better call her up and complain if she doesn't.
  6. K5GHS

    K5GHS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I would encourage this simply because it will prove to you that your ham radio licence is NOT a ticket to carry your radio where you like.

    Your drivers licence, though it allows you to drive anywhere in the United States, doesn't allow you to drive across your neighbors lawn for the exact same reason.

    The NASA facility is a government facility, and although it is government funded, doesn't mean that you as a taxpayer is just allowed to waltz in there and do whatever you like. If they said no radio, its simple, no radio, or no access.

    There are plenty of other people with federal licences to do things. It doesn't mean they can do it wherever they want, definetely.

    This kind of stuff is what gives ham radio a negative stigma and causes us to get into the newspapers. The people that think because they hold a licence with FEDERAL on it, that suddenly they can go around and put lights on thier car and act like something they aren't.

    I like the reference to 'rent a cop' also. Most security guards like myself know that the first thing we aren't is police officers. In fact, according to the law and common training, my job is to observe and report. I don't carry handcuffs, a baton, or mace, or a gun for that matter. I have a specific set of orders that I have to follow, and those are what I would have referred to in this situation.

    I'm sure that the person you encountered knows his job (I would hope so at such a facility!) and when you questioned it, he did the proper thing and called in his supervisor to reiterate the policy.

    If you have a problem with the policy, thats fine, but don't knock the guy for doing his job. I'm sure if Ham Radios were allowed on the premises, he would be corrected and all would be well. But taking the approach that he doesn't know what hes doing and hes a stupid rent a cop because your federal licence didn't get your radio in is definetely the wrong tact to take.

    I've been trained here where I work on what I can allow in and not, and what I can allow out and not. By default, anything not listed is simply not allowed. But, instead of just automatically denying something not listed, I call someone with higher authority to verify that before I deny it, unless it is specifically on my list of things to deny.

    But don't knock the guy who is just doing his job. Hes got his orders from someone on high, and hes just following them.

    I personally have been denied use of my radio or access to a place because I had it before. The choices were pretty simple, if I wanted in, I had to lose the radio. Simple choice.

    I would personally think that this battle isn't the one you would want to pick, but if you want to, thats your right. But before you go too far, I would definetely suggest a re-reading of the federal law that consititutes that licence you carry. I believe you'll find nothing in it that gives you the right to walk onto private property and declare that you MUST have your radio with you. If this was the case, people with CC&R's would have no issues with antenna erection, you could possess any radio you wanted in any state, even those with scanner laws without anyone ever questioning you, etc.

    I would say the possession of the Ham Licence gives you the privledge to operate the radio, possess the radio, but not the right to do it wherever you see fit.

    Interpret it how you wish, but thats the way I see it. I support the guard as a guard myself because its likely that he was just following orders. Don't chastise the guy for doing his job.
  7. KC2PFV

    KC2PFV Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's quite clear that the terrorists weren't aiming to destroy America through taking down a few buildings. They were aiming to CHANGE OUR LIVES.... MAKES US AFRAID. And look what has happened! We are now forced to do stupid stuff like this. The terrorists have indeed one.... We may be killing thousands more of them, but they surely have killed the way of life for millions of Americans.

    I don't know that many terrorists by the name of Thomas D. Popp... [​IMG]
  8. AA5TE

    AA5TE Ham Member QRZ Page

    This so-called "stupid stuff" has been around since well before 9/11.

    We are now forced to do stupid stuff like this, where "this" is arguing about where I can and can't take my stupid HT.

    If you don't like this kind of thing, don't go to places that have security checkpoints. Better yet, move to Palestine.
  9. K2PH

    K2PH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I haven't been down to KSC recently, but I have been there on a launch day, with my 2m HT. In fact, the local repeater rebroadcasts the mission control communications during the launch.

    You will notice on the link above that walkie-talkies & cellphones are NOT listed as impermissible items.

    You may also notice that the visitor's center at KSC is NOT run by NASA but is in fact a giant concession which has been held at various times by different concessionaires.

    The current one, Delaware North Companies, runs facilities in many national parks, as well as owning a bunch of "cruise" steamboats.

    I am assuming that they are the ones who have made this policy. Scary part is that also have the concession at Yellowstone & Glacier Nat'l Parks.

    I fly with my HT all the time on commercial airlines without any problems.

    Perhaps a bit of rampant 9/11 paranoia?

    Paul K2PH
  10. WB2GOF

    WB2GOF Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's commonly spelled Al Qaeda. For a relatively above average intelligent bunch, we Hams seem to have a lot of trouble spelling.
  11. K9TVS

    K9TVS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have seen (w/ a good internet search you can too) a stack of yesau HAM RADIOS confiscated from an IED making room. The use the speaker to activate a relay in turn detonating a bomb. Elementary! These radios are easily sent to places like oman & jordan where ham radio is popular. Surprised Frs was allowed sice thats what IEDs are mostly comprised of.
  12. kc8kod

    kc8kod Ham Member QRZ Page

    Next time, better bring your Alinco DJ-S11/S41... "What are you talking about, sir? It's an FRS!!!" [​IMG]
  13. KB1JVI

    KB1JVI Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think the main problems is, that they allowed FRS radios, but not an amateur radio.

    Same threat, yet policy is not applied across the board.
  14. KI6S

    KI6S Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'd like to second the motion about "it's a government facility". I am active duty military. My ID card allows me access to pretty much every base world-wide. (notice I didn't say "every base") On a lot of federal installations, such as army bases, you need permission from the base commanding officer to even operate a radio on post. This is for security reasons.

    Here's a for-instance: if you have a consealed weapons permit, does that mean that you should be able to take a gun wherever you please? Of course not. Common sense applies here.

    You can't use a cell phone on an airplane, even though it's very unlikely that your 300mw signal is going to actually cause a lot of problems. Heck, you can't do a lot of things on an airplane, including operation a radio station without the pilot's permsission...federal license be damned.

    So, get over yourself. You can survive a couple hours without being leashed to 2M. $.02
  15. KJ7YL

    KJ7YL Ham Member QRZ Page

    I was at the Kennedy Space Center myself a week and a half ago.I do not recall anyone trying to gain entry to the Space Center with FRS radios. I personally took in my Camera and my Cell phone but did not bring a HT.

    Yes the security was very tight I had to turn on my Cell phone and Camera. I can understand a certain amount of Security to a Degree.

    I also think that the Space Center should welcome ham operators to help promote NASA. Nextel makes walkie Talkie cell phones and apparently allows them. So to me that is a form a discrimination.

    I also think it shows the lack of understaning most people have about Amatuer radio. Secondly there are alot of pictures with OSAMA BIN LADEN with a radio in his hand that may have something to do with the public's perception of handheld radios.

    I would write a letter to you Congressman and CC it to NASA just to see how they respond.

    Snohomish WA
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