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Al Quaida wins over Ham Radio?

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KA0TP, Apr 25, 2006.

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  1. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    You win, Jonathan. Bush never said anything at all. All of those folks on the inside lied.

    Just their imagination.

    Funny, after all that left-wing publicity, I don't recall Dubyah issuing a statement that he DIDN'T say those words. Maybe he did and I forgot. Anyway, your turn.
  2. KT6K

    KT6K Ham Member QRZ Page

    "If this were a decidership, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the decider."
    George W. Bush—Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
  3. W9WHE

    W9WHE Ham Member QRZ Page

    W6EM writes:

    "You win, Jonathan.  Bush never said anything at all.  All of those folks on the inside lied".

    Lee, are you are making things up again?
    On May 23rd, W6EM wrote:

    "Actually, a high level GOP friend who shall remain anonymous told me"

    First it was a single "high level GOP friend". Now, all of a sudden, its "all those folks on the inside"?

    Lee, which is it?
    1) a single "high level GOP friend" of yours?
    2)  "all those folks on the inside"?
    3) none of the above?
    4) a figment of your hate-filled imagination?

    YOU tell us. Are your pants on fire?
  4. KY5U

    KY5U Ham Member QRZ Page

    So what did we decide in 500 messages. Shoot the security guards or the amateur who got his panties in a knot?
  5. W9WHE

    W9WHE Ham Member QRZ Page

    I vote that we make hams understand that they have NO "right" to operate wherever they want, even if they do have an orange emcomm vest, tin badge and revolving blue dash light!
  6. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Having said that, if you didn't see John Stewart's "The Daily Show" on the Comedy Channel about 5 nights back, you missed a good one. Haven't laughed so hard in months.

    Bush was charactered in a comic stip in a Superman suit with a big "D" on his chest (stood for "The Decider").

    The funniest part, though, was at the end. Stewart quipped that soon they'd have another comedy comic strip starring "The Defibrillator" (Of course, Dick Cheney. Complete with wires attached, etc.) ROFLMAO!!

  7. KT6K

    KT6K Ham Member QRZ Page

    Keep it up, this is better than going to watch the primates at the zoo!  

     Amazing, when you consider Bush's resemblance to both a chimpanzee and Alfred E. Newman and how his actions or inactions validate both resemblances.[/quote]

    "I look at his children and I believe god created them.
     Then I look at their father and I know man evolved from apes."
  8. N7YA

    N7YA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Grab a beer and come take a seat...the rest of us are watching the brawl. that NASA discussion thing is done...were on to politics!!! hooray!!

    Basically, this is one subject that will always strike up a good punch-up. in reality, none of us wins with big politics running the country...but thats what we have. as i stated earlier, politicians have no idea what its like to be us, i dont trust them and i never will. i dont support either side.

    Im just watching the fireworks, just watching the fissure in the American public get wider. we all hate eachother and nobody fully understands why.

    Oh well, what can you do? ...can you grab me a cold one while youre in there, this wont be ending anytime soon.

    73...Adam, N7YA
  9. WA8EJH

    WA8EJH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Truly amazing. All this ranting.

    The simple issue is that, threat or no threat, al-qaeda or not,
    NASA or not, we have a right to expect those who make and enforce public policy to be informed enough that their actions are appropriate to the situation. The sad truth is that those who decide, in the name of security or whatever, that "something must be done", are not willing to allocate sufficient funds to make sure it is done right. So with limited funding, the job is done by the lowest bidder. How refreshing it would be to have a bid accepted on how well the job will be done rather than how little it will cost.

    This is a widespread problem. The current security concerns have caused this problem to affect more citizens. Let's hope enough of us complain to make our policy makers and legislators aware that they are falling short.

    This is not a security issue as much as it is an accountability issue. It's not about stupidity or ill will, it's about shortsightedness and carelessness.

    My 2 cents.

  10. W9WHE

    W9WHE Ham Member QRZ Page

    WA8EJH writes:

    "NASA or not, we have a right to expect those who make and enforce public policy to be informed enough that their actions are appropriate to the situation"

    Now there you go again, with the idea that everything is a "right". The "entitlement mentality" in this country has gotten WAY OUT OF HAND. Everybody, everywhere, thinks that they have a "right" to everything, all of the time. If you think you have a "right" to perfection, think again!


  11. WA8EJH

    WA8EJH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ah! Now I understand.

    I use the word "right" and the knee jerks.

    I'm leaving this dead-end discussion now.
  12. AI4ME

    AI4ME Guest

    Now thats funny. [​IMG]

    By the way.... I posted a new topic today based on the official response I received from NASA on this very subject.

    It is interesting to note that I never did mention the gentlemans name, just his call sign. As you can see in the response, they mentioned the Ham by name.

    Here is the thread:
  13. AB8PX

    AB8PX QRZ Member QRZ Page

    HTs aren't allowed in our federal building. A security person said they could be used to detonate a bomb. I told him that if I wanted to detonate a bomb, I'd bring the bomb in and set it off outside the building with the radio - not inside. I guess that made too much sense to him. I left the battery and antenna with him.

    A whole lot of people have kept another 911 incident from happening. I'm not going to fault them too much -
  14. AI4ME

    AI4ME Guest

    This is something I do not understand. Cell phones can be used as well. Do they allow cell phones in the building? Here is another thing to consider... if you were to use a radio to do as such, would you not be IN the building at the time?[​IMG] Silly people. Common sense just isnt too common these days. Now Paranoid Sense... thats more common.
  15. VA3WW

    VA3WW Guest

    I have seen the enemy and it is US!

    14 would be terrorists were recently captured with plans to kill and mame here in Toronto.

    Thank God the security worked.They will get there day in court.

    Do you think they will get the same justice Sadam has handed out?Not likely!

    As for the HT I think we should all take our HF radios, much more of a challenge.

    "whatda ya mean no radios,its a 817 yaesu, I only talk tol lids"'

    No lids, no kids, no space cadets.
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