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Al Quaida wins over Ham Radio?

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KA0TP, Apr 25, 2006.

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  1. KA0TP

    KA0TP Guest

    Friday April  7th, When NASA was celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Space Shuttle, I got a chance to visit Kennedy Space Center in the afternoon. Vacationing with the family got me there later in the afternoon but in time for the last tour bus. In part, I made it there with directions from local Hams in the Cocoa Beach area that I contacted with my VX-6 Handheld.

    Then I discovered Al Quaida has won its battle of terror at NASA.

    One young man at the Metal detector asked me what my radio was as I went through the gate. He then asked his boss , Ernestine [sp] and she insisted I return the radio to the rented vehicle in the parking lot. She refused to even listen to me or be polite about it.  Just Return the equipment to parking lot or leave.

    *addition** I obeyed the guards as I was trying to make the last tour bus and didn't want to take the time to argue with their supervisor.*****

    VHF radios are in use through out KSC so the RF is not a problem. The particular type of Amateur radio equipment I have is safe for use on the ISS so not likely to be harmful to equipment at NASA.

    Cell phones and cameras and I believe FRS radios are allowed into KSC grounds on visitors, so communicating around or off KSC is not an issue.  So I am wondering why the Gate security made me miss the last tour bus of the day to return my amateur Radio VHF Handheld to my vehicle???
    **addition** The security rules on their web site are posted out front by the parking lot. So a working piece of gear should have been allowed per their rules.****

    While I can understand security having to blindly follow the rules given it, but there is a point.....

    Here in Portland, OR, Wackenhut security on the PDX Cargo gate does a metal detector wanding of my person to check for pocket knives before I drive onto the tarmac with a truckload of tools, etc..  while servicing the airport Cargo scales. They are low paid Airport security, so it is somewhat laughable but understandable they follow policy rules so blindly.

    But Here I was at KSC, under a mockup of the ISS at the entrance, monitoring for the ISS, hoping I'd have a chance to talk to Bill - NA1SS from the ISS while at KSC, when I ran into blind policy following by the KSC security.

    **addition** I was hoping for a chance to hear and maybe work the ISS from KSC. A real "neat" deal to show my step daughter. A transmission from the space station that we wre looking at the launch site of...***

    Disney World and other Theme parks had no problem with Amateur Radios coming in their gates. Not even a blink. It worked pretty good for info from local Hams and keeping in touch with my Spouse, Sally KE7CNH.

    **Addition ** HT's are allowed to be carried on planes also. Just do not transmit from them.****

    A lot of people expressed interest in Ham radio when the ISS made passes or local Hams chatted while I was waiting in the long lines for the rides.

    So why is Ham radio excluded from where Cameras and Cell phones and FRS radios are allowed?  Maybe Al-Quaida has won?

    **addition** UP, AP,, and Reuters can't agree on spelling so why should we? <GRIN>***

    ***I did submit a complaint to the Company that runs the tours but they never res[ponded to the complaint.***

    Or is it just plain Blind ignorance on the part of some Security Training?

    Thomas D. Popp  -  KA0TP
  2. K2WH

    K2WH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Blind ignorance?  If security does not want it in the facility don't bring it.

    I live in NYC area and many times go into NYC.  I cannot bring an HT, Pager, or even a camera into some areas.  Feel lucky you did not have to have (2) forms of picture ID with you that matches the (mandatory) ID pictures sent in 2 weeks prior to your visit.

    You got it easy.

  3. KD4AMG

    KD4AMG Ham Member QRZ Page

    ...maybe you looked guilty...
  4. K8MHZ

    K8MHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    You should have waited a week. On April 13th I made an SSB contact to N4S (NASA For Space) at the Kennedy Space Center. Maybe the atmosphere would have been better for your HT then.
  5. NF0A

    NF0A Ham Member QRZ Page

    " Or is it just plain Blind ignorance on the part of some Security Training"?

    [​IMG] Welcome to reality...And it is`nt going to get any better.
  6. KD5VJN

    KD5VJN Ham Member QRZ Page

    lot of damage you can do with a vhf handheld. i mean the damage you can do with a handheld is way worse than a shoe bomb
  7. KB2MRW

    KB2MRW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Stop your moaning and just follow the security rules. These people have no idea who you are or what a Ham radio is. This is a new world we live in, and for all they know you could be transmitting to Osama himself.
  8. N0JAA

    N0JAA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes it is blind ignorance. Many people who work at the Cape are ham radio operators, and there is even a repeater on the grounds.

    The fact is the guards were being obstinate.
  9. kd5zba

    kd5zba QRZ Member QRZ Page

    I'm kinda surprised that I'm seeing a lot of "stop your moaning" type of comments.

    If it were me, I would file a complaint with KSC security. After all, NASA would be up a creek without radio, and we're all federally licensed.
  10. AA1MN

    AA1MN Ham Member QRZ Page

    So operating amateur radio is more importanat than the safety of the citizens of the United States? Where does it say in the FCC regulations that ham operators have the right to do that?

    Chuck, AA1MN
  11. WQ7J

    WQ7J Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think that the security supervisor was not being consistant with applying policy.  If FRS handhelds and cellphones were allowed on the complex, why not an HT?
    Just wonder if they were KSC security officers or regular rent-a-cops?
  12. WQ7J

    WQ7J Ham Member QRZ Page

    It isn't, but the fact that the guards were not being even-handed about the situation can actually make the security situation worse.
  13. AA1MN

    AA1MN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Since when has NASA been even-handed about anything? Hell, this is the organization that's responsible for the loss of 17 lives over since its inseption because the half-assed idiots in charge knowingly value public image and cost effeciency over safety and quality control and you expect even-handness out of 'em?

    You're not a NASA employee are you? And, if you are, are you ashamed of it?

    Chuck, AA1MN
  14. K1CPD

    K1CPD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Tell you what...Why don't all you poor ham radio operators that believe you have the right to do what ever you like and bring your radios where ever you want.....growup....Leave the radio in the car where it belongs....Try talking to the people around you....Can't you live one minute without talking on your radio.....It isn't like you are talking about anything that important.....It's a hobby....
  15. KY5U

    KY5U Ham Member QRZ Page


    Al Queda Wins? I might agree with your concerns about the badge heavy security folks, but your premise is pretty weak. It detracts from your real issue.
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