Anyone participating or doing anything exciting for Winter Field Day 2022? It is coming up on Saturday, January 29, 2022 (19:00 UTC) to Sunday,...
Here is some additional information to the December 2021 QST article on the 20 meter half wave vertical. Dimensions for 15 and 10 meters are just...
Whilst everyone in the USA enjoys summer field day, us here in VK have battled through our VHF/UHF winter field day! We have a new van and have...
I worked TWO modes on Field Day: - Part time using commercial power (1D) - Part time using battery back-up power. (1E) The ARRL entry form...
Do you have a last minute question about Field Day? Paul Bourque, N1SFE, the ARRL Contest Manager, will be here to take your questions LIVE on...
[MEDIA] NEW FEATURES Hunter Mode - Clicking a POTA Spot card will copy information into your current QSO You can now toggle QRZ lookups on/off...
The pursuit of SOTA makes a positive impact in a popular outdoors adventure & sports media feature article. Hope you enjoy it, and that more of...
[ATTACH] We’ve got Summertime outdoor Ham Radio fun. Emile and friends at the W5SLA club do Field Day from a new location. Tommy’s...
Well after not being able to participate in Field Day the 3 previous years. It was nice to finally get to do so. Used a CrankIR from SteppIR along...
Thursday (6/18) at 9 pm EDT, Paul Bourque, N1SFE, Contest Program Manager at ARRL will be on Ham Talk Live! for the annual Field Day Q&A show! Ask...
It’s a YOTA Summer![IMG] Since Youth on the Air camp was postponed until 2021, we’ve added some BONUS events that you can do from home for 2020!...
Christian Cudnik, K0STH from 100 Watts and a Wire and Hour:73 will be here on Thursday at 9 pm EDT to talk about the show's annual "Tune Up" event...
Chris of Buddipole launches new tripod/mast company called Mastwerks. Buddipole was designed by Budd Drummond / W3FF in 2000. The company is now...
AmateurLogic.TV Episode 132 is now available for download. [ATTACH] It’s been a few years since the weather allowed, but this year we made it...
Did you run across a rule clarification for Field Day you forgot about? Need to ask a question? Tonight is your chance to get an answer. Bart...
About a year ago, US hams were given access to the 630 meter band. This slice of the spectrum is below the AM radio band at 472 kHz. You may have...
[MEDIA] 73 Julian oh8stn
Call in for Field Day LIVE on International Shortwave! Saturday, June 23, 2018 on WTWW on 9930 KHz Starting at 2 PM Central Daylight Time (7pm /...