On October 20th the results of the 8th international competition Russian WW Digital Contest 2021 for the radio on HF digital modes BPSK63 and RTTY...
[MEDIA] The latest version of the DigiPi software image now includes FT8, SlowScanTV, and FLDigi. All on an affordable ($10) Raspberry Pi Zero....
The North American QSO Party on RTTY will be on Saturday July 17. Our friendly exchange is a Name and State (or Province or Country). Five...
[MEDIA] For those of you that have heard of JS8, but never took the dive in and learn it. This goes over the basics and should get you up to...
[IMG] The Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN® ) Development Team announces the availability of a new stable production release of their...
In English & French... Info - News - Views Infos - Nouvelles - Avis https://www.facebook.com/groups/VE2DMRQuebec [IMG]
Dear Fellow Radio Amateurs, We invite you to participate in the 19th Russian WW PSK Contest from 12.00 UTC on Saturday 20th February till 11:59...
«FT4 SPRINT fast training» competition is held annually by the Russian Digital Radio Club in accordance with this regulation in 4 rounds: winter,...
Thought this might interest some of you. https://qrznow.com/wsjt-x-2-4-0-introduces-new-digital-protocol-q65/[ATTACH]
[ATTACH] 39th Annual ARRL / TAPR Digital Communications Conference (DCC) THIS WEEK - Friday, September 11th & Saturday, 12th DCC will be a...
In the verge of several digital modes, digital voice etc., the audio routing can become a nightmare, like "which interface should I choose for...
This article recently published online in the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) journal SIGNAL should also be of...
Dear Fellow Radio Amateurs, The Russian Digital Radio Club has the honour to invite the radio amateurs all over the world to: 6th Russian WW...
FCC Proposes Authorizing Voluntary All-Digital AM Broadcasting!...
[IMG] It was late in the evening as I sat on the bed. All lights were off, and the room was nearly dark with only a small digital clock glowing....
On October 30th the results of the 6th international competition Russian WW Digital Contest 2019 for the radio on HF digital modes BPSK63 and RTTY...
https://www.radioworld.com/news-and-business/business-and-law/bryan-broadcasting-asks-fcc-to-allow-all-digital-am I found this on Eham originally...
On the eve of RDRC birthday and Activity Days March 23-24 devoted to 5th Anniversary of RDRC (was founded on March 21st, 2014) the results of...
Ham Radio Outlet is selling the new ZumSpot 2 with the 1.3” OLED screen. This is how you assemble it with the case. I highly recommend this...