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FT4 SPRINT fast training: 30 January 2021

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by RK3DSW, Jan 27, 2021.

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  1. RK3DSW

    RK3DSW Ham Member QRZ Page

    «FT4 SPRINT fast training» competition is held annually by the Russian Digital Radio Club in accordance with this regulation in 4 rounds: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. At the end of each round, certificates are issued on the AWARDS CENTER of RDRC website to all participants who sent reports. Among those who took part in each of the four rounds, the results for the calendar year are summed up by the sum of the results, as well as a fifth certificate is issued and one club pennant is drawn in a lottery. The prize sticker is additionally placed on the certificates of the winners for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.

    4 rounds of «FT4 SPRINT fast training» are held starting from 2021 on the last Saturdays of January, April, July, October from 07:00 to 09:00 UTC on the 40 and 20 meter bands in the following frequency bands 7043-7046 KHz and 14076-14079 KHz. Overall standings among all participants. The FT4 digital view is operated in contest mode. Dupe QSOs can be made on different bands.

    The control number consists of an RST and a QSO sequence number starting from 001. General call CQ FT.

    «FT4 SPRINT fast training» in 2021 will be held: I round - January 30, II round - April 24, III round - July 31, IV round - October 30.

    Currently, the following SOFTWARE supports contest mode:
    MSHV - we recommend the new version 2.51 (and subsequent versions), which added our competition "FT4 SPRINT fast training"
    WSJT-X - we recommend versions starting from 2.2.2

    Reports are accepted only in ADI format and must be uploaded no later than 23:59 UTC on the day of each tour via the WEB interface:



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