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Two Metres: Re-Allocation?

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G4TUT/SK2022, Jul 4, 2019.

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  1. G1XXV

    G1XXV Ham Member QRZ Page

    The French also want the 23 cms band so watch out 9700 buyers they could be obsolete within a year.
  2. KF5VUD

    KF5VUD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    If that's your attitude, why did you bother going to the trouble of getting licensed in the first place? ... and in fact, not just getting licensed, but upgrading from Tech to General?
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2019
  3. N9BUL

    N9BUL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Our OLD CB Handles!
  4. KB2E

    KB2E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    This is the kind of thing that happens when certain parts of the spectrum are all but abandoned by those who they are allocated to. 2 meters, although not a long distance band can be quite a bit of fun, well it used to be anyway when people used it. Suddenly we have radios being built that do 160-70cm AM/FM/CW and SSB and all you hear is silence unless you're using the "telephone" (repeaters). So with the quest for space people who want that space make a case. Nobody is ever there so why can't we have it? That's a hard argument to defend against. It's not like 6, 10, 12 and even 15. When they're open they are in use! On any given day with 100 watts and a good INEXPENSIVE beam I can make SSB Q's out to 300 or more miles. There's plenty of ops out here in that range. I guess my question is why do you have to be talking to someone 1000 or more miles away? Get on 2 and call CQ. The more people who do it the more who will be there to listen and participate. I can rag chew with a guy in Arizona in the middle of winter and complain about how cold it is here or I can rag chew with a guy whose antenna is on top of his apartment building in NYC, 300 miles away and listen to him complain about the garbage on the street under the 14 inches of snow Hi Hi! Even a guy 75 or 80 miles away, what's the difference, you're having a chat, you called CQ? Pretty soon if we don't start using the band the same thing will happen here.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2019
    KA2K, K9MIS and KD8ZM like this.
  5. KD8ZM

    KD8ZM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well said. I have no interest in 2m and wouldn't notice if it went away, but it's a shame that all of these people suddenly coming out of the woodwork about how precious 2m is to them, aren't using the band so that the ARRL has a basis for defending it. Here in Ohio it is dead, outside of a few special events.
  6. KB2HSH

    KB2HSH Ham Member QRZ Page

    2m FM is NOTHING like it used to be here in FN02. But you still have satellite, HSMS, and weak-signal on those bands. 144.174 MHz FT8 is popular around here, and even THEN...there's always EME.

    N0WBA likes this.
  7. K9MIS

    K9MIS Ham Member QRZ Page

    In my neck of the woods (Northern WI and Michigan Upper Peninsula), there are numerous unlicensed 2 meter mobile operators using VHF as an upgrade from CB radio. They are on mostly for hunting activities. I don't think the FCC is going to try to police the north woods. This won't work.
    Additionally- As a pilot and a Radio Amateur I am very aware of the antiquated waste of spectrum represented by aviation communications. They abandon antique navigation equipment frequently (VOR's and NDB's). The AM voice channels are a huge waste of spectrum. Aviation has plenty of bandwidth, they need to manage it better.
    YO5PUV, NL7W and K0MAN like this.
  8. NK9Y

    NK9Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    I understand the Paris climate convention indicated the need to minimize air travel, and bovine methane gas expulsion, among many other things. It may stand to reason that trains, and ships, will not need this spectrum, once the planes are all scrapped out.
    N0WBA and KD8ZM like this.
  9. KS4KY

    KS4KY Ham Member QRZ Page

    It would just turn into CB you cant stop all 350,000+ technicians.
  10. DL6BCX

    DL6BCX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    German radio amateurs are well organizised and our DARC is doing his job well. Germany is close to France and we heard very early about the danger of loosing 2 metres. I am wondering, that other neighbour countries e.g. The Netherlands, Denmark... etc. are not acting immediately. The reason might be the DARC with a lot of personnel power and good financial situation. We have to be more than vigilant! We should all inform all who are dealing with that. I am 66 years and I do not want to see in my life that we are leaving the 2 metres band.
    YO5PUV likes this.
  11. VE1CHW

    VE1CHW Ham Member QRZ Page

    If AM is changed to SSB they will have twice as many frequencies , then if the speak English the have an other 1/3.
  12. CT7ANU

    CT7ANU XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Leave it to the french to ruin everything. Everything
  13. KD8ZM

    KD8ZM Ham Member QRZ Page

    DON'T EXAGGERATE! I heard they did something good with fried potatoes, once. :)
    WS4JM and AD5HR like this.
  14. AD5HR

    AD5HR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Don't you mean "freedom fries?
    They did make some tasty toast, though.
  15. N8ZI

    N8ZI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The same thing is coming to the 2M band in USA. Corporate money buys Government officials. Everyone thinks it's cool to use DMR, EchoLink and various other VHF digital modes to the point analog repeaters are dead. Once officials catch wind of inactive segments, they will take them away because no one is using them. The digital guys will be crammed in a tiny space and everything else will be off limits. "Use it or lose it" turned into, "don't worry, they will never take it" yet now it is becoming, "Damn, they are taking it".

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