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HR2.0 - New Ham Radio YouTube Channels You Need To Watch

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KC5HWB, Feb 1, 2021.

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  1. NN4RH

    NN4RH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I also don't think all ham radio youtubes are about "learning". Just like not all books are about "learning". Many are just entertainment. Some are entertaining learning. But some (IMO, many) are neither entertaining nor educational, and are just awful no matter how one looks at it. Thank God the "unboxing video" fad of a couple years ago seems to have mostly passed.
    K8NY, G7DAZ, KI4ZUQ and 2 others like this.
  2. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    OH I knew to get my big bowl of popcorn out for this one. My thought is you have to watch out for the "used car salesman". You know the ones... "this most excellent product was sent to be by (insert 3 letter acronym here) and it's the greatest yet! There's a link down below so you can BUY BUY BUY! Let's take an expansive detailed review in the next 4 minutes and you can get yours today" . They are a bit more subtle than that which is why you have to watch out for them.
    KD1ELK likes this.
  3. 2E0HVK

    2E0HVK XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Any Youtube video where they beg you to 'click the like button', subscribe and 'hit that bell' automatically doesn't get those things from me. And if I upvote or downvote is MY decision, begging gets you nowhere. And please note that objectifying women will automatically get you a downvote.

    There are some 'ham' channels which are, to be honest, a total waste of time. And why on earth would I want to watch over an hour of someone operating a radio when I could better spend my time operating a radio myself? Anyone can upload a video of themselves operating. It's not good content creation, it's lazy. Same with uploading a Zoom call with people talking amongst themselves.

    Also, a 48 minute video promoting other 'content creators'? Do you really believe many people will watch those 48 minutes or just fast forward through it? A 10 minute video would be sufficient, then you could spend the other 38 minutes doing something more worthwhile with your life.

    IMO of course.
    KD1ELK, AA5H, G7DAZ and 4 others like this.
  4. ND5Y

    ND5Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    Right. 99% of ham radio YouTube videos are just garbage made by "content creators".
    About the only one I know of by a real ham that actually knows something is W2AEW.
    VE7KPM, KD1ELK, W2AEW and 3 others like this.
  5. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    "Real" mean there are imitations?
    KI5AAI likes this.
  6. KQ8W

    KQ8W Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's nothing like a contest. You aren't listening to multiple videos at the same time.

    If the number of channels were reduced to 10, for example, and the quality still isn't there, then people will still turn it off. I'd rather have more choice than less.

    EDIT: I should add YouTube is similar to TV. As a kid, I recall we had access to 3 stations. That did not improve the quality of programming. On a similar note, look at software where there are very few vendors. Quality is generally not there.
    K9GLS and KI5AAI like this.
  7. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    Reminds me of Bruce Springsteen, "57 Channels (And Nothin' On)".
    KO2Q, KK9W and KQ8W like this.
  8. KI4UYA

    KI4UYA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Of course there is AKA SPAM
  9. NN4RH

    NN4RH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    If quality will rise, then the rest must sink to the bottom. So, what we need is something like an "internet septic pump" to take care of that sludge.
    KQ8W likes this.
  10. KI4UYA

    KI4UYA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've been sitting here this morning having my coffee while reading the posts. Good laughs for sure and decided to add my 2 cents. I'm sure there are a lot of reasons for starting a you Tube channel. They might be trying to monetize it, get free gear from manufactures or to stream their radio activities. Wether we watch is up to us. IMHO a lot of what's out there is not good quality information . When the Icon-705 came out, I watched a couple of the You Tube reviews ( way to many out there). Since where I live, we don't have a store near me, it was helpful to see & hear the radio. In this me me me I want it now world, I don't see this changing anytime soon. The one thing I can't wrap my head around is the streaming of "on air" activities. they mention on the videos or in the chat room what frequency they are operating on. Isn't that "SELF SPOTTING"? I hope in the near future that some of the rare DX stations start using You Tube so I can know when & where they are operating so I don't have to put in any effort to get them in the log.:D All in all, You Tube is here to stay & you & only you can decide to watch or not! Hopefully "Content Creators" will turn into "Information Creators"
    73 Ya'll
    KI4ZUQ and KI5AAI like this.
  11. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Never been accused of following the herd but as you can see the herd will go all Salem witchtrial on you if you disagree.
    An example if I may. Pick any subject on something specific in most any field. You have to wade through every idiot and clueless look at me video to get to any real information if at all. Its noise similar to trying to QSO during a contest. Maybe that's your thing listening to pile ups to get that point you need that adds up to nothing in the end but myself I want real conversation and real information, not noise like a preschool playground. In those places the loudest wins just like youtube.
    G7DAZ, KK9W and KI4ZUQ like this.
  12. W4NNF

    W4NNF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Or you could just watch a show...and if you think it's not worthy of your time...don't watch it again. If lots do that, it will disappear. If not, you can just scroll on by and not watch it again yourself. Complicated, huh? :D

    Now, not all of these ham radio shows are worth my time for sure. Some I like, some I don't. I don't expect professional broadcast-level production values--or even something comparable to the average cable show. Just accurate/interesting content, decent lighting, a steady camera, and good sound.

    Some have stood out with me, like Ham Nation (until now), Amateur Logic, and also some of the Ham Radio 2.0 shows. In the case of the latter, I was put out by a show he did, a QRP rig comparo (supposedly) that consisted of him weighing the radios with a little scale. But I didn't let it bother me. I fast-forwarded a bit, and then hit the "home" button on the Roku remote. Problem solved. And I will still tune in when he has a subject I think will be of interest to me...who's gonna hit one out of the park every stinkin' time. :cool:
  13. KG5TON

    KG5TON Ham Member QRZ Page

    most of her videos are under 6 minutes long and have great content. She has the best lighting (the Sun). She interviews ONE person at a time and has a conversation. When she does make a 2 hour pileup video, it's worth watching. I don't get to hear 100 different accents where I live. Her content is excellent and she is a top shelf operator.
    KI5AAI likes this.
  14. W5MBH

    W5MBH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Y'all need to get a room !
  15. KI5AAI

    KI5AAI Ham Member QRZ Page

    LOL....I had just came back from a run and had some coffee......I just knead two prrof reed mi post butter in the future. :)
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